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Crown power transmission - Vokietija



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    Näeme end laiendatud töölauana, oleme nii masinaehituse tarnija kui ka tarnija tööstusele, mis vajab üksikuid jõuülekandeosi. Kliendid on pärit mere-, raudtee-, tuuleenergia, spetsiaalsete hammasrataste / spetsiaalsete hammasrataste ja tehaste ehitusest. Meie ettevõte investeerib pidevalt uutesse tootmistehnoloogiatesse, et olla valmis tulevasteks väljakutseteks. Valmistame standardiseeritud, aga ka ülikeerulisi ja ülimalt nõudlikke hammasrattaid ja võlli ning rõngashammasrattaid (ka rasketehnika! ). Seetõttu on enam kui 200 töötajaga ZWP ülitäpsete toodete "Made in Germany" tootmise liider. Vaatamata pikkadele tarneteedele näiteks Aasiast, peetakse meid usaldusväärseks kohalikuks ajamitehnoloogia partneriks. Oleme kontaktiks hammasrataste tehnoloogia, peaajamite, masinaelementide, laeva hammasrataste, suurte hammasrataste, kaevandustehnoloogia, hammasrataste tootmise üldiselt, tuntud ettevõtete hammasvõllide osas ning pakume teile ka strateegilist partnerlust usaldusväärse masinaehituse tarnijana. Ekspertidena võtame juba tootmisettevõtete allhange. Ei ole haruldane, et oleme tuuleturbiinide, hüdroelektrijaamade, gaasikompressiooni või keskülekande osade strateegiline tarnija. Näiteks kasutatakse meie tooteid ka raudtee hammasrataste, planetaarülekannete, mereajamite, tööstuslike hammasrataste ja kroonhammasrataste sidurite jms jaoks.



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    Kählig Antriebstechnik GmbH specializes in brushed and brushless DC motors from 2.5 watts upwards and has established itself meanwhile as one of the world’s leading manufacturers in this sector. We offer cost-effective and innovative drive concepts based on more than 50 years of experience and the steadily expanding know-how of our application engineers. Thanks to the modular facilities we can economically produce small (50 – 500), medium (up to 20, 000), and large (up to 200, 000) quantities. We employ lean manufacturing techniques in production cells through to fully automated production lines. We also offer a large range of accessories. Our focus is on developing and producing compact, versatile, and high-performance drives for customized applications. Thanks to the extensive expertise of our development department we can provide you with exactly the solution you need for your specific application. - Standard motors with optional extras - For applications that do not entail much development work, we supply our standard modular system motors from stock with very short delivery times. They can also be assembled quickly as complete drive systems including gearings, encoders, brakes, or controllers. - Your system supplier for complete solutions - Apart from our ex-stock DC motors and our know-how in customized drives, you also benefit from the complete solutions we offer as a systems provider. We are looking forward to receiving your inquiry.