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D-DR 3543 NDT - DDA plokščiojo skydelio detektorius pramoniniam rentgeno spinduliui

D-DR 3543 NDT - DDA plokščiojo skydelio detektorius pramoniniam rentgeno spinduliui

Extremely robust and waterproof digital detector array (DDA) for the harsh conditions of industrial radiography and maximum portability. High contrast High sensitive GOS scintillator Large format 35 x 43 cm active area, perfect for profile images Portable & ruggedized 7.4 kg / 70 cm drop test pass Important features: • 100 μm pixel pitch (5.0 lp/mm) • Suitable for X-ray and gamma sources • Equipped with internal shielding for use up to 450 kV • Light-weight full size detector • Hot-swap function enables battery change during operation • Built-in wireless access point • Connector for Gigabit Ethernet and power • Dust-tight and waterproof (IP67) • 70 cm drop test pass
Aukščio Reguliuojama Telefono Kabina M1

Aukščio Reguliuojama Telefono Kabina M1

Elektrisch höhenverstellbar Das elektrische Höhenverstellsystem ermöglicht Ihnen eine schnellere Installation des Pods. Verpackungsreduzierung Für kostengünstigen Transport und bequemen Zugang zum Aufzug. Schallschutz Schalldämmung 25 dB ± 5 dB. Hält Außenlärm fern und minimiert interne Geräusche. Farbe nach Wunsch Die Farbe des Innen- und Außenfilzes des Pods kann nach Wunsch angepasst werden. Belüftungssystem Das verstellbare Belüftungssystem sorgt für frische Luft und erfüllt Ihre Vorlieben. *30 Tage kostenlos testen*
Z+F PROFILER® 9012, 2D lazerinis skeneris - 2D lazerinis skeneris

Z+F PROFILER® 9012, 2D lazerinis skeneris - 2D lazerinis skeneris

The Z+F PROFILER® 9012 has a vertical 360° field-of-view and is the fastest profile imaging 2D laser measurement system in its class. With its scan rate of more than 1 million points per second and a maximum scanning speed of 200 profiles/sec. short distances between the profiles can be achieved even at high speeds of the carrier vehicle. Because of the high point density, even small objects are registered and processed by the software. Because the laser measurement system corresponds to laser class 1, the scanner can be used in urban environments without any restriction. A hardware-assisted pixel-by-pixel synchronization makes it possible to process signals form external devices. As a result, the position and orientation of the scan data can be determined.
TF Termoformavimo Termovizijos Sistema - Infraraudonųjų Spindulių Temperatūros Sprendimai

TF Termoformavimo Termovizijos Sistema - Infraraudonųjų Spindulių Temperatūros Sprendimai

The TF Thermoforming Thermal Imaging System from Fluke Process Instruments features a variety of linescanning systems that provide continuous, accurate and real-time thermal images and temperature measurements for thermoforming processes. Each system comes in a wide choice of spectral and temperatures ranges to accommodate a variety of applications. The series also features dedicated hardware and software options, which have been created specifically for specialized applications and industrial environments. The TF Thermal Imaging System is ideal for applications reaching temperatures from 20 to 350°C (68 to 662°F). MP Linescanner With scan speeds up to 300Hz and the ability to scan up to 1024 data points in a single scan, the MP Linescanner Series can provide a complete picture of even the highest speed manufacturing processes. Additionally, with a 90° field-of-view and up to 200:1 optics, each spot on the target surface is capable Temperature Range:20 to 350°C (68 to 662°F) System Accuracy:±2°C (4°F) Repeatability:±1°C (2°F) Optical Resolution:170:1 (90% energy) Field of View:90° Points per Line:up to 1024 pixels Scan Rate:up to 300 Hz
Ircon® ScanIR®3 Termovizorius - Infraraudonųjų Temperatūros Sprendimai

Ircon® ScanIR®3 Termovizorius - Infraraudonųjų Temperatūros Sprendimai

The ScanIR®3 thermal scanner is designed for a wide variety of noncontact temperature measurement applications, including those in harsh industrial environments. Its robust housing incorporates standard water-cooling and air purge and features built-in laser sighting. A rugged processor box provides universal input and output (I/O) capabilities in the field without the need for an external computer. The ScanIR3 linescanner and thermal imaging system has one of the fastest scan speeds in the industry and offers complete data about even the highest-speed manufacturing processes. Unlike point sensors that measure a single point, the linescanner measures multiple temperature points across a scan line. Its motorized mirror scans at rates up to 150 lines per second, allowing rapid detection of temperature non-uniformities and hot spots. Rotating optics collect infrared radiation at 1024 points within a 90-degree field of view, and industry-leading optical resolution Thermal scanner temperature range:20 to 1200°C (68 to 2192°F)