Produktai skirti talpykla (31)

Popierinės maišeliai greitam maistui - Pagaminti su stačiakampiu pagrindu, kad būtų galima tinkamai sudėti maisto konteinerius

Popierinės maišeliai greitam maistui - Pagaminti su stačiakampiu pagrindu, kad būtų galima tinkamai sudėti maisto konteinerius

Aplicabilitate: utilizat în principal în restaurantele fast-food. Producție: sunt fabricate 100% automat cu aplicare controlată de adezivi industriali ecologici pe bază de apă. Personalizare: se pot imprima la cel mai înalt nivel de calitate în până la 10 culori liniare și/sau policrome, inclusiv cele speciale: auriu, argintiu metalic cu cerneală ecologică pe bază de apă pentru contactul cu alimentele. Rezoluția de imprimare poate ajunge cu ușurință la 300 dpi. Material: hârtie virgină albă sau kraft natur, sau cu un anumit procent de fibre reciclate, diverse grosimi (70-100 GSM), certificate FSC, EarthCare, ISO9001, ISO14001. Dimensiuni: producem de obicei zece dimensiuni care sunt „cele mai vândute” atât pe piețele UE, cât și pe cele din SUA. Dimensiunea cel mai frecvent solicitată este 260 x 165 x 300 mm și 230 x 100 x 300 mm. Ele pot fi sigilate cu etichete adezive. Capacitate de producție: peste 150 de milioane de bucăți anual.
Nerūdijančio Plieno Talpa

Nerūdijančio Plieno Talpa

Das Profinox-Team versteht die Bedürfnisse der Kunden, verderbliche Waren unter optimalen Sicherheitsbedingungen aufzubewahren und zu lagern, voll und ganz und erfüllt Ihre Anforderungen mit einer breiten Palette an Edelstahlbehältern: Edelstahltanks, Becken, Kessel, Mixer und andere Arten von Edelstahlbehältern. Seit 2005 hat sich die einwandfreie Qualität der Edelstahlbehälter von Profinox auf dem nationalen und internationalen Markt einen Namen gemacht. In dieser Zeit haben unsere Spezialisten über 1.000 Container hergestellt und sind zu einem vertrauenswürdigen Lieferanten für verschiedene Branchen in Rumänien, Europa und Asien geworden. Mit unserem Produktionsservice für Edelstahlbehälter sind wir in der Lage, ein breites Branchenspektrum zu bedienen. Ob für die Molkerei-, Lebensmittel-, Pharma- oder Chemieindustrie: Behälter wie Edelstahlbottiche, Becken oder andere Edelstahlgefäße sind ideal, wenn es um die Lagerung unter höchsten Hygienebedingungen geht. Materialqualität:W1.4301/W1.4404 Lautstärke:max. 20.000 L
Warhol pietų dėžutė

Warhol pietų dėžutė

Our Warhol Lunchbox is made from recycled stainless steel, featuring a 740ml (490ml net) capacity. This lunchbox is designed for convenience, with dual compartments secured by side buckles, making it perfect for carrying your meals to work or picnics. The Warhol Lunchbox is an eco-friendly choice that allows you to enjoy your favorite dishes while promoting sustainability. Make every meal a planet-friendly delight with this stylish and practical lunchbox.
Michael Drabužių Krepšys

Michael Drabužių Krepšys

Soufflet : Aucun Observations : Deux anses munies d'une fermeture éclair et d'un cordon Recommandé : pour les robes courtes et les costumes pour hommes Matériau standard : Tercot 35 % coton et 65 % pes Couleurs standards : Blanc et Noir D'autres coloris et matières sont disponibles tels que : TNT, tercot, coton, satin, tissus enduits, sur demande.
Dviem skyriams skirtas indas sausainiams

