Produktai skirti vartojo (150)

Essence Green Plus

Essence Green Plus

Isole del Gusto refrigerate con vasca statica e robusto telaio in acciaio cromato su ruote. Rivestimento in laminato e sovrastruttura in vetro con illuminazione a LED.Adatte al contenimento di vaschette GN (H=200mm max) MODELLI ES GREEN PIUS 3 Capacità vaschette (GN):3 MODELLI ES GREEN PIUS 3 Range:+4/+8 °C MODELLI ES GREEN PIUS 3 Dimensioni mm:1169x650x1288 MODELLI ES GREEN PIUS 4 Capacità vaschette (GN):4 MODELLI ES GREEN PIUS 4 Range:+4/+8 °C MODELLI ES GREEN PIUS 6 Dimensioni mm:1494x650x1288 MODELLI ES GREEN PIUS 6 Capacità vaschette (GN):6 MODELLI ES GREEN PIUS 6 Range:+4/+8 °C MODELLI ES GREEN PIUS 6 Dimensioni mm:2144x650x1288
HQ Eco Green Minkštiklis - Minkštikliai

HQ Eco Green Minkštiklis - Minkštikliai

Ammorbidente con una formulazione altamente concentrata, professionale e con profumazione di lunga durata. Ammorbidente HQ Eco Green presenta una speciale formulazione, che contiene il 100% di tensioattivi e sostanze ammorbidenti di origine vegetale. Il nostro liquido ammorbidente è ottimizzato per sistemi automatici di lavaggio biancheria.
Riebalų šalinimo priemonė G2 - Riebalų šalinimo priemonės

Riebalų šalinimo priemonė G2 - Riebalų šalinimo priemonės

Il nostro sgrassatore pre-trattante G2 è una soluzione fortemente concentrata e sgrassante ideale per rimuovere le macchie più difficili dai tessuti. Grazie alla sua formula avanzata, questo prodotto è in grado di agire efficacemente su una vasta gamma di macchie, come quelle di grasso, olio, vino, caffè e altro ancora. Il nostro sgrassatore pre-trattante è facile da usare, può essere diluito e usato nebulizzandolo direttamente sulla macchia, lasciandolo agire per alcuni minuti prima di metterlo nella lavatrice o dosandolo direttamente durante lavaggio. La macchia scomparirà senza lasciare tracce. Prova il nostro sgrassatore G2 pre-trattante contro le macchie difficili e scopri la differenza!
Eden - Skalbyklos Esencijos

Eden - Skalbyklos Esencijos

Ogni goccia di Essenza Concentrata Eden è studiata per profumare tutto il bucato. Questa fragranza può essere definita “indimenticabile”, merito della sua piramide ol­ fattiva che mescola intense note fiorite ad un fondo boisé. Un liquido da aggiungere all’ammorbidente nel bucato a mano, in lavatrice durante l’ultimo risciacquo. Profuma Bucato Eden è priva di parabeni e nichel free.
Orchidea - Skalbyklos Esencijos

Orchidea - Skalbyklos Esencijos

Ogni goccia di Essenza Concentrata Orchidea è studiata per profumare tutto il bucato. Le sue note dal sapore estremamente femminile ed elegante sono impreziosite dall’es­senza delicata del suo fiore che rilascia sui capi l’armonia e la sensazione di passione e amore. Un liquido da aggiungere all’ammorbidente nel bucato a mano, in lavatrice du­rante l’ultimo risciacquo. Profuma Bucato Orchidea è priva di parabeni e nichel free.
Neutralus higieninis minkštiklis - Minkštikliai

Neutralus higieninis minkštiklis - Minkštikliai

Ammorbidente HQ Neutro è un liquido ammorbidente igienizzante concentrato coaudiuvante antistatico che conferisce freschezza e morbidezza ai tessuti. Ammorbidente HQ igienizzante è un liquido ammorbidente neutro senza profumazione. Può essere utilizzato da solo o insieme alle nostre Essenze Bucato.
Essence Blue Platinum Plus

