Vokietija, Seevetal
...Prijungimas prie IBM AS400 i-Serie mobilus duomenų surinkimas IBM AS400 iSeries Užduotis: Internetinė mobilios duomenų surinkimo įrangos (MDE) prijungimas prie IBM „iSeries“ (anksčiau AS/400) komponentų validavimui gamyboje ir mobiliam serijos numerių spausdinimui baigtoms surinkimo dalims. Prijungimas prie IBM iSeries turi būti nepriklausomas nuo vietos, tačiau tuo pačiu stabilus. Taip pat...
Lietuva, Mostiskes
... combination of your choice. We also provide a quilting service with lots of patterns to choose from, as well as embroidery - any embroidery design possible with our 6 head machine for mass production. Newest machinery allows us to press, roll and put the mattress in the box for easy delivery.
Vokietija, Hemer
... visada vaidino didelį vaidmenį, o mano šėrimo įpročius reklaminiai aspektai paveikė, nusprendžiau atidžiau pažvelgti į gyvūnų mitybą ir išsiaiškinti, ką darau savo gyvūnams su vienu ar kitu produktu. Išnagrinėjau šunų, arklių ir kačių mitybą, taip pat maisto produktų įstatymą ir sudedamąsias dalis įvairiuose pašaruose. Kalbėjau su mitybos specialistais, veterinarais ir gyvūnų gydytojais...
Lietuva, Kaunas
VIPSPAZONE offers to buy directly from the manufacturer wood products, such as hot tubs (wooden, plastic, with fiber glass input), wooden summerhouses, mobile saunas. With more than 15 year experience in wood manufacturer, company can offer Lithuanian and foreign clients products according to the latest technologies and recommendations. Bringing together a skilled team of employees the company...
Slovakija, Myjava
Įmonė MOTOSAM a.s. buvo įkurta 1999 metais. Gamina apdirbimo detales nuo 3 mm iki 50 mm iš žalvario, aliuminio, plieno ir nerūdijančio plieno. Šiuos medžiagas apdirbame moderniose CNC tekinimo staklėse, CNC slankiojančiose galvutėse Citizen ir kamštinėse tekinimo staklėse (viengubos ir daugialypės automatinės staklės - Tornos AS-14). Šios apdirbimo detalės gaminamos pagal klientų brėžinius...
Lietuva, Kretingos R. Sav.,
JSC „BALTIC STRAW“ located in Lithuania, is producing completely 100% natural straw pellets for animal bedding from clean and fresh, Lithuanian straw. Straw pellets are used all over Europe as bedding for horses, pets, and farm animals. Straw pellets are becoming increasingly popular as bedding for horses in all Europe.Without straw pellets for animal bedding our company supplies straw products...
... tobulinti, sintetiniai, pusiau sintetiniai ir mineraliniai pagrindai. AS Performance tepalai nuolat tobulinami. Minimalus trintis, maksimalus tepimo plėvelės storis ir didžiausias variklių bei pavarų patikimumas daro AS Performance tepalus pirmuoju pasirinkimu. Su entuziazmu nuolat dirbame, kad pagerintume mūsų produktų našumą.
Prancūzija, Saint-André
N.O.O.H. AS mes esame didžiuojamės galėdami jums pasiūlyti tikrai išskirtinę kulinarinę patirtį. Mūsų aistra aukštos kokybės saulėgrąžų aliejui skatina mus ieškoti pačių išskirtiniausių šaltinių visame pasaulyje. Atraskite kulinarinės tobulumo esmę su mūsų kruopščiai atrinktais saulėgrąžų aliejais. Mūsų Įsipareigojimas Gamtai yra Kokybė. N.O.O.H. AS širdyje slypi tvirtas įsipareigojimas kokybei...
Prancūzija, Argenteuil
... asmenybe, jei to norite, su visais privalumais (asmeninis ir profesinis tinklas, kvietimai, žinomumas, jūsų ekspertizės pripažinimas, prestižas) - greitai pelningą veiklą, efektyvią su maksimaliu produktyvumu pats pasiekiau žiniasklaidą dėka turinio kūrimo internete, ir šiandien mano veikla, sukurta dėka Interneto, yra mano pagrindinis pajamų šaltinis nuo 2021 metų spalio, nes padėjau daugiau nei 500 žmonių per daugiau nei 20 bendradarbiavimų.