Dviem skyriams skirtas indas sausainiams

Caserola (model 4070) din imagine are doua compartimente. In aceste compartimente se pot pune piscoturi, fursecuri, biscuiti, covrigei sau prajituri. Dimensiuni caserola: -exterior 232x153x40m -interior 215x66x40mm -capacitate aprox.750ml Putem executa la comanda si alte modele de caserole plastic, dupa specificatia clientului.
Modulinė Statyba Komercinėms Erdvėms - Modulinis Konstruktorius Coffee2Go Veiklai

Modulinė Statyba Komercinėms Erdvėms - Modulinis Konstruktorius Coffee2Go Veiklai

Construcție modulară transportabilă. Dimensiuni exterioare 4x2.5m. Termoizolată cu panou de tip Sandwich grosime 60mm. Cadru metalic zincat din profile speciale cu scurgere de apă ascunsă. Toate construcțiile modulare PremiumBOX se pot livra la cheie, cât și sub formă de pachet (flat-pack).
Take Away Pietų Dėžutė 45 Oz - Vienkartiniai POPIERIAUS maisto indai su 3 skyriumi

Take Away Pietų Dėžutė 45 Oz - Vienkartiniai POPIERIAUS maisto indai su 3 skyriumi

Grease proof - Take Away Box-3 compartment B.220x120T.235x135H50 Capacity- 1300cc/45 Oz-Customizable Paper Lunch Box Supplier Suitable for street food business, your running food servicing business, catering business, fast food van. Brown take out boxes are easy to open from the top, so that you can pack your food very quickly. Even your customers can also carry it in their hands easily. These take-home boxes have greaseproof material so prevent oil cannot come out of it and also It can reduce heat loss. Suitable for hot, cold, wet or dry foods. MEAL BOX:ADS1300
Foodbox - Maisto konteineris

Foodbox - Maisto konteineris

White/crafted and they could be printed ( it comes in different dimensions) Material: Cardboard Cardboard + PE
Modulinis konteineris - Modulinis konteineris iš plokščių

Modulinis konteineris - Modulinis konteineris iš plokščių

Detalii structurale Panouri Sunt realizate in structura mecano-sudata din tevi, profile, tabla plana sau tabla ambutisata. Sunt protejate impotriva coroziunii prin acoperire cu grunduri si vopsele poliuretanice. Peretii laterali si peretii despartitori sunt realizati din panouri sandwich termoizolante, cu grosimi intre 40 si 80 mm, cu grosimi de tabla intre 0,35 – 0,50 mm la exterior si 0,35 – 0,4 mm la interior. Peretii sunt prevopsiti PE 15-25, in nuante Ral 7016, 9002 sau 9006. Acoperisul se realizeaza din tabla plana sudata etans, acoperita cu grund si vopsea poliuretanica, peste care se aplica un strat protector suplimentar, de membrana bituminata hidroizolanta. Pardoseala se sprijina pe tevi rectangulare sudate intre lonjeroanele inferioare, si se realizeaza din panouri sandwich sau placi tego, peste care se monteaza polistiren extrudat, folie termoizolanta si parchet cu plinta de rasinoase sau linoleum. ....
skysčių pildymo mašina - vakuuminė pildymo mašina

skysčių pildymo mašina - vakuuminė pildymo mašina

Enolmatic este singurul aparat de umplere de dimensiuni mici si cu operare usoara avand caracteristici profesionale: aproximativ 250 de sticle pe ora rata de umplere. Echipament ideal pentru umplere vin, ulei, băuturi spirtoase, lichior, sos de rosii, sucuri de fructe, precum și a lichidelor cu viscozitate relativ mare.
Nerūdijančio Plieno Talpyklos

Nerūdijančio Plieno Talpyklos

L'équipe Profinox comprend parfaitement le besoin des clients de conserver et stocker les denrées périssables dans des conditions de sécurité optimales, et répond à vos besoins avec une large gamme de conteneurs inox : cuves inox, bassines, chaudières, mélangeurs et autres types de cuves inox. Depuis 2005, la qualité irréprochable des conteneurs en acier inoxydable Profinox s'est fait un nom sur les marchés nationaux et internationaux. Durant cette période, nos spécialistes ont produit plus de 1 000 conteneurs, devenant ainsi un fournisseur de confiance pour diverses industries en Roumanie, en Europe et en Asie. Grâce à notre service de production de conteneurs en acier inoxydable, nous sommes en mesure de servir un large éventail d’industries. Que ce soit pour l'industrie laitière, alimentaire, pharmaceutique ou chimique, les conteneurs tels que les cuves, bassines ou autres récipients en acier inoxydable sont idéaux pour un stockage dans des conditions d'hygiène maximales. Qualité du matériau:W1.4301/W1.4404 Volume:maximum. 20 000 L
Nerūdijančio Plieno Talpyklos

