URSPACK - Restaurant&FastFood Biodegradable packaging manufacturer


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Urspack Catalog

Urspack Catalog

Naujausias įgyvendintas projektas ・ 2023-07-20 daugiau Open In New icon

We proudly present the new Urspack Catalog - our factory specializing in customized packaging solutions for restaurants, fast-food establishments, bakeries, and pastry shops. We are committed to providing creative and innovative packaging options for your business!



Naujausias įgyvendintas projektas ・ 2023-07-20 daugiau Open In New icon

Wir präsentieren Ihnen voller Stolz den neuen Katalog Urspack - unsere Fabrik für maßgeschneiderte Verpackungen für Restaurants, Fast-Food-Restaurants, Konditoreien und Bäckereien. Wir sind darauf spezialisiert, kreative und innovative Lösungen für Ihre Verpackungsbedürfnisse anzubieten!

Catalogue UrsPack FRENCH

Catalogue UrsPack FRENCH

Naujausias įgyvendintas projektas ・ 2023-07-20 daugiau Open In New icon

Nous vous présentons avec fierté le nouveau Catalogue Urspack - notre usine d'emballages personnalisés pour les restaurants, les fast-foods, les pâtisseries et les boulangeries. Nous nous engageons à fournir des solutions créatives et innovantes pour vos emballages !

Catalogo UrsPack IT

Catalogo UrsPack IT

Naujausias įgyvendintas projektas ・ 2023-07-20 daugiau Open In New icon

Vi presentiamo con orgoglio il nuovo Catalogo Urspack - la nostra fabbrica di confezioni personalizzate per ristoranti, fast food, pasticcerie e panetterie. Siamo dedicati a offrire soluzioni creative e innovative per le vostre confezioni! Cosa ci differenzia dagli altri? Beh, da Urspack mettiamo l'accento sulla qualità superiore delle nostre confezioni, che non solo proteggono i vostri prodotti, ma li valorizzano anche. Con una vasta gamma di materiali e design personalizzati, possiamo evidenziare il vostro marchio e l'identità del vostro business in modo unico. Che siate alla ricerca di scatole per pizza o hamburger, pacchetti per deliziose torte o confezioni personalizzate per i menù, siamo qui per aiutarvi a distinguervi dalla concorrenza e lasciare un'impressione memorabile sui vostri clienti. Il nostro team di professionisti è a vostra disposizione per guidarvi nel processo di personalizzazione, assicurandoci che le vostre confezioni riflettano appieno i valori e l'estetica de



Naujausias įgyvendintas projektas ・ 2023-07-13 daugiau Open In New icon


Gala of Excellence in Management

Gala of Excellence in Management

Gavote naują apdovanojimą ・ 2023-06-27 daugiau Open In New icon

Gala of Excellence in Management took place, where a part of them were applauded and awarded, the top 100 managers in Romania, divided into 10 categories. Among them was Vasile Avram Ursaciuc, the owner of Urspack, in the Marketing and Sales category.

UrsPack keeps production costs under control

UrsPack keeps production costs under control

Įgijote naują sertifikatą ・ 2023-06-20 daugiau Open In New icon

UrsPack is the only company in Romania that produces and customizes biodegradable cardboard packaging at industrial level exclusively for the HoReCa industry. Every month, the company produces tens of millions of packages in its factory with a portfolio that includes many restaurants and fast-food chains and offers Europe's guaranteed best price for reliable cardboard packages for restaurants, fast-food, catering and bakerie.

Biodegradable packaging manufacturer UrsPack

Biodegradable packaging manufacturer UrsPack

Įgijote naują sertifikatą ・ 2023-02-02 daugiau Open In New icon

UrsPack, the only manufacturer of biodegradable packaging from Romania that exclusively targets the HoReCa industry, keeps production costs and inventory under control and efficiently manages sales with SeniorERP and SeniorVisualBI solutions from Senior Software. Due to the benefits of using Senior Software’s integrated systems, the manufacturer expects to double its turnover in 2023.

Domain icon Gamintojas


Str. 22 Decembrie, Nr. 10, Com. Bosanci Jud.

727045 Suceava - Rumunija