Lietuva, Vilnius
... exhibitions of furniture industry and strategically well-located production place in Europe (Vilnius, Lithuania) has helped us to expand our export markets. As time went by, we started adding new products to our assortment: cutlery inserts, wardrobe organizers, knife trays, spice trays and other wooden accessories. We are expanding our production to many countries through our distribution partners...
Lietuva, Kaunas
... Baltic states. We can offer any type of oat products flakes – from jumbo to instant; oat flour and oat grits/groats – both whole KDHO or steel cut. All our oat products pass for baby food grade in terms of metals, pesticides, mycotoxins levels. We also offer heating products such as wood briquettes and wood pellets also called biofuels. Please visit our website or contact us for any inquiry, we will gladly help you find the right product for you.
Kai Optikos koncerne Carl Zeiss buvo diskutuojama apie srities „Signieren“ išorės paslaugų teikimą, , Matthias Wetzel, pamačiau galimybę ir 1999 metais įkūriau Matthias Wetzel INDUSTRIEBESCHRIFTUNGEN GmbH kaip „management buy out“. Taip galėjau įgyvendinti savo viziją apie efektyvų ženklinimo centrą. Kas prasidėjo su keturiais darbuotojais, dabar išaugo iki beveik 40 žmonių komandos. Kad...
...Western Technological Solutions is a part of the Western Shipyard Group. We specialize in custom fabrication of stainless steel structures, such as tanks, LNG tanks, pressure vessels, scrubbers, columns and structures etc. for various industries, like oil & gas, chemical, pharmaceutical, food & beverage, civil engineering, waste water treatment, CO2 capture, etc. Our operations are certified to...
Lietuva, Siauliai
Rekyva, SC is one of the biggest peat producers in Baltic region. Based in Lithuania the company produces natural peat and professional peat substrates for both hobby and professional growers. We are prepared to produce any mix our client requires. The peat of Rekyva AB is high-moor Sphagnum type peat, ideal for sowing a variety of seeds as well as plant germination and growing Our main products...
Lietuva, Siauliai
... product for the producers of home textiles (blankets, quilts, pillows), upholstery furniture, mattresses and beds, footwear, air filtration products, and professionals of green roofing, civil construction and engineering, sound insulation and acoustics. Neaustima uses various fibers in the production: PES, rPET, cotton, sheep and camel wool, hemp, flax, viscose, silk, polylactic acid (PLA), recycled textile fibers. Company is known as a recycler of post-industrial textile waste. Neaustima buys textile scraps, threads and recycle them into fibers that are used in further production of nonwovens.
Lietuva, Vidukle
... suppliers in Europe. Our company is FSC® certified, which is another proof of our reliability. We care of our customer's needs, enabling them to choose mixed loads. In almost 7 years of existence we never gave up our clients. Our customers also appreciate our flexibility regarding our creative packaging options, and attach the utmost importance to the technical characteristics of packaging such as crates, bags, printed labels or stickers. Don't hesitate to contact us by saleswoodbox@gmail.com for more information or you can visit our website www.woodbox.lt.
Prancūzija, Arphy
Viešbučiai, privačios įmonės, restoranai, amatų ir dekoracijų parduotuvės bei viešosios institucijos: dirbkime kartu! esu Mélissa, „Alliance Spirituelle“ bendraįkūrėja kartu su savo mama, Béatrice. Mes gaminame rankų darbo kvapnias žvakes ir ekologiškus dekoratyvinius daiktus iš dervos. Mes gaminame produktus, kurie yra draugiški aplinkai ir jūsų sveikatai! Mūsų žvakių išskiriama dūmų nėra...
Lietuva, Vilnius
... Safety testing. We offer variety of LED lightening, such as LED high bay lights, outdoor LED flood lights, LED tunnel lights, LED street lights, LED canopy lights, etc. All of our products are with CE, EMC, LVD, RoHS, and some of them are with ENEC, SAA, UL, DLC, PSE, etc. A comprehensive offer regarding the systems for outdoor lighting is based on the most recent technological and design solutions...
