Produktai skirti rinkodaras (2680)

FC.17176 Masyvios Metalinės Lentynos Statybos Kampams - Aprūpintos Perforacija, Grafika ir Kabliukais.

FC.17176 Masyvios Metalinės Lentynos Statybos Kampams - Aprūpintos Perforacija, Grafika ir Kabliukais.

Wir präsentieren ein Metallregal, das zur effektiven Belichtung und Organisation von Konstruktionswinkeln konzipiert ist. Es besteht aus langlebigem Metall und gewährleistet Stabilität und Widerstandsfähigkeit bei intensiver Nutzung in Lager- oder Ladenumgebungen. Ein zusätzlicher Vorteil ist die perforierte Wand, an der Sie ganz einfach Haken (im Lieferumfang enthalten) anbringen können, an denen Sie zusätzliche Produkte wie Schrauben, Schrauben, Nägel usw. aufhängen können, sodass Sie alles, was Sie brauchen, immer griffbereit haben. Das Regal ist mit informativen Seitengrafiken ausgestattet, die dem Kunden die Auswahl des richtigen Winkelhaltertyps erleichtern, Zeit sparen und die Effizienz steigern. Zusätzliche Ausstattung: Das Regal ist mit Haken und Rollen ausgestattet, wodurch es leicht bewegt und an verschiedene Bedürfnisse angepasst werden kann. Alles ist pulverbeschichtet, um ein ästhetisches Finish zu erzielen, vor Korrosion zu schützen und eine langfristige Nutzung zu gewäh Maße:1000x600x2000 mm Bestimmung:Märkte, Baumärkte, Lagerhallen Material:Metall, Lochblech, Kunststoff
Influencerių sutartis

Influencerių sutartis

1 contrat de partenariat version Française 1 contrat de partenariat version Anglaise Délai maximum de livraison: 3 jours Après validation de votre commande, les éléments nécessaires pour son traitement vous seront demandés.
Tinklalapių dizainas - Individualus dizainas, išsiskirkite!

Tinklalapių dizainas - Individualus dizainas, išsiskirkite!

Nos créations sont réalisées sur-mesure et le design est aligné avec votre image de marque et l'ADN de votre entreprises.


Light Lift Pro Bannerlift-System
Individualizuota dirbtuvė

Individualizuota dirbtuvė

Formation sur mesure en gestion (productivité et stress) ou marketing/communication
Adreso failai - Prospektavimo įrankiai

Adreso failai - Prospektavimo įrankiai

Notre objectif premier est de définir vos besoins pour vous proposer des solutions personnalisées et ainsi concevoir les éléments de communication les plus adaptés à votre entreprise.
Jūsų paskyra

Jūsų paskyra

See stored personal data Change E-Mail or password Change newsletter subscription
MegaSol 350Wp Aukštos Galingumo Modulis M350-60-t BF GG NICER X Permatomas

MegaSol 350Wp Aukštos Galingumo Modulis M350-60-t BF GG NICER X Permatomas

Nennleistung 350 Wp Nennspannung 35.7 V Nennstrom 9.81 A Leerlaufspannung 42.4 V Kurzschlussstrom 10.28 A Modulwirkungsgrad 18.99 % Leistungssortierung (-) 0 % Leistungssortierung (+) 5 % Elektrische Daten (Zelle) Zellwirkungsgrad 24.20 % Allgemeine Daten (Zelle) Zelltechnologie HiR Zellformat G1 Zellgeometrie Full-square Anzahl Busbars 9 Zelllänge 158.75 mm Zellbreite 158.75 mm Layup Anzahl Zellen 60 Anzahl Zell-Strings 6 Anzahl Zellen pro String 10 Zellunterteilung Full-cell Querkontaktierung Farbe Silber Busbars Farbe Silber Laminataufbau Optik Translucent Laminataufbau Glas-Glas Glastyp Fjord Glasoberfläche AR Farbe Zellzwischenraum Transluzid
Nitrozo Oksido Platintojas - Nitrozo oksido (N2O) rinka plečiasi ir nuolat keičiasi