Essence Blue Platinum Plus

Isole del Gusto con vetrina refrigerata ventilata per autoservizio, robusto telaio in acciaio cromato su ruote, rivestimento essenziale in laminato ed illuminazione a LED.Profondità regolabile per l’esposizione temporanea di prodotti contenuti in vaschette (max. h=200mm), in bottiglia o in appoggio sul fondo/piano. Gas refrigerante R290 (GWP3). MODELLI ES BULE PLANTINUM PIUS 3 Capacità vaschette (GN):3 MODELLI ES BULE PLANTINUM PIUS 3 Range:+4/+8 °C MODELLI ES BULE PLANTINUM PIUS 3 Dimensioni mm:1169x760x1688 MODELLI ES BULE PLANTINUM PIUS 4 Capacità vaschette (GN):4 MODELLI ES BULE PLANTINUM PIUS 4 Range:+4/+8 °C MODELLI ES BULE PLANTINUM PIUS 4 Dimensioni mm:1494x760x1688
Soul Blue Platinum Plus

Soul Blue Platinum Plus

Vetrine refrigerate per il self service studiate per garantire un’ottima visibilità ai piatti ed agli alimenti esposti. Refrigerazione ventilata canalizzata verticalmente per garantire una temperatura omogenea sui 3 ripiani.Vasche per il self service con profondità regolabile per l’esposizione temporanea di prodotti contenuti in vaschette (max. h=200mm) o in appoggio sul fondo/ piano. MODELLI BULE PLANTINUM PIUS 3 Capacità vaschette (GN):3 MODELLI BULE PLANTINUM PIUS 3 Range:+4/+8 °C MODELLI BULE PLANTINUM PIUS 3 Dimensioni mm:1169x760x1485 MODELLI BULE PLANTINUM PIUS 3 Dimensioni foro mm:1135×726 MODELLI BULE PLANTINUM PIUS 4 Capacità vaschette (GN):4 MODELLI BULE PLANTINUM PIUS 4 Range:+4/+8 °C MODELLI BULE PLANTINUM PIUS 4 Dimensioni mm:1494x760x1485 MODELLI BULE PLANTINUM PIUS 4 Dimensioni foro mm:1460×726 MODELLI BULE PLANTINUM PIUS 5 Capacità vaschette (GN):5 MODELLI BULE PLANTINUM PIUS 5 Range:+4/+8 °C MODELLI BULE PLANTINUM PIUS 5 Dimensioni mm:1819x760x1485 MODELLI BULE PLANTINUM PIUS 5 Dimensioni foro mm:1785×726
Laido potenciometras HPS - Laidų potenciometrai pramoniniam naudojimui - trys dydžiai, nuo 250 mm iki 8 m eiga

Laido potenciometras HPS - Laidų potenciometrai pramoniniam naudojimui - trys dydžiai, nuo 250 mm iki 8 m eiga

Stout, easy to install, highly protected against environmental agents: ELAP linear wire potentiometers series HPS are the ideal solution for those industrial applications which require high accuracy and measuring length up to 8 metres. The series HPS, with potentiometer output, is supplied with strokes ranging from 250 to 8000 mm, ±0.25% linearity, 5 KOhm resistance and infinite resolution. The analogue output signals 4-20 mA or 0/10V are also optionally available. The types HPS-S, HPS-M and HPS-L differ for mechanical size and measuring stroke. Series HPS-S: 250, 500, 1000 mm Series HPS-M: 500, 750, 1000, 1250, 1500, 2000, 3000, 4000 mm Series HPS-L: 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 8000 mm Strokes range:250 mm to 8 m Resistance :5 KOhm ±10% Linearity:±0.25%
Essence Blue Plus

Essence Blue Plus

Isole del Gusto refrigerate con vasca ventilata, robusto telaio in acciaio cromato su ruote, rivestimento essenziale in laminato e sovrastruttura in vetro con illuminazione a LED.Gas refrigerante R290 (GWP3). MODELLI ES BULE PIUS 3 Capacità vaschette (GN):3 MODELLI ES BULE PIUS 3 Range:+4/+8 °C MODELLI ES BULE PIUS 3 Dimensioni mm:1169x760x1288 MODELLI ES BULE PIUS 4 Capacità vaschette (GN):4 MODELLI ES BULE PIUS 4 Range:+4/+8 °C MODELLI ES BULE PIUS 4 Dimensioni mm:1494x760x1288 MODELLI ES BULE PIUS 6 Capacità vaschette (GN):6 MODELLI ES BULE PIUS 6 Range:+4/+8 °C MODELLI ES BULE PIUS 6 Dimensioni mm:2144x760x1288
naudotas HF3000

naudotas HF3000

L'HF3000 è un carro raccoglifrutta semovente progettato per ottimizzare la raccolta e la potatura nei moderni impianti ad interfilare ridotto. Dotato di un piano di lavoro unico ad elevazione idraulica, offre una larghezza chiusa di 1,30/1,50/1,70/1,80 metri e può essere aperto fino a 2,28/2,80/3,10/3,30 metri. La lunghezza del piano è di 3,00 metri, con un'altezza massima di 2,50/2,90 metri. Equipaggiato con 4 ruote motrici e sterzanti indipendenti, l'HF3000 garantisce una manovrabilità eccellente, mentre gli elevatori idraulici anteriori e posteriori facilitano il carico e scarico dei bins.
BINS2 naudotas

