Kaliumsorbat ist ein hochwirksames, sicheres und ungiftiges Lebensmittelkonservierungsmittel. Obwohl Kaliumsorbat eines von vielen Konservierungsmitteln auf dem Markt ist, ist es eines der besten, da es harmlos und vielseitig ist. Kaliumsorbat wird größtenteils synthetisch hergestellt.
Es ist ein geschmacks- und geruchloses Pulver. Laut der FDA gilt es als sicher in der Anwendung, da es im Körper zu Wasser und Kohlendioxid zerfällt. Es steht auf der Liste der Konservierungsstoffe, die in kosmetischen Mitteln mit Einschränkungen verwendet werden dürfen. Seine maximal zulässige Konzentration im Endprodukt beträgt 0,6 %, berechnet als Sorbinsäure. Es funktioniert am besten in einer sauren Umgebung, ansonsten sind seine Eigenschaften viel schwächer.
Glucosnova is used diluted in water both by foliar application and by irrigation.
Glucosnova can be used in any crop, especially horticultural crops.
Chemical appearance:
Copper (II) sulfate pentahydrate is a blue crystalline solid. It is not combustible and has a strong, nauseating metallic taste. However, it is odorless. When dehydrated, it turns white.
Chemical application and strengths:
Copper sulfate is made by treating copper with hot concentrated sulfuric acid. The crystal combines with other elements for the preparation of different compounds. In its pure nature, it is used as fungicide. It is also mixed with sodium hydroxide to control fungus in melons and grapes.
Copper sulfate is used in swimming pools as an algaecide. It is also used for the control of invasive plants in the pools and controls roots that may have punctured the piping system. Fish farmers use it to kill off the invasive types of snails in aquariums. However, its use in the aquarium is highly controlled, as it is toxic to fish in high quantities.
CAS Number:7758-99-8
HS Code:283325
Ferric alum appears as a white powder or crystalline. The crystalline and powder forms of the substance are soluble in water. However, it is not soluble in organic solvent such as ethanol. When in water, the solution appears clears and does not form a residue. Both of them are not toxic and do not catch flames. However, it can present an environmental hazard if spread in a large area.
Aluminium oxide Al2O3 %:min 16.0
Iron Fe content%:max 0.5
Water insoluble matter 1%:max 0.15
AS %:max 0.0005
Grain size:15 mm max
Sous forme monohydraté 30%, le sulfate de fer est la solution privilégiée par le marché de la cimenterie pour la réduction du chrome hexavalent. Ce produit offre l’alternative la plus fiable et la plus propre aux fabricants de ciment par rapport aux autres options du marché. Le sulfate de fer est également commercialisé sur le marché des producteurs d’engrais.
%6 Su da Çözünür bakır içermektedir. organik şelatlıdır. bitkide leke yapmaz. bitkiyi durdurmaz. saha da yapılan çalışmalarda Aliette veya muadili ilaçlar ile karıştırılarak dikimden 10 gün sonra uygulama yapıldığı zaman kök hastalıklarında etkili olduğu gözlenmiştir. üstten 100 lt suya 100-150 gr arasında uygulama yapılır. meyveler de 200-250 gr a kadar çıkılabilir. damlamadan 1 lt uygulama yapabilirsiniz.
Bei TRADIUM ist Cer in Form von Cer-Metall und Cer-Oxid fü den Industriebedarf erhältlich.
Lieferbare Formen
- Cer-Metall
- Cer-Oxid
Benötigen Sie Cer mit besonderen Lieferformen oder Spezifikationen?
Dann kontaktieren Sie uns! Wir helfen Ihnen gerne bei Ihrem Anliegen.
Ihr Ansprechpartner für Cer ist:
Jan Giese
Tel.: +49 (0)69 50 50 250 - 237
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Anfrage!
Copper (from the latin word “cuprum”) is a soft, malleable, ductile and highly conductive metal. Its name is given to the fact the metal was principally mined in Cyprus (aes cyprium) in the Roman era. With its symbol Cu and its characteristic red-orange colour, Copper was the first metal to be used by men (over 10000 years ago) and the first to be alloyed with another metal to create Bronze (more than 5000 years ago). It is today used as a conductor of heat and electricity, as a building material and as a constituent of various metal alloys.
Description: Powdered crystalof blue color. Water-absorbing
Characteristics: fertilizer; feed additive; paint and coating industry; production of synthetic fibers, dyes; for disinfection and prevention of bacteria in livestock.
Manufacturer: Russia
Type of packaging: bags of 25 kg
Mass fraction :99,2
Copper Ore /copper concentrate /Raw Copper Ore/Copper Ore Lumps
We have quality Copper Ore with content of about cu10-35%, at a very competitive price and large quantities on regular supply. We have them crushed 0-10mm or in lumps as the request might be.
General specifications of copper ore
Copper 40.01%
Total iron as Fe 21.60%
Silicon as Si0 20.24%
Total Sulphur as S 17.10%
Zinc as Zn 0.01%
Moisture or 105 C 1.14%
Granulometry 0-100mm
Interested and serious buyers please contact us with your details for more information.
Électrode permanente pour la mesure du potentiel des installations enterrées.
Elle se compose d’un câble double isolation relié à une barre de cuivre pure à 99,9%. Celle-ci baigne dans un composé à base de sulfate de cuivre (CuSO4) ayant une grande capacité d’hydratation.
Copper sulfate penta hydrate, whose chemical formula is CuSO4.5H2O, is in the form of blue salt. It has widespread use in agriculture, industry and animal husbandry.