Nerūdijančio Plieno Talpyklos

Il team Profinox comprende appieno l'esigenza dei clienti di conservare e immagazzinare merci deperibili in condizioni di sicurezza ottimali e soddisfa le vostre esigenze con un'ampia gamma di contenitori in acciaio inossidabile: tini, vasche, caldaie, miscelatori e altri tipi di contenitori in acciaio inossidabile. Dal 2005, l'impeccabile qualità dei contenitori in acciaio inox Profinox si è affermata sul mercato nazionale ed internazionale. Durante questo periodo, i nostri specialisti hanno prodotto oltre 1.000 contenitori, diventando un fornitore di fiducia per vari settori in Romania, Europa e Asia. Con il nostro servizio di produzione di contenitori in acciaio inossidabile, siamo in grado di servire un'ampia gamma di settori. Che si tratti dell'industria lattiero-casearia, alimentare, farmaceutica o chimica, contenitori come tini, vasche o altri contenitori in acciaio inossidabile sono ideali quando si tratta di stoccaggio nelle massime condizioni igieniche. Qualità del materiale:W1.4301/W1.4404 Volume:massimo. 20.000 litri
Greito maisto popierinės maišeliai - Sukurti su stačiakampiu pagrindu, kad tinkamai būtų galima sudėti maisto konteinerius

Greito maisto popierinės maišeliai - Sukurti su stačiakampiu pagrindu, kad tinkamai būtų galima sudėti maisto konteinerius

Alkalmazhatóság: elsősorban gyorséttermekben használatos. Gyártás: gyártásuk 100%-ban automatizáltan történik, ökológiai, vízbázisú ipari ragasztók ellenőrzött alkalmazásával. Személyre szabás: a legmagasabb minőségi színvonalon, akár 10 lineáris színnel és/vagy polikrómokkal nyomtathatók, beleértve a különleges színeket is: arany, fémes ezüst, ökológiai, vízbázisú, élelmiszerrel érintkező tintával. A nyomtatási felbontás könnyen elérheti a 300 dpi-t. Anyag: fehér szűz papír vagy természetes kraft, vagy bizonyos százalékban újrahasznosított szálakkal, különböző vastagságban (70-100 GSM), FSC, EarthCare, ISO9001, ISO14001 tanúsítvánnyal. Méretek: Általában tíz méretet gyártunk, amelyek az EU és az USA piacán egyaránt "bestsellerek". A leggyakrabban kért méret a 260 x 165 x 300 mm és a 230 x 100 x 300 mm. Öntapadós címkékkel lezárhatók. Gyártási kapacitás: évente több mint 150 millió darab. Mintákat és árajánlatokat szeretne? Várjuk az Ön kérését.
Plastikiniai dangteliai įvairiems indams

Plastikiniai dangteliai įvairiems indams

Plastic lids for different containers
Šokoladinio pyrago plastikiniai indai m4094

Šokoladinio pyrago plastikiniai indai m4094

We create and manufacture thermoformed containers, different models and dimensions, according to customer’s specific design and requirements blister trays, blister inserts, blister covers and clamshells. The thermoformed containers can be used in a variety of industries and applications. The pictures shown are our models, but we can fully customize, according to the customers’ requirement. outside:122x78x22mm bottom:57x103mm
Take Away dėžutė 17,2 Oz - Atspari riebalams - Take Away dėžutės talpa- 509cc/17,2 Oz