Nitrozo Oksido Platintojas - Nitrozo oksido (N2O) rinka plečiasi ir nuolat keičiasi

The nitrous oxide (N2O) market is expanding and continuously changing. The demand for nitrous oxide in various industries is skyrocketing, and thus the market continues to grow. According to Grand View Research, Inc., the estimate of the revenue in 2025 is $1.47 billion, compared to the market cap of $805.1 million in 2016. This is already a huge increase but the market still has a lot of room for growth and chances for consumers to become nitrous oxide distributors and earn a piece of the pie. The market has had such a huge increase because there is an increasing demand for nitrous oxide from the food, beverage, automotive, electronics, and medical industries. It’s a tough competitive market that involves a lot of regulations. And so it is also more difficult for a new company to enter the market. Are you thinking about entering the N2O market? Well, then you’re in luck as we’ve written down a few tips on how to become a nitrous oxide distributor right here.
Aukso Luitų Pirkimas

Aukso Luitų Pirkimas

Gestempelte bankfähige Goldbarren, Silberbarren, Platinbarren und Palladiumbarren werden von uns zum jeweiligen ESG-Tageskurs ohne Abzüge angekauft. Selbiges gilt natürlich auch für Tafelbarren, egal ob noch komplette ComibBars® oder Teilstücke. Es ist für uns unerheblich, ob die Barren noch original eingeschweißt sind oder von welcher Prägeanstalt, Scheideanstalt oder Bank die Barren gestempelt sind. Wir benötigen auch keine Zertifikate, da wir in unserem Labor die angelieferten Barren auf ihre Echtheit und Reinheit untersuchen. Sie können uns Ihre Barren / Tafelbarren entweder gut verpackt und ausreichend frankiert über unseren Postankaufservice als Paket zusenden, bei größeren Mengen unseren Werttransportservice nutzen oder auch gern nach Voranmeldung persönlich bei uns vorbeikommen und nach erfolgter Überprüfung den Gutschriftsbetrag entweder in bar oder per Barscheck ausbezahlt oder auch online auf Ihr Konto überwiesen erhalten.
Golf Pride Golfų rankenos - rinkos lyderis golfų rankenose

Golf Pride Golfų rankenos - rinkos lyderis golfų rankenose

Golf Pride Golf Griffe - Seit 6 Jahrzehnte Golf-Griff-Innovation Seit sechs Jahrzehnten ist Golf Pride ein weltweit führender Anbieter von Innovationen und Technologien für Golfgriffe, von der Entwicklung des Slipper-Griffs bis hin zu revolutionären Weiterentwicklungen bei Cord-Golfgriffen mit der neuen Brushed Cotton Technology (BCT). Modern Golfgriffe made in USA Heute setzt Golf Pride die Einführung innovativer Produkte fort und nutzt dabei ein breites Spektrum an Kompetenzen in der Materialentwicklung und Gummimischung. Modernste Griffkonstruktion, -prüfung und -fertigung werden in den Werken in Laurinburg, North Carolina, durchgeführt. Bei Tesi Golf sind wir bestrebt, Ihnen die beste Auswahl an Golf Pride Griffen zu den niedrigsten Preisen anzubieten, so dass Sie eine der stärksten Marken in der Grifftechnologie wählen können und dennoch viel Geld sparen, wenn Sie Ihre Golfschläger neu greifen.
Vietinių rinkų žinios

Vietinių rinkų žinios

Grand Gector provides services to its clients in finding and establishing relationships in the markets of Western, Central and Eastern Europe, the Balkan countries, the Middle East, Central Asia and Africa.
Proud Brands Limited

Proud Brands Limited

Proud Brands Limited is a family-run digital agency in Buckinghamshire. We help you connect with your customers by building websites and eCommerce platforms, improving your online presence with SEO, and creating effective marketing strategies. We also offer fast website hosting and brand development to support your business growth. Our team looks at your competition and finds ways to help you stand out. We focus on honest service and meeting your needs. Let us help your brand grow and succeed.
B2B paklausos generavimas

