... visų riešutų migdolai turi didžiausią šio vitamino kiekį.
Migdolų miltai yra populiarios ketogeninės dietos dalis. Jie turi mažai angliavandenių ir yra puikus ERR ir baltymų šaltinis. Taip pat jie naudojami ruošiant glitimo neturinčius patiekalus ir desertus.
La farine fourragère, sous-produit issu de la transformation du grain de maïs, est un ingrédient essentiel à l'apport nutritionnel de l'alimentation pour bétail. Recherché pour ses teneurs en amidon, il s'additionnera parfaitement aux diverses formulations des aliments pour animaux.
W: 450 - 500. Farina tipo '00' ottenuta da grani italiani, europei e nordamericani selezionati, per impasti a lavorazione indiretta o a lunga lievitazione. Ideale per aumentare il tenore proteico e migliorare la maglia glutinica dei lievitati. Consigliata per la preparazione di Panettoni, Pandori, Colombe Pasquali di alta qualità.
Słopisz est une ancienne variété de blé, évaluée en raison des valeurs de santé. Il a été oublié depuis longtemps et est actuellement découvert. La croissance était déjà connue dans les temps anciens. Il était un repas de gladiateurs et de participants aux jeux. Il a donné de la force, de la forme physique et, selon certains, même de l'intelligence. L'écriture de l'épeautre est considérée comme très saine. Il renforce l'immunité, élimine les toxines et soutient la circulation sanguine. Il aide à l'inflammation et aux allergies. Il a un effet de réchauffement et améliore le travail du système nerveux. Actuellement, il est utilisé dans la cuisson du pain, des gâteaux, des biscuits, des pâtes maison, des boulettes ou des gâteaux de crêpes.
Specification of Whole Wheat Flour:
Moisture..............................11-11.5 %
Total Ash.............................1.3-1.5 % Max
Water Absorption................70% and above
Crude Fiber..........................2.3-2.5%
Alcoholic Acidity..................0.08% max
Acid Insoluble Ash...............0.08-0.1% max
Carbohydrates.....................73.0 gms
Fats......................................1.70 gms
Fibers...................................11.0 gms
Minerals...............................1.80 gms
Notre farine de chanvre contient en moyenne 50% de protéine. La protéine de chanvre est un superaliment riche en nutriments, souvent utilisé comme complément alimentaire pour augmenter l’apport en protéines. Elle est fabriquée à partir des graines de chanvre, une plante qui contient tous les acides aminés essentiels nécessaires à l’organisme.
Conditionement :100g - 1kg
Full fat linseed meal – thanks to special grinding technology it is free flowing powder despite of very high fat content (46%).
Ideal ingredient for KETO diet and other low carbohydrate diets.
Contains less than 1% of digestible carbohydrates!
"What is pea protein powder?
Peas, everyone knows peas: they are small, round and green. Most people like them and some people dislike them. The best known use of peas is in pea soup. But peas are also used as the basic raw material for the production of pea protein powder. A protein powder is full of protein. Athletes use protein powders to support their muscle building. Muscles need protein to develop and recover. And one of the most widely used plant protein sources is pea protein powder.
How is Pea protein powder made?
After harvesting, the peas are selected, cleaned and liquefied. The protein is extracted through a double separation process: the protein liquid is decanted and then purified. It is then dried, sieved, inspected and packed for shipment. Our organic pea protein powder has a protein content of at least 80%
Healthy properties Pea protein powder
Pea protein powder combines all the best of peas into a long lasting and easy to use …"
Kokosnussmehl ist ein Nebenprodukt von nativem Kokosnussöl extra. Die getrockneten Kokosnussfasern werden zunächst ausgetrieben und dann zu einem Pulver gemahlen. Es ist eine Kokosnussfaser und enthält etwa 15 % des Fettgehalts. Es ist natürlich und ungesüßt, schmeckt und riecht leicht nach Kokosnuss, was sich gut mit den anderen Zutaten mischt und nicht zu stark ist. Während es in getrocknetem Zustand ein leichtes, luftiges Aussehen und eine gute Textur hat, wird es beim Kochen oder Backen relativ dicht.
The composition of buckwheat flour is rich in useful macroelements and microelements. Buckwheat flour also contains a lot of vitamins such as E, C, PP and B vitamins.
Color: Brown:Package: Paper bags
Grown and farmed with great care via the use of techniques developed by generations of locals combined with the use of modern technology and methods, Panthere can provide agricultural products of the highest quality.
I wanted to introduce you to our product. Our products have quality differences from other manufacturers. I can help you with anything related to the product.
e mail: nurbanu@panthereblobal.com
phone number: +90 (507) 739 8482
The raw material for this flour is brown rice containing a large amount fiber in it. There are also lots B vitamins in brown rice. Cold milling technology (t < 40°C) allows to retain most of the vitamins and minerals.
Weight:500 g
Hemp seed flour is hemp seed cake (the by-product of cold pressing after obtaining hemp seed oil) milled and sieved through various screens, resulting in a final product with high protein concentration.
