Partijų Klojimas
Papers and carrier boards are combined in the batch laying section. In the
simplest of cases, a batch that is ready for pressing consists of a sheet of
decorative paper as the base layer, a carrier board and a sheet of decorative
paper as the top layer. It may in certain circumstances be necessary to use of
several types of paper.
Features, function
Papers soaked in resin are supplied to the plant in sheets lying on pallets. A
suction bar separates the papers from the stack and pulls them on to a laying
conveyor. A suction carriage delivers the board made from wood-based
material. The laying conveyor conveys the batch from laying station to laying
station / conveys the assembled batch to the facility core. The batch is
statically charged in order to secure the papers on the carrier board for
continued transport.
The individual layout of the batch layer is based on coordinated standard