B2B paklausos generavimas

- Account Based Marketing (ABM) - Social Selling - DataBase Marketing - Marketing de influencers B2B - Planificación de posibles alianzas estratégicas. - Optimización de presencia en ferias y eventos
Elma Meyve Sebze Yiyecek İçecek Scarlet Spur Žalia Obuolys Golden

Elma Meyve Sebze Yiyecek İçecek Scarlet Spur Žalia Obuolys Golden

Isparta’dan Dünyaya Kaliteli Elma Üretimi ve İhracat Isparta'nın verimli topraklarında yetiştirdiğimiz elmalar, yüksek kalite ve doğallığı ile öne çıkmaktadır. Modern tarım teknikleriyle, çevre dostu ve organik yöntemlerle ürettiğimiz elmalarımız, hijyenik koşullarda özenle işlenir ve paketlenir. Elma üretiminde kaliteyi ön planda tutarak, her aşamada titizlikle çalışıyoruz. Elmalarımız, taze ve sağlıklı olarak yerel ve uluslararası pazarlara sunulmaktadır. İhracat standartlarına uygun olarak, dünya çapında birçok ülkeye kaliteli elma gönderiyoruz. Müşteri memnuniyetini her zaman önceliğimiz olarak kabul ediyor, güvenilir tedarik ve zamanında teslimat garantisi sağlıyoruz. Isparta'nın taze ve lezzetli elmalarını global pazarlarda buluşturmanın gururunu yaşıyoruz.
Chalanas Business Consulting

Chalanas Business Consulting

Founded in 2014, Chalanas is unique business consulting firm focused on fast growth of enterprises, institutions and intermediaries. Chalanas provide complete support to business owners in early, growth and expansion stage. Chalanas engages with global and local clients worldwide for providing them professional solutions across the board. We assist clients to understand new fields, increase revenues, enter foreign markets, raise capital, communicate brands, develop organizations, administrate support and manage outsource services. Chalanas has plethora of solutions for entities across the board, commerce lines and practice areas. Chalanas fine tunes its repertoire to tailor suit the specific needs of niche customer situations. Chalanas consulting style offers results that are both organic and inorganic in nature thus producing holistic, exponential and quantum growth. Chalanas has ability to put together strong team of industry experts across sectors and geographies. Chalanas has past experience of working closely with sector agnostic and global investors, fortune companies and intermediaries. Our key clientele includes companies across size, sectors and services. Majority of these are businesses that are now ready and willing to transform to new version of themselves. We also work closely with several governments globally and vis a vis their owned public and private enterprises. Decade ago we decided as company that aimed to bolster the growth of start-ups and entrepreneurs earthwide. We eagerly participated and continue to in both government and private efforts around entrepreneurship and business acumen development. Chalanas evangelizes the spirit of innovation, invention and founding new ventures. Several well funded startups that are now either Unicorns themselves having seen multiple rounds and series of fundings continue to be in our clientele as our sounding boards and us as their continued mentors and advisors.
Investuotojų palaikymas

Investuotojų palaikymas

L'Accompagnement des Investisseurs est une offre dédiée à ceux qui cherchent à investir dans l'immobilier d'entreprise avec succès. CIE offre un service complet qui inclut l'analyse de marché, l'identification des opportunités d'investissement et la gestion des transactions. Cette offre est conçue pour aider les investisseurs à prendre des décisions éclairées et à maximiser leur retour sur investissement, tout en minimisant les risques associés. En choisissant l'Accompagnement des Investisseurs, les clients bénéficient de l'expertise et du réseau de CIE, qui leur permettent d'accéder à des opportunités exclusives et de naviguer avec confiance dans le marché immobilier. Cette offre est particulièrement avantageuse pour les investisseurs cherchant à diversifier leur portefeuille et à capitaliser sur les tendances émergentes du marché immobilier.
Kainų atžvilgiu efektyvūs individualūs „LightBox“ ženklai jūsų verslui

