Produktai skirti sterkėjimo sterkas namuose (28)

FERTALGA - Skystas trąšas iš dumblių (Ascophyllum Nodosum) žemės ūkiui

FERTALGA - Skystas trąšas iš dumblių (Ascophyllum Nodosum) žemės ūkiui

N+K+Seaweed Extracts+Humic Acids+Fulvic Acids+Aminoacids+EDTA Iron+EDTA Zinc+EDTA Manganese. FERTALGA is a liquid organic fertilizer made with seaweed extract, humic and fulvic acids and micronutrients (Iron, Zinc and Manganese) completely chelated by EDTA. This particular combination enhances the development of all agricultural crops.The organic nitrogen, which is rich in amino acids of plant origin, has a nutrition action on treated crops and it also acts on the physiological processes of the plant improving their biochemical performance. The brown seawed (Ascophyllum Nodosum) which is rich in betaine, vitamins, natural promoters, polysaccharides, combined with humic and fulvic acids and the EDTA microelements give to the plant a greater resistance to atmospheric stresses (such as temperature variations) and/or physiological stresses (e.g. falling of fruit, micronutrient deficiencies). Aspect:Dark Brown Liquid Application:Foliar and Fertigation Packing:1L - 5L - 20L - 1000L
Vištų mėšlas - Granulinis trąšas

Vištų mėšlas - Granulinis trąšas

N 3,5-4,2%, P 2,5-3%, K 1,5-2%, Ca 2,5%, Mg 0,7%, Sostanza organica 60-75%, pH 9,5
Granulinė karbamido 46n trąša dideliais kiekiais - Žemės ūkio granulinė karbamido 46n trąša

Granulinė karbamido 46n trąša dideliais kiekiais - Žemės ūkio granulinė karbamido 46n trąša

Urea 46n Granular is a granulated fertilizer containing 46% nitrogen. Urea fertilizer may be used immediately or in a blend. Granular Urea from A Fertilizer Co.,ltd is suitable for use on grass early in the season to give early season grass or for cereal top dressing later in the season. Nitrogen Content: 46% minimum Granule Size: 1-4 mm Color: White Moisture Content: 0.5% maximum Biuret: 1% maximum Spreads correctly as much as 36 metres with the appropriate settings. Spreader calibration statistics of urea 46n granular nitrogen fertilizer is to be had upon request. We additionally offer length-matched urea 46n granular fertilizer and Sulphur grades including 40N 14SO3, 38N 19SO3 and 33.5N 30SO3. Available in 25kg, 50gkg, bulk 1000kg & 600kg bags or as buyer request Nitrogen Content:46% minimum Granule Size:1-4 mm Biuret:0.5-1% maximum
Sėklų Mišinys Ekr/egr - Augmenija ir Trąšos

Sėklų Mišinys Ekr/egr - Augmenija ir Trąšos

Optigrun Seed Mix EKR/EGR for the nature roof system structue (also pitched roof). Must be used in conjunction with sedum shoot seeding (then 50 g/m²). EKR herb version: approx. 30 herb species EGR grass version: approx. 9 grass species For extensive green roofs (also pitched roof)
Trąšos spygliuočiams - Ascopin

Trąšos spygliuočiams - Ascopin

Ascopin is designed to ensure a quick and regular start or to catch-up growth, especially during difficult periods or under adverse climatic conditions. Our product helps coniferous trees to overcome stressful conditions (cold, drought, lack or excess of water) which penalize settlement and thus, their quality. Ascopin can be used as a preventive and/or curative treatment and under stressful conditions.
Durpės Dekoratyviniams Augalams - Tiekėjai

Durpės Dekoratyviniams Augalams - Tiekėjai

Milled peat/Sod peat Fraction:0-20 mm /7-20 mm Raw material: sphagnum light peat, perlite Chemical characteristics: EC 0,8-1.5 mS/cm pH 5,5-6,5 (H2O) Additives: Limestone 4,0 kg/m3 NPK Multimix 1,2 kg/m3 Wetting agent 0,1kg/m3 Radigen 0,05kg/m3
Rožių Trąšos - Natūralios ir Ekologiškos Trąšos

Rožių Trąšos - Natūralios ir Ekologiškos Trąšos

Engrais liquide naturel pour Rosiers et Bougainvilliers, Lauriers Fleurs - flacon 600 ml , produit à diluer, s'utilise en arrosage ou en pulvérisation foliaire.Bouchon doseur. Reference:6004
organinės trąšos - Leonardito pasiūlymas - organinės trąšos

organinės trąšos - Leonardito pasiūlymas - organinės trąšos

SUBJECT: Leonardite offer - organic fertilizers (humic and fulvic acids) We are leonardite Producer Company, from Cherkasy Oblast, Ukraine. Actual production capacity is about 30 000 -50 000 mt per month. Size distribution of the product varying from 0,20mm -0,50mm . Contract quality specifications as per below indicated parameters: Humic acid (including fulvic acid) - 86,00% Organic matter - 90,00 %
Oligro Humino Rūgštis - organinė - organomineraliniai trąšos