BINS2 naudotas

Il BINS2 è un carro raccoglifrutta semovente progettato per ottimizzare la raccolta e la potatura nei moderni impianti ad interfilare ridotto. Dotato di due piattaforme di lavoro, una anteriore fissa e una posteriore ad elevazione idraulica, offre una larghezza chiusa di 1,70 metri e può essere aperto fino a 3,10 metri. La lunghezza del piano è di 1,50 metri, con un'altezza massima di 2,50 metri. Equipaggiato con 4 ruote motrici e sterzanti indipendenti, il BINS2 garantisce una manovrabilità eccellente, mentre gli elevatori idraulici anteriori e posteriori facilitano il carico e scarico dei bins.
M9DT24 naudotas

M9DT24 naudotas

Il M9DT24 è un carro raccoglifrutta semovente progettato per ottimizzare la raccolta e la potatura nei moderni impianti ad interfilare ridotto. Dotato di un piano di lavoro unico ad elevazione idraulica, offre una larghezza chiusa di 1,30/1,50 metri e può essere aperto fino a 2,28/2,80 metri grazie alle aperture idrauliche. La lunghezza del piano è di 2,00 metri, con un'altezza massima di 2,40 metri. Equipaggiato con 4 ruote motrici e sterzanti indipendenti, il M9DT24 garantisce una manovrabilità eccellente, mentre gli elevatori idraulici anteriori e posteriori facilitano il carico e scarico dei bins.
M9DT26 naudotas

M9DT26 naudotas

Il M9DT26 è un carro raccoglifrutta semovente ideale per la raccolta e la potatura in impianti ad interfilare ridotto. Questo modello è dotato di un piano di lavoro ad elevazione idraulica con larghezza chiusa di 1,30/1,50 metri, apribile fino a 2,28/2,80 metri. La lunghezza del piano è di 2,50 metri, con un'altezza massima di 2,60 metri. Il M9DT26 è equipaggiato con 4 ruote motrici e sterzanti indipendenti, garantendo una manovrabilità superiore. Gli elevatori idraulici anteriori e posteriori facilitano il carico e scarico dei bins, mentre la trasmissione idrostatica e il cambio a due rapporti a comando elettrico assicurano un controllo preciso della velocità.
naudotas HF4000

naudotas HF4000

L'HF4000 è un carro raccoglifrutta semovente progettato per la raccolta e la potatura nei moderni impianti ad interfilare ridotto. Dotato di un piano di lavoro unico ad elevazione idraulica, offre una larghezza chiusa di 1,30/1,50/1,70/1,80 metri e può essere aperto fino a 2,28/2,80/3,10/3,30 metri. La lunghezza del piano è di 4,00 metri, con un'altezza massima di 2,50/2,90 metri. Equipaggiato con 4 ruote motrici e sterzanti indipendenti, l'HF4000 garantisce una manovrabilità eccellente, mentre gli elevatori idraulici anteriori e posteriori facilitano il carico e scarico dei bins.
Pallet 100x120

Pallet 100x120

Disponibilità 100x120 usati reversibili a 2 vie Portata kg 2000 cm:100x120
Plastikinė Paletė

Plastikinė Paletė

L’azienda Commercializza pallets in plastica ottenuti dall'impiego di materiali da riciclo e conformi ai requisiti specificati nel Regolamento di certificazione "Plastica Seconda Vita".
Daugiagyslinis rovingas ME1975