Kainų atžvilgiu efektyvūs individualūs „LightBox“ ženklai jūsų verslui

Want affordable LightBox signs for your store or event? Send us your design, and we’ll create a free mockup to show how it will look. Get your custom LightBox sign mockup at CreateNeon today!
Prabangios transporto priemonės "off market" tarpininkas

Prabangios transporto priemonės "off market" tarpininkas

Įdarbinimo konsultacijos, HR strategija ir koučingas

Įdarbinimo konsultacijos, HR strategija ir koučingas

Entrepreneurs, dirigeants de start-up, TPE, PME et ETI, vous faites face à des défis RH complexes : Attirer et fidéliser les meilleurs talents Définir une stratégie RH adaptée à vos enjeux Répondre aux exigences de vos marchés en internalisant vos ressources Henness Consulting met l'humain au cœur de son approche et vous accompagne avec une expertise pointue, un regard impartial et bienveillant pour relever ces défis au quotidien. Ensemble, construisons des solutions RH sur-mesure qui donneront à votre entreprise tous les atouts pour réussir.


Helping B2B consultants to: (1) generate a targeted segment of high value prospects ready to buy now and (2) create a system for converting these prospects into high ticket paying customers with regularity and consistency. At Sader we work very closely with our clients on all aspects of the campaign design, campaign delivery and campaign optimization. We combine our expertise in B2B sales and lead generation across LinkedIn, cold email and content strategy to provide our clients with the best results possible. Our values are excellence, Insights, results, and a white glove approach.
Maisto įrangos agentūra

Maisto įrangos agentūra

FEA Srls è una società italiana con oltre 30 anni di esperienza, specializzata in soluzioni innovative per l’internazionalizzazione e lo sviluppo tecnico avanzato. Operiamo come partner strategico per le aziende che desiderano espandere la propria presenza sui mercati globali, offrendo servizi di alta qualità progettati su misura. :: Cosa offriamo FEA supporta le imprese in ogni fase del loro percorso di crescita con una gamma completa di servizi: Temporary Export Manager (TEM) Consulenza professionale per l’espansione in nuovi mercati. Analisi di mercato, sviluppo di strategie di ingresso e gestione delle relazioni internazionali. Servizi di negoziazione contrattuale e ottimizzazione dei processi di export. Progettazione e Sviluppo Prodotto Prototipazione avanzata e validazione tecnica. Redazione di manuali tecnici conformi alle normative internazionali. Soluzioni personalizzate per ridurre i costi e migliorare l’efficienza operativa. Consulenza Commerciale Pianificazione strategica per la crescita aziendale. Benchmarking e analisi dei mercati target. Supporto alla penetrazione di nuovi mercati con strategie personalizzate. I nostri vantaggi Esperienza consolidata: Un team di esperti con competenze trasversali nei settori della meccatronica, HO.RE.CA., automotive e design industriale. Soluzioni su misura: Servizi adattabili alle specifiche esigenze di ogni cliente. Innovazione: Utilizzo di tecnologie avanzate, come la stampa 3D e la prototipazione digitale. Flessibilità operativa: Accesso a risorse specializzate senza i costi di un dipartimento interno. Presenza internazionale: Rete globale di partner e collaboratori qualificati. Settori di applicazione FEA opera con successo in numerosi settori: HO.RE.CA. e Grande Distribuzione: Sviluppo di attrezzature e strategie per il mercato internazionale. Automotive e Aerospaziale: Prototipazione e progettazione di componenti ad alta precisione. Sostenibilità e Innovazione Tecnologica: Supporto nello sviluppo e nella commercializzazione di soluzioni green. I nostri successi Abbiamo affiancato numerose aziende nello sviluppo di progetti strategici e nella crescita internazionale, contribuendo a risultati tangibili, come l’aumento del fatturato e la penetrazione di nuovi mercati. I nostri casi di successo includono collaborazioni con aziende leader nei settori del packaging e della ristorazione. Perché scegliere FEA? Collaborare con FEA significa accedere a un partner affidabile, che combina competenze tecniche, strategie commerciali e un approccio personalizzato per garantire risultati concreti. Contatti FEA Srls Sede Legale: Via Cà Dolfin, 37, 36061 Bassano del Grappa (VI) Sede Operativa: Via Generale dalla Chiesa, 94, 36030 Sarcedo (VI) Telefono: +39 0445 1631519 Email: Sito Web:
Premium kukurūzų krakmolas – aukštos kokybės kukurūzų pagrindu pagamintas krakmolas pramoninėms ir kulinarinėms reikmėms