Prancūzija, Thonon-Les-Bains
... centre. sukūriau savo laboratoriją prie Leman ežero, Haute-Savoie. ieškau, formuluoju ir gaminu su tikslumu ir kruopštumu efektyvius esminius produktus. Kviečiu jus patirti sensorinę patirtį" – Séverine Thomassin, Saly, Saly Cosmétiques kūrėja PREKYBININKAI Prisijunkite prie mūsų iniciatyvos, skatinančios teigiamą ekologiją, jūsų klientų gerovei -Personalizuota pagalba -Išankstiniai...
Italija, Poggio Torriana
Coser yra dinamiška įmonė, sėkmingai veikianti nuo 1981 metų Granigliatrici-Pallinatrici-Sabbiatrici rinkoje. , dr. Massimo Colombo, Piercarlo sūnus, COSER įkūrėjo partneris, remdamasis savo politiniu-ekonominiu-valdymo išsilavinimu, asmeniškai prisiėmiau atsakomybę už šią įmonę ir investavau bei investuosiu visas energijas ir išteklius į nuolatinį geriausių techninių sprendimų paiešką...
Lietuva, Alytus
... according to technical specifications provided by the customer. Astra offers services such as laser cutting, mechanical machining, punching, pickling and passivation. We are ISO 9001 certified and have implemented ERP system that integrates all stages of the project, from receiving an order to delivery of produced equipment. Each project is individual, so planning is essential, successful planning...
Lietuva, Pagojis
... individual design options •Wide choice of lids and stirrers Our company complies with international quality certification standards such as: •product certification standards FSC and G-CERTI •management certification standards SGS, G-CERTI, and IAS Do not hesitate to contact us for more information! Let’s build up a cup-based partnership. ...
Lietuva, Buozenai
... years, and we have built a strong reputation for excellence in quality and customer service. We are proud to have worked with 30+ different partners in over 15 countries in Europe, and we are committed to continuing to expand our reach. Our products are recognized for their excellence with CE certificates, as well as national yearly awards for being one of the strongest companies in Lithuania...
Lietuva, Kaunas
...JSC "Lenbra" was founded in 1998 year, based in Baltic state - Lithuania. Our main activity is manufacture of polyethylene packaging, such as shrink films/foils for beverage, beer, other drinks, LDPE films/foil for furniture packaging, also we can offer all kinds of LDPE bags, sacks, pallet covers, liners in to the BULKS. We have experience working with international well know companies, who keep us reliable partners. If You have packaging in Your companies and want have best quallity for attractive price, write or call us and we will find the solution.
Lietuva, Klaipeda
... structure allows many units to be joined together and multi story building. - Variety of facilities such as schools, offices, healthcare centers, clinics, workshop places, recreational areas, etc. - Can be easily used in other areas after its usage on primary project.
Lietuva, Vilnius
...) and Ukraine (Kiev). We have 25 years experience with most demanding clients and our professional knowledge as well as careful coordination will guarantee smooth running of your tours. We have built strong relationships with our suppliers, which gives us competitive rates as well as other privileges and advantages to help our clients reach better sales results. Our aim is to provide services to satisfy our clients.
Lietuva, Klaipedos Distr.
... convenience, we take care of the equipment transportation. We shall pack your items in order to ensure their safe transportation. Manufactured equipment and conveyors will be assembled. We will also take care of the installation materials and machinery. As well helping with start-up - adjustment works. In the event of technical failure or disturbances during the warranty period we will take care of the maintenance of the equipment and we will repair it and replace the parts.
Lietuva, Kaunas
... us like no other. Welcome to the family. We’ve come a long way since we started out in 1994. As a global company, we are passionate about making a difference in the log structure industry. And we are proud to state — our business is your business now. We welcome everyone who joins the Eurodita family as a distinguished guest. Everything we do is in tune with your needs. After all, you are the...
Lietuva, Silute
... used to join separate parts of stone, Dura Stone solid surface may be used for individual design solutions. Technistone is a hard, non-porous material in various shades. It is suitable for the production of kitchen and bathroom table tops as well as windowsills and stair treads. The qualities of Technistone resemble those of natural granite. The composition of Technistone: quartz (about 90%), ground granite, coloured quartz, mirror fragments, glass fragments, pigments and a binder (about 10%) - resin. Technistone is also called artificial quartz or conglomerate.

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