Daugiagyslinis rovingas ME1975

ME1975 multiend roving represents a proven solution for sheet molding compound applications where efficient processing and superior surface finishes are required in vertical wall and low density ClassA parts. EXCELLENT PROCESSABILITY Easy unwinding and chopping, flat laydown, and uniform dispersion with low fuzz and static allows for high line speeds and thick paste viscosity. High impregnation and wetthrough characteristics in a relatively dense sheet provides excellent resin flow, especially in long vertical walls that can result in less rework. IMPRESSIVE CLASSA SURFACE APPEARANCE Designed for use with lowdensity formulations enabling enhanced ClassA surface aesthetics without rippling. HIGH PERFORMANCE Excellent product flow in mold along with excellent wetthrough characteristics allow for excellent mechanical properties in the final part. ENHANCED SERVICE LIFE Advantex® glass helps fight corrosion, enhancing service life compared to standard Eglass. LINEAR WEIGHT OF ROVING (TEX):4500 YIELDS (YDS/LB):110 LOSS ON IGNITION (5) ISO 1887:2014:1.88 MANUFACTURING REGION:North America PRODUCT/DOFF DESCRIPTION:ME1975 4500 EXTERNAL Ø (IN):14/35 HEIGHT (IN):10.3/26 NET WEIGHT (LB):67.5/30
Unifilo 800 serija

Unifilo 800 serija

UNIFILO® 800 Series continuous filament mats represent a large choice of tailored reinforcement solutions for efficient manufacture of various composite parts by closed mold process. EFFICIENT PROCESSING U850 high permeability product family enables enhanced resin flow in highly filled systems. U810 product family offers a good compromise between low, medium and high drapability and permeability. CORROSION RESISTANCE Excellent corrosion resistance with Advantex® Glass compared to standard Eglass providing longer service life in applications facing corrosion. U800 products are available with varying strand design and binder contents to match up with specific customer applications. U800 Series mats are compatible with unsaturated polyester, vinyl ester, acrylic and epoxy resins. They are designed to be processed in closed mold processes including RTM (high and lowpressure injection), infusion and compression molding. Applications include heavy truck, automotive and industrial parts. NOMINAL MAT WEIGHT (G/CM2):225- 300 - 450 - 600- 900 NOMINAL MAT WEIGHT (OZ./SQ.FT.):0.75 - 1.0 - 1.5 - 2.0 - 3.0 ROLL WIDTH (CM):127- 138
Pjaustytų pluoštų kilimėlis M723A

Pjaustytų pluoštų kilimėlis M723A

QUALITY DESIGNED TO INCREASE PRODUCTIVITY M723A chopped strand mat represents an ideal solution for demanding applications requiring good surface finish and exceptional mechanical properties, in hand layup or closed mold processes. EASY HANDLING AND MOLDABILITY Very good glass bonding provides excellent dry handling characteristics and minimized fiber shedding during molding process. HIGH PROCESS EFFICIENCY Fast wetting and quick air release help reducing the labor required to roll out the part. Exceptional wet tensile strength perfectly fits wet and carrying process. HIGH PERFORMANCE Optimized product design allows good surface finish and smooth surface behind gelcoat while providing the final part with exceptional tensile and flexural performances. ENHANCED SERVICE LIFE Compared to standard Eglass, Advantex® glass helps with enhanced service life in applications facing corrosion. NOMINAL MAT WEIGHT (G/SQ.M):300 - 450 – 600 - 900 NOMINAL MAT WEIGHT (OZ./SQ.FT):1.0 – 1.5 – 2.0 – 3.0 ROLL WIDTH (CM):96.5 - 127 – 152.4 ROLL WIDTH (IN):38 – 50 - 60 NOMINAL MAT WIDTH (CM):96.5 - 127 - 152.4 NOMINAL MAT WIDTH (IN):38 - 50 - 60 ROLL DIAMETER (CM):28.6 ROLL DIAMETER (IN):11 1/4 ROLLS PER PALLET:16 PALLET SIZE (CM):114.3 x 114.3 PALLET SIZE (IN):45 x 45
Tipas 30 vieno galo rovingas se2350