Dla wypieków domowych, do tworzenia finezyjnych ciast w cukierniach oraz pysznych deserów w restauracjach potrzebna jest dobra mąka. Żytnia, pszenna, jęczmienna, z prosa sprawdzą się zarówno w produkcji dań słodkich, jak i wytrawnych. Dlatego w asortymencie naszej hurtowni spożywczej znajdziesz wiele typów wyrobu stanowiącego jeden z najważniejszych kuchennych składników.
sehr feines Mehl, geschmacksentbittert, glutenfrei, vegan, produziert in Deutschland
Erbsenmehl, geschmacksentbittert
Erbsenmehl wird aus der gelben, geschälten Erbse hergestellt. Der entbitterte, leicht süßliche Geschmack, hellgelbe natürliche Farbe sowie ernährungsphysiologische Vorteile geben Applikationen einen Mehrwert.
Ursprungsländer: Italien, Litauen, Baltikum, Tschechien
Anwendungen für alle Proteinmehle:
-Snack- und Cerealienprodukte
-Pflanzlicher Aufschnitt und Aufstrich
-Clean Label Emulgator
Type: All-Purpose Flour
Fineness (%): 100
Processing Type: Miling
Made From: Wheat
Additives: No
No preservatives, chemicals, or bleaching
This wheat flour is finely ground
Great for breads, cakes, pizza dough, and more
Unmatched taste and texture
We offer wheat flour from the best Ukrainian farmers. The products are ready for export and meet all technical conditions, which is confirmed by certificates of quality and conformity.
Packaging: 1 kg, 2 kg and 5 kg
Country of manufacture: Ukraine
Label: From manufacturer or Private label
Composition (per 100 g)
Calories, kcal: 342
Proteins, g: 9.2
Fats, g: 1.2
Carbohydrates, g: 74.9
Wheat flour of the highest grade is characterized by the smallest particle size – no more than 40 microns – and the almost complete absence of fiber and particles of the shell of each grain. This makes the flour very soft and airy, but from a dietary point of view, this variety is the least useful. It contains a lot of calories, which are in no way compensated by fiber, but are neighbors with gluten. For all their culinary appeal, products made from high-grade wheat flour are delicacies with very little benefit.
Packaging – from 1 kg, any packaging design is possible.
Wheat flour is a food product made by grinding wheat grains. It has pleasant taste properties and high nutritional value. One of the most important characteristics of flour is gluten, the more of it in flour, the better its baking properties. The dough on such flour is more elastic, easier to knead and has porosity, which is so appreciated in the production of bread and bakery products.
Impulse Commodity Trading cooperates with leading agricultural manufacturers and can offer its customers high-quality bakery wheat flour of various grades – highest, first, second and coarse whole-grain flour. Therefore, our company can satisfy all the needs of customers. To find out the details, contact us on the phone indicated on the website.
Organic coconut flour is made from gently dried and de-oiled organic coconuts from controlled organic cultivation. It is produced exclusively on the basis of 100% natural coconut meat. The flour is an fine, white to cream-colored powder with an aromatic coconut flavor and a pleasant scent of coconut. Coconut flour is excellent for baking. Up to 20% of the amount of flour specified in the recipe can be replaced by coconut flour. To meet the daily need for fiber, the fine coconut flour is also suitable as an addition.
This product is a controlled organic food according to DE-ÖKO-006.
There are numerous types and kinds of flour on the market. Depending on your needs, we will manufacture such packaging that will meet your needs. We recommend semi-transparent packaging which enables to display a product, or fully printed one with a layer protecting against sunlight.
Skimmed milk powder is produced by removing the water content from pasteurized skim milk through a process called spray-drying. The classification of skimmed milk powder is based on the heat treatment applied during its manufacturing, which can be categorized as high heat, medium heat or low heat.
*more standardised products available.
La harina de soja es el subproducto de la extracción del aceite de soja. Existen varios procesos, que dan como resultado diferentes productos. La harina de soya generalmente se clasifica para su comercialización por su contenido de proteína cruda. Los tipos ricos en proteína se obtienen de semillas descascaradas y contienen 47-49 % de proteína y 3 % de fibra cruda (en base al alimento).
Notre farine de chanvre est issue de graines de chanvre dite aussi chènevis est issue de culture de Cannabis en teneur extrêmement faible en THC (<0,2%) conformément à la législation. Très riche en fibres 40% et en protéines 33%. Obtenue avec notre moulin à partir du tourteau issu du pressage des graines pour la fabrication de l'huile de chanvre.
La Farina di Quinoa BIO Gluten Free è un'alternativa culinaria altamente salutare e nutriente. Ottenuta dalla macinazione dei semi di quinoa un cereale senza glutine originario delle Ande. Certificata biologica e priva di glutine la farina di quinoa è perfetta per le persone che seguono una dieta senza glutine o che hanno intolleranze alimentari. La quinoa stessa è un alimento straordinario ricco di proteine complete che forniscono tutti gli amminoacidi essenziali necessari per la salute muscolare e il benessere generale. Inoltre, è una preziosa fonte di fibre alimentari che favoriscono la digestione e promuovono una sensazione di sazietà duratura. La Farina di Quinoa BIO Gluten Free contiene anche una gamma di vitamine e minerali importanti, tra cui vitamine del gruppo B, ferro, magnesio e zinco. Questi nutrienti sono fondamentali per il corretto funzionamento del corpo e svolgono un ruolo chiave in numerose funzioni fisiologiche.