Premium kukurūzų krakmolas – aukštos kokybės kukurūzų pagrindu pagamintas krakmolas pramoninėms ir kulinarinėms reikmėms

Looking for a reliable source of premium-quality cornstarch? Our High-Grade Cornstarch is specially designed to meet the needs of wholesalers and importers across Europe, catering to diverse industries, including food, textiles, paper, and adhesives. Key Features: >Food-Grade Purity: Ideal as a thickening agent for soups, sauces, gravies, and desserts. >Versatile Applications: Perfect for industrial uses, such as binding agents in adhesives and paper production. >Non-GMO & Eco-Friendly: Made from carefully selected non-GMO maize to meet European quality and safety standards. >Consistent Quality: Finely milled and moisture-controlled for optimal performance. Perfect for Importers & Wholesalers: Whether you need bulk orders for the food industry, manufacturing, or distribution, our cornstarch ensures consistency and quality that your business can trust. Contact Us Today! Secure your supply of premium cornstarch and take your operations to the next level. Competitive pricing and fast shipping to all European countries guaranteed!
DM Valid – B2B duomenų bazės tiekėjas

DM Valid – B2B duomenų bazės tiekėjas

B2B Global Database Managed with Expertise! Help businesses to connect with business owners and key persons who run the businesses, such as owners, V.Ps, C-suits, Managers, and Top-level management.
Vidutinio dydžio pekano riešutų gabalėliai

Vidutinio dydžio pekano riešutų gabalėliai

Contamos con una dilatada experiencia en este cultivo, lo que nos ha permitido aprender cómo se adaptan estos árboles a las condiciones climatológicas de distintas zonas. Desde asesorar la compra o alquiler de las fincas y analizar los suelos, necesidades hídricas, planificar marcos de plantación, hasta llevar la dirección del cultivo y posteriormente la venta de las cosechas. Tenemos estructuras muy flexibles de colaboración para que este cultivo proporcione rentabilidades muy interesantes a los inversores.
Callbox Inc.

Callbox Inc.

Callbox is a worldwide recognized leader in B2B Lead Generation powered by AI and human expertise, having been one of the top lead generation experts for the past many years. With a team of over 700 marketing professionals and a massive in-house B2B database, we help businesses of all sizes and industries achieve their growth and revenue goals. Our proprietary AI-powered lead generation platform called "SMART Engage" helps us to identify and qualify leads, personalize content, and track results. This allows us to deliver high-quality leads that are more likely to convert into customers.To get in touch with decision-makers at various stages of the conversion cycle, we use a combination of inbound and outbound channels such as the website, chat, events, email, voice, social media, and SMS. We have a proven track record of success, having completed over 10,000 campaigns in various B2B verticals and geographical areas. We are committed to helping our clients achieve their business objectives, and we believe that AI-powered lead generation is the best way to do that. Contact us today to learn more how Callbox uses AI and human expertise to generate high-quality leads.
SEO agentūra

SEO agentūra

SEO ist die Optimierung Ihrer Websiteinhalte und -informationen für Internet-Suchmaschinen, zu Deutsch: Suchmaschinenoptimierung.
Vertimo paslaugos

Vertimo paslaugos

Le groupe AE-T (Agence Européenne de Traduction, Smart Traduction, Auteuil Traduction) propose depuis plus de 15 ans des traductions financières, juridiques, généralistes et officielles destinées aux professionnels et aux particuliers.