Oligro Humino Rūgštis - organinė - organomineraliniai trąšos

• It ensures soil water retention and prevents dehydration when the plants get stressed due to unbalanced irrigation conditions. • When applied on foliage it improves protein synthesis, controls respiration and chlorophly formation and with seepage application it ensures the conditions for the plant to get phosphorus and trace elements at most. • It regulates Ph in soil and stimulates the biologic activity in the root of the plants. • It is a perfect root developer.
NPK Trąša - NPK Trąšų Dažai

NPK Trąša - NPK Trąšų Dažai

Oksit Yeşil Gübre Boyası / Oxide Green Fertilizer Paint


Veenvrije potgrond met een mengsel van kokosvezels, organische mest en vermiculiet. Het wordt gebruikt als extra verse potgrond die nodig is bij het verplanten van kamerplanten in grotere potten. Het is ook goed om de toplaag van verouderde potgrond in grote plantenpotten, die moeilijk te verplanten zijn, te vernieuwen. De drie bestanddelen van de potgrond bootsen samen de fysieke en biochemische omstandigheden van de natuurlijke grond na. Kokosvezel heeft een goed watervasthoudend vermogen en is zeer poreus, waardoor luchtcirculatie in de potgrond mogelijk is en plantenwortels zuurstof blijven krijgen. De organische meststof levert essentiële voedingsstoffen voor planten en een ideale omgeving voor de groei van nuttige micro-organismen zoals bacteriën en schimmels. Vermiculiet kan grote hoeveelheden water absorberen, waardoor het beschikbaar blijft voor de planten wanneer dat nodig is. De zeer poreuze structuur draagt bij aan het verminderen van potgrondverdichting.
Skystas huminės trąšos EDAGUM ® SM

Skystas huminės trąšos EDAGUM ® SM

preplant treatment of seeds, bulbs, tubers, grafts and for foliar feeding of all agricultural crops during their vegetation suitable for all soil and climate conditions. Influence on plant is many sided Increases the yield on 10 50% depending on plant species; Stimulates plant growth and development; Removes stress from pesticides and agrochemicals Strengthens immunity to diseases Improves the ability to adapt to environmental conditions Substance hazard category:4 (low-hazardous substance) Storage period:2 years Technical specifications:3292-001-52420467-2005 State registration number:384-18-1204-1 Packaged in:10 liters containers; 20, 50, 100, 200 and 1000 liters packages are also possible
ESSERA NPK - Subalansuotas NPK Trąšos

ESSERA NPK - Subalansuotas NPK Trąšos

Hızlı alınabilir besin kaynağıdır. Birlikte kullanıldığı diğer bitki besleme ürünlerinin verimini arttırır. Kök gelişimini arttırır ve fotosentezi hızlandırır. Meyve tutumu ve meyve gelişimini dolaylı olarak olumlu yönde etkiler. İklim koşullarından kaynaklanan streslere karşı mukavemet sağlar. Toprak mikro faunasını zenginleştirir. Toprağın geçirgenliğini arttırarak, toprağı kabartır ve havalanmasına yardımcı olur. Topraktaki pH'ı düşürür. Toprakta bağlı olan makro ve mikro besin elementlerinin çözümünü arttırır.
TURNA - NK Skystas Organomineralinis Trąšas

TURNA - NK Skystas Organomineralinis Trąšas

Garanti Edilen İçerik (%W/W) Organik Madde 30 Toplam Azot (N) 3 Organik Azot (N) 0,5 Üre Azotu (N) 2,5 Suda Çözünür Potasyum Oksit (K2O)9 pH 4-6 Ürün Özellikleri Organik madde, azot, potasyum ve formüle edilmiş, tamamı suda çözünebilen sıvı organomineral gübredir. Bitki kalitesi üzerinde önemli etkilere sahiptir. Bitkinin sağlıklı bir vejetatif dönem geçirmesine katkı sağlar. Ayrıca bitkinin su metabolizmasına önemli katkı sağlayarak kuraklıkla fizyolojik mücadelede rol oynar. Diğer gübrelerle de karışarak damlama sulama ve yapraktan yağmurlama şeklinde uygulanır.
Skystas Trąšas - Nitrofluide - Biostimuliatorius pumpurų atsivėrimui ir žydėjimui

Skystas Trąšas - Nitrofluide - Biostimuliatorius pumpurų atsivėrimui ir žydėjimui