We have 5KG, 25KG and 1000KG packaging types. Please contact us for current price and stock information.
Copper Ore
Copper (Cu),%:25.0 Min
Cadmium(Cd), %:0.05 Max
Flourine(F), %:0.10 Max
Moisture(H2O), %:5.0 Max
Lead(Pb), %:5.00 Max
Mercury(Hg), %:0.01 Max
Arsenic(As), %:0.50 Max
Le distillat CBG est un extrait de chanvre broad spectrum purifié, hautement concentré en cannabigerol (plus de 80 %). Phytocannabinoïde mineur, le CBG est naturellement synthétisé dans les fleurs de chanvre en faibles quantités (moins de 1 %).
BIEGLO bietet Polyimide Pulver für verschiedene Prozesse wie zum Beispiel Heisspressen, Direktformen oder als Additiv zur Compoundieren an. Wir haben auch thermoplastisches Polyimid Pulver.
Unsere Polyimid Rohstoffe sind in Pulverform mit verschiedenen Eigenschaften. Heißgepresste Polyimidhalbzeuge können Temperaturen von bis zu 370°C aushalten und bieten extreme thermische Formstabilität. Polyimidpulver wird auch als Additiv angewendet und erhöht die Temperaturbeständigkeit des Produktes. So wird Polyimidpulver oft PTFE beigemischt um die machanische oder thermische Beständigkeit zu verbessern. BIEGLO bietet Polyimidpulver mit einer Partikelgröße ab 4micron an. Wir beraten Sie gerne über Anwendungen und den richtigen Polyimidtypen.
N-Acetyl-L-carnosine, or N-Acetylcarnosine (abbreviated NAC) is a dipeptide. It is similar to carnosine but more resistant to carnosinase degradation thanks to the addition of an acetyl group.
Carnosine (L-Carnosine), the scientific name β-alanyl-L-histidine, is a dipeptide composed of β-alanine and L-histidine, a crystalline solid. Carnosine is not only a nutrient, but also can promote cell metabolism and delay aging. Carnosine can trap free radicals and prevent glycosylation reactions. It has anti-oxidation and anti-glycation effects. It can be used with whitening ingredients to enhance its whitening effect.
CAS. No:56353-15-2
INCI Name:N-Acetyl L-Carnosine
Molecular Weight: 268.27
Natriumacetat ist das Natriumsalz der Essigsäure und wird durch die Reaktion von Essigsäure mit einer Natriumverbindung gewonnen. Es ist ein farbloses Salz mit schwachem Essiggeruch, das gut in Wasser aber nur schlecht in Alkohol löslich ist. Wenn eine gesättigte Natriumacetatlösung kristallisiert, entsteht Hitze.
* Säureregulator
* Konservierungsmittel
* Puffer
* Maskierung des Grundgeruchs
* Herstellung von Taschenwärmern
* Energiespeicher
CAS (Trihydrat):6131-90-4
CAS (wasserfrei):127-09-3
Lagerung:kühl, trocken, lichtgeschützt, in geschlossenen Gebinden lagern
I pomodori sono ricchi di sostanze nutritive e una forte fonte di vitamine A e C, che aiutano a rafforzare il sistema immunitario e sono benefici per la sintesi del collagene e la salute della pelle. Contiene significativamente più licopene sotto forma di polvere essiccata rispetto ai pomodori freschi ed essendo un potente antiossidante, può aiutare a proteggere dalle malattie cardiache e da vari tipi di cancro.
INFORMAZIONI SUL PRODOTTO. La polvere di pomodoro disidratato viene prodotta dal pomodoro coltivato in proprio essiccando e macinando il pomodoro. La polvere di pomodori secchi è composta al 100% da pomodori maturati al sole. Contiene tutta la dolcezza e l'acidità del pomodoro fresco, senza esaltatori di sapidità, sale, aromi o sostanze chimiche antiagglomeranti. Il sapore è intenso e più saporito della maggior parte dei pomodori freschi. Ideale per aggiungere sapore e colore di pomodoro alle formulazioni, nonché per addensare e regolare la necessaria materia secca (consistenz
Aluminum hydroxide, white solid, is a typical amphoteric hydroxide that is insoluble in water but soluble in acid or alkali. It can be transformed into alumina after heated in the air for dehydration, which is important for alumina production. Aluminum hydroxide is a widely used chemical product, and it is mainly used as plastic and polymer fillers, blanket flame retardant and binder, epoxy resin filler, toothpaste fillers, glass ingredients as well as paper color fillers and coatings. It can be also used to product sulfuric acid Aluminum, alum, aluminum fluoride and sodium aluminate, and to synthesize molecular sieve. The gel and drying gel of aluminum hydroxide can be used in medicine as antacids to neutralize gastric acid and protect ulcer surface for the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcer disease and hyperacidity
NdFeB Pulver besonders geeignet für die Herstellung von dünnwandigen Magnetringen mit mehrpoligen magnetisierten. Die Granularität des anisotropen Pulvers könnte entsprechend der Anforderung der Kunden angepasst werden, um die Anforderung der Schimmelverdichtung und -injektion zu erfüllen, sowie alle Arten anderer Produktionsarten.
Material:as required
particle size :as required
package:as required
Pour l’agglomération du minerai de fer, ces castines sont constituées de calcaire à plus de 97% de carbonate de calcium.
Elles servent également de composant dans les engrais.
Contactez-nous pour des informations complémentaires