Tipas 30 vieno galo rovingas se2350

SE2350 singleend Type 30® roving is designed for applications requiring high strength, efficient processing and demanding fatigue life. Maximum strand integrity results from uniform distribution of a proprietary sizing system ensuring excellent resintoglass binding. EXCELLENT PROCESSING Smooth runout from lower drag across contact points produces less fuzz, resulting in smoother parts, less cleanup, and improved machine efficiencies. FAST WETOUT WITH REDUCED COST Fast, uniform strand wetout leads to higher glass loading and good adhesion with reduced resin in both amine and anhydride cured epoxy resin systems. This results in optimized part production speed and increased productivity, reducing manufacturing costs. GOOD MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Excellent shear and tensile properties in both amine and anhydride resin systems; good laminate properties in burst, static, and cyclic fatigue provide maximum part strength and long part service life. STRAND TENSILES: ASTM D 2343:Amine/DER 331 Epoxy Resin STRENGTH (MPA):2240 STRENGTH (KSI):325 INTERLAMINAR SHEAR STRENGTH NOL RING: ASTM D 2344:Amine/DER 331 Epoxy Resin DRY SHEAR STRENGTH (MPA):64.4 DRY SHEAR STRENGTH (PSI):9340 SHEAR STRENGTH RETENTION 72 HR BOIL (%):95% YIELD:250 (16 and 22 micron) TEX:2000 (16 and 22 micron) MANUFACTURING REGION:North America
Pjaustytų pluoštų kilimėlis m6 x1

Pjaustytų pluoštų kilimėlis m6 x1

M6X1 chopped strand mat represents a compelling solution for large and thick part manufacturing when high productivity is required in hand layup or closed mold processes. EASY HANDLING AND MOLDABILITY Optimized chop length mix provides superior dry tensile strength while bringing good conformability to contoured molds. HIGH PROCESS EFFICIENCY Fast wetthrough and low resin pickup combined with excellent handling properties in dry and wet conditions. This makes the product an ideal choice for large and thick parts production with dry and wetcarrying process. ENHANCED SERVICE LIFE Compared to standard Eglass, Advantex® glass helps with enhanced service life in applications facing corrosion. HAND LAY UP CLOSED MOLDS M6X1 mat is designed for use with polyester, vinyl ester resin systems inhand layup or closed mold applications including automotive parts, boats, chemical tanks and pools. (Picture copyright nostal6ie, For application illustration only.) NOMINAL MAT WEIGHT (G/CM2):225 - 300 - 450 – 600 ROLL WIDTH (CM):95 - 125 ROLL Ø (CM):30 ROLLS PER PALLET:12 PALLET SIZE (CM):127x97
Sustaina stiklo neaustinės medžiagos minkštiems vinilo grindims

Sustaina stiklo neaustinės medžiagos minkštiems vinilo grindims

Owens Corning surfacing glass NonWovens key product benefits are high strength performance, hot tensile and thermal stability, helping improved dimensional stability and preventing tiles from curling and shrinking.
Drėgnam naudojimui pjaustytas siūlas 790c

Drėgnam naudojimui pjaustytas siūlas 790c

790C wet use chopped strand (WUCS), featuring Advantex® glass fibers, is specifically designed for higherfeed rate processes in dry feed applications. EXCELLENT FIRE/FLEXURAL STRENGTH Engineered to provide fire resistance performance and meet regional building codes. Improves flexural strength of wallboards for ease of handling and installation. High strength characteristics to enhance abuse resistant wallboard systems. EFFICIENT PROCESSING Designed to improve higherfeed rate processes where the uniform glass dosage rate and dispersion reduces feed flow variations and causes clumps. ENHANCED GLASS FIBER CHARACTERISTICS Advantex® glass helps fight corrosion, enhancing service life compared to standard Eglass. Boronfree Advantex® glass contributes to decreased emissions, reduces the environmental impact of manufacturing fiberglass, and provides superior performance in corrosive environments compared to standard Eglass. PHYSICAL PROPERTY:Softening Point ADVANTEX(R) GLASS:916 °C TRADITIONAL E-GLASS:850 - 870 °C MOISTURE CONTENT:5.3 - 8.3% % STRAND SOLIDS LEVEL:.14 - .22% FIBER DIAMETER:14.4 - 17.6μ
Daugiagysliniai rovings optispray f rovings

Daugiagysliniai rovings optispray f rovings

OptiSpray® F Roving represents a compelling solution for fabricators that want to save time and resin while increasing the performance of their products. INCREASED EFFICIENCY Low fuzz combined with easy chopping, flat lay down and uniform dispersion saves time. REDUCED COST Higher glass loading with optimal resin consumption reduces the amount of expensive resin required. GREAT PERFORMANCE Good mechanical properties, great surface quality, excellent conformability, doesn't trap air, low spring back. FAST WETOUT Designed to provide optimal performance for sprayup applications where fast wetout speed is preferred; great performance in various types of part complexities. Owens Corning also offers Technical Support, which focuses on trouble shooting and increased productivity for our customers.
Pjaustytų pluoštų kilimėlis m705/m705x1