Take Away dėžutė 17,2 Oz - Atspari riebalams - Take Away dėžutės talpa- 509cc/17,2 Oz

Grease proof - Take Away Box B:90x80 T:105x95 H:60 Capacity- 509cc/17.2 Oz-Customizable Personalized Consultation: Our team can provide consultation to help you choose the right size, shape, and design for your customized Asia Boxes based on your restaurant's needs! Customer Support +40 742 107 091 MEAL BOX:A600
Sausainių indas

Sausainių indas

Caserola pentru fursecuri Acest model de caserola din plastic nu are capac.Caserola se poate folosi pentru fursecuri, saratele, pateuri etc. Se pot realiza, la cerere si alte dimensiuni sau forme de caserola, in functie de produsul care se doreste a fi ambalat.
Plastikinė Pyragų Dėžė (modelis JULIA – 4136)

Plastikinė Pyragų Dėžė (modelis JULIA – 4136)

Caserole plastic prajiturele (model JULIA – 4136) Dimensiuni caserole: – exterior – 227x150x40mm – baza – 205x130x40mm – capacitate – aprox.965ml Putem realiza si alte dimensiuni de caserole plastic, la comanda si in functie de specificatii, putem personaliza ambalajul cu logo-ul clientului.
Plastikiniai indai tortui m4433+4434

Plastikiniai indai tortui m4433+4434

We create and manufacture thermoformed containers, different models and dimensions, according to customer’s specific design and requirements blister trays, blister inserts, blister covers and clamshells. The thermoformed containers can be used in a variety of industries and applications. The pictures shown are our models, but we can fully customize, according to the customers’ requirement. outside:233.6 x 131.6 x 43.9 mm inside:215.1 x 113.1 x 12mm
Pasiimti Pietų Dėžutė 45 Oz - Vienkartinė Individualizuota Popierinė Maisto Dėžutė su Skyriumi

Pasiimti Pietų Dėžutė 45 Oz - Vienkartinė Individualizuota Popierinė Maisto Dėžutė su Skyriumi

Grease proof - Take Away Box B.220x120T.235x135H-50 Capacity- 1300cc/45 Oz-Customizable Biodegradable Hot and Cold Take Out Food Container Providing competitive producer prices and personalized discounts. MEAL BOX:A1300
Kiaušinių vištienos troškinio indai

Kiaušinių vištienos troškinio indai

Giftwrapping for nonfood products (cosmetics, office products, candles, decorative products, bracelets, necklaces), giftwrapping for weedings, giftwrapping for corporate events (commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the company, for example), Easter giftwrapping, Christmas giftwrapping, giftwrapping for womes’s day, giftwrapping for Valentine’s Day. Giftwrapping for employees, giftwrapping for business partners. Gift boxes, for miscellaneous products decorations, ornaments, accessory, scarves… Also, we can do other models of boxes, according to our client specifications. You can check our dimensions table, which contains all needed details. Jewelry boxes, accessory, wedding favors or other small products. The boxes can be accessorized with ribbon or cord. Also, we can personalize the boxes by request, with client’s logo.
Popierinė Grilio Meniu Dėžutė - Vienkartinės Kraft Popieriaus Dėžės Išsinešimui - Biologiškai Suyrančios Karštiems ir Šaltiems Patiekalams

Popierinė Grilio Meniu Dėžutė - Vienkartinės Kraft Popieriaus Dėžės Išsinešimui - Biologiškai Suyrančios Karštiems ir Šaltiems Patiekalams

Grease proof PAPER Grill Meniu Box. Dimensions- B:170x120 T:192x138 H:54 Capacity- 670cc/22,6 Oz--Customizable Quick and Easy Takeaway Food Packing - You won't think twice about packaging your hot or cold food to go with Signature's eco box. Quality kraft paper construction and leak proof design. Whether at home or for your food business, the bio box offers perfect takeout convenience every time. No More Spills Even When You Bake or Grill - Our disposable take out boxes are 100% leak-proof and won't get soggy from wet or oily foods like sauces and gravies. These kraft carryout paper boxes are also heat resistant which makes it ideal for hot and cold food. Designed to Serve You Right - Signature's food boxes to go are designed with a unique leak-resistant locking mechanism to secure the food just right. The sturdy and lightweight paper food containers are stackable and come in a mix of sizes. Microwaveable and Heat-Lamp Resistant - Convenient for reheating dinners or leftovers at home . MEAL BOX:M670
54 ertmės padėklas m4445

54 ertmės padėklas m4445

We create and manufacture thermoformed containers, plates, trays and molds, different models and dimensions, according to customer’s specific design and requirements blister trays, blister inserts, blister covers and clamshells. The thermoformed containers can be used in a variety of industries and applications. The pictures shown are our models, but we can fully customize, according to the customers’ requirement. outside:240x340x15mm cavity:30x30x15mm
Plastikinė 2 skyrių krosnelė (modelis 4072)

Plastikinė 2 skyrių krosnelė (modelis 4072)

Caserola 2 compartimente (model 4072) din plastic transparent pentru caise deshidratate Dimensiuni caserole: exterior- 230x150x40mm un compartiment 212x62x40mm capacitate aprox.750ml In cele 2 compartimente se pot pune doua tipuri de fructe, separate de un perete, sau un singur tip. Caserola se poate folosi pentru a ambala caise, smochine, curmale, nuci, alune, migdale, merisoare, prune uscate etc. La acest ambalaj mai avem si modelul cu un singur compartiment. Se pot realiza si alte dimensiuni de caserole din plastic, de asemenea se mai pot personaliza cu sigla clientului.
Meniu dėžutė su integruotu separatoriumi 53,5 Oz - Meniu dėžutė su integruotu separatoriumi - 1000cc/53,5 Oz MOQ - 5120 vnt.

Meniu dėžutė su integruotu separatoriumi 53,5 Oz - Meniu dėžutė su integruotu separatoriumi - 1000cc/53,5 Oz MOQ - 5120 vnt.

Grease proof PAPER Meniu Box. B:208x130 T:230x150 H:56,5 Capacity- 1000cc/53,5 Oz-(Customizable MOQ-5120pcs) Customization Options: Our Meal Boxes can be personalized with full-color printing, allowing you to add your logo, design, and company message. Strong Brand Promotion: Customized Meal Boxes enable you to promote your brand and differentiate yourself from the competition. Urspack can create the perfect packaging for your business according to your specifications! Personalized Consultation: The Urspack team offers consultation to help you choose the appropriate size, shape, and design for your custom Meal Boxes, based on your restaurant's needs. MEAL BOX:M1100
Biologiškai skaidoma kartoninė pakuotė greitam maistui - Pritaikyta pagal jūsų grafiką

Biologiškai skaidoma kartoninė pakuotė greitam maistui - Pritaikyta pagal jūsų grafiką

Specializing in biodegradable cardboard packaging, Urspack Romania produces a wide range of packaging for restaurants, fast foods, catering, confectioneries and patisseries,and we are the main packaging supplier to all restaurant chains in our country. That is why we propose and have the ability to: - offer waterproof boxes made of biodegradable material (cardboard) and with an anti-grease barrier; - customize with polychrome logo and graphics - we produce a wide variety of packaging, of various sizes and types. - we are the only producers in Romania and in Europe for many of the packaging on the European market. - we are ready to make new boxes proposed by our customers. - producer prices, personalized discounts. We are at your disposal with great love! With great appreciation, Petrache Paul Cassian WWW.URSPACK.COM +40742 107 091 FAST FOOD BOX:A TAKE AWAY BOX:S FAST FOOD PAPER BOX:S
Plastikinė lėkštė 4 ertmėms m4421

Plastikinė lėkštė 4 ertmėms m4421

We create and manufacture thermoformed containers, plates, trays and molds, different models and dimensions, according to customer’s specific design and requirements. The thermoformed containers can be used in a variety of industries and applications. The pictures shown are our models, but we can fully customize, according to the customers’ requirement.