Pjaustytų pluoštų kilimėlis m705/m705x1

M705 chopped strand mat represents a compelling solution to hand lay up high glass content and thin laminates balanced with good mechanical properties. EASY HANDLING & MOLDABILITY Optimized chop length mix provides good confirmability to complex contoured molds. PROCESS EFFICIENCY Fast wetting and quick air release help reduce the labor required to roll out the part. BALANCED PERFORMANCES Moderate impregnation speed reduces resin consumption, resulting in thinner laminate with high glass content, and improved mechanical properties. ENHANCED SERVICE LIFE Compared to standard Eglass, Advantex® glass helps with enhanced service life in applications facing corrosion. M705 mat is designed for use with unsaturated polyester, vinyl ester resin systems in hand layup applications including automotive parts, boats, chemical tanks and pools. NOMINAL MAT WEIGHT (G/CM2):225 - 300 - 375 - 450 - 600 ROLL WIDTH (CM):95 - 104 - 125 NOMINAL MAT WIDTH (CM):95 -104 -125 ROLL DIAMETER (CM):30 ROLLS PER PALLET:12 PALLET SIZE (CM):127 x 97
Viengubo galo roving oc hp

Viengubo galo roving oc hp

Introducing higher performance composites by Owens Corning more modulus, more benefits, more opportunities. This new higher performance glass provides a boost in mechanical properties enhancing part performance or cost optimization through redesign. Reduce the weight of pultruded parts by up to 8% by using higher modulus glass, saving material cost. Improve performance by up to 15% in axial tensile strength for helically wound pipe compared to reference products. The glass can be used in high temperature muffler applications due to an annealing point increase of 25 30°C compared to current products. Higher modulus can enable fiberglass rebar with modulus up to 70 GPa on straight bars. Properties previously unattainable on bent bars can now be achieved. Central strength members can be made 8% lighter, enabling increased fiber optic capacity in the cable. Reduce the weight of parts for automotive applications by up to 9%.
Nuolatinis filamento kilimėlis unifilo 500 serija

Nuolatinis filamento kilimėlis unifilo 500 serija

Unifilo® 500 Series continuous filament mats represent a large choice of tailored reinforcement solutions for efficient manufacture of high performance profiles by pultrusion process FREEDOM OF DESIGN AND WHITE COLOR U527 product easily adapts to complex die shapes and preserves part white color. U528X1 product offers a great balance between softness, white color and good tensile strength requirements. PRODUCTIVITY AND HIGH PERFORMANCE U528 product is easy to splice and enables excellent processability. It provides very good mechanical and dielectrical properties to molded parts U529 product higher tensile strength fits the requirement for most challenging profiles and fast pultrusion process speed. CORROSION RESISTANCE Excellent corrosion resistance with Advantex® Glass compared to standard Eglass providing longer service life in applications facing corrosion. Unifilo®500 Series mats are available with varying binder contents to match up with specific customer applications NOMINAL MAT WEIGHT (G/CM2):225 - 300 - 450 - 600 - 900 ROLL WIDTH (CM):127 - 138
Daugiakampis roving OC paneluxe

Daugiakampis roving OC paneluxe

OC Paneluxe™ multiend roving represents a compelling solution for panels where excellent translucency performance is required. Produced with patented Advantex® corrosion resistant ECR glass by Owens Corning and compatible with unsaturated polyester resins. EXCELLENT PROCESSING Designed for excellent processing at various line speeds, OC Paneluxe™ roving features easy unwinding and chopping, flat laydown, and uniform dispersion with low fuzz and static. With high impregnation and wetthrough characteristics, the product allows excellent resin flow in translucent applications. IMPRESSIVE AESTHETICS Excellent fiber distribution provides a homogeneous surface aspect with limited fiber prints, resulting in consistent thickness throughout the laminate. Absence of white fibers and fiber springback along with significant reduction of air entrapment ensures excellent translucency of laminates. LINEAR WEIGHT OF ROVING (TEX):2400 YIELDS (YDS/LB):207 LOSS ON IGNITION (%) ISO 1887:1995:0.65
Sustaina stiklo neaustinės medžiagos kilimėlių plytelėms

Sustaina stiklo neaustinės medžiagos kilimėlių plytelėms

Owens Corning surfacing glass nonwovens key product benefits are high strength performance, hot tensile and thermal stability, helping improved dimensional stability. They help carpet tiles preventing from curling and shrinking. In cushion vinyl flooring, they help improve manufacturing line speed, and installation with less breakage.