NITROFLUIDE, a fast-acting and effective solution with a high nitrogen content, supplemented with polyhydroxycarboxylic acids (PHC), sulphur and amino acids, whose stimulating effect on plants is to help them overcome adverse situations. Due to its special formulation, NITROFLUIDE is considered to be a direct and important support in foliar nutrition, improving the stages of bud development, sprouting and flowering, as well as vegetative development. It accelerates the physiological functions of the plant with the formation of protein substances (amino acids, proteins) with a saving of energy for the plant, thus improving its development. AGRONOMIC ADVANTAGES - Accelerates the physiological functions of the plant with the formation of protein substances (amino acids, proteins) with an energy-saving effect on the plant, thus improving its development. - Stimulating effect on plants that helps to overcome adverse situations. Packs of: - 1000 L - 20 L - 10 L - 5 L Total nitrogen (N) :18% p/p Organic nitrogen (N):0,8% p/p Ureic nitrogen (N):14,1% p/p Ammoniacal nitrogen (N) :3,1% p/p Sulphur Trioxide (%SO3) soluble in water :4,3% p/p Organic carbon (corg):4,2% p/p PH:4,8 p/p Density (gr/cc):1,23 p/p Free amino acids:2,04% p/p Organic Matter Calcination:8,5% p/p Dry residue:10% p/p
Fertiorgan Kalcis - Druskos korektorius

Fertiorgan Kalcis - Druskos korektorius

Salinity corrector with calcium and exclusive organic matter from northern European coniferous.: - Increases soil microbial activity - Improves the physico-chemical properties - More cation exchange capacity (CEC) - Moves sodium ions (Na) off the clay-humic complex - Enables the assimilation of other soil nutrients needed by the plant
Falter BIO Avių Vilnos Trąšos Mini Granulės - Trąšų Granulės Pagamintos iš 100% Avių Vilnos

Falter BIO Avių Vilnos Trąšos Mini Granulės - Trąšų Granulės Pagamintos iš 100% Avių Vilnos

Der Schafwolldünger von Falter ist gelistet in der Betriebsmittelliste für den ökologischen Landbau in Deutschland. Falter Schafwolle Pellets erfüllt folgende Standards: Betriebsmittelliste Deutschland resp. FiBL-Liste Öko-Verarbeitung, Demeter International, EU ÖKO Rechtsvorschriften, Naturland Deutschland, Gäa Deutschland, Ecovin Deutschland, Bioland Deutschland, Demeter Deutschland. Nährstoffgehalt: Stickstoff (N) 9,8 % Phophat (P205) 0,2 % Kalium (K2O) 6,6 % Organische Substanz 80% Der Schafwolldünger als Pellets oder auch als Granulat ist sofort lieferbar und erhältlich im 25-kg-Papiersack auf der Palette (30 Stück) und im Big Bag mit 900 kg. Für Hobby und Garten verkaufen wir Biodünger in Kleingebinden im Biodünger-Onlineshop Gesamt Stickstoff:9,8% N Gesamt Phosphat:0,2% P₂O₅ Gesamt Kaliumoxid:6,6% K₂O
Mikroorganizmų sudėtis 'Ecostern' - Mikroorganizmų sudėtis dirvožemio sveikatai gerinti, augalų liekanoms pagreitinti

Mikroorganizmų sudėtis 'Ecostern' - Mikroorganizmų sudėtis dirvožemio sveikatai gerinti, augalų liekanoms pagreitinti

Product details: Effectively decomposes crop residues Balances soil microflora Enriches of organic matter and available elements of plant nutrition Improves the soil and prevents its degradation Increases crops yield Active substance: Viable cells of Bacillus subtilis, Azotobacter, Enterobacter, Enterococcus bacteria and Trichoderma lignorum, Trichoderma viride fungi, titer: 2.5х10^9 CFU/cm3 Organic certification: Listed in the Input list for organic farming in Germany Application methods: Аfter harvesting cereal, technical and other crops for treatment of soil and crop residues in order to accelerate their decomposition Shelf life: SC - 12 months at 4 °C to 10 °C or 6 months at 10 °C to 15 °C DP - 24 months at 4 °C to 15 °C 18 months at 15-25 °C ! Applied on 3 mln ha in 14 countries annually ! 90% of farmers see the positive result after application ! More than 100 $/ha of average increase after Ecostern application ! Enhances soil C-capture processes
Universalus Vazonų Mišinys - Visoms augalams. Profesionali kokybė namų naudojimui.

Universalus Vazonų Mišinys - Visoms augalams. Profesionali kokybė namų naudojimui.

This is a multipurpose potting and germination mix for home use. The mix suits the needs of most loved homeplants in small pots and trays, it can be used for repotting in bigger pots and containers as well. The substrate is also suitable for soil improvement in the garden and as a growbag for vegetables outside or in the greenhouse. For flowers, including: chrysanthemums, pelargoniums, viola, primula, antirrhinum, surfinia, petunia, begonia, red hydrangea, calanchoe. Green plants. Herbs: basil, oregano, thyme etc. Vegetables: cucumber, tomato, capsicum, etc. This substrate should not be used for acidophilic plants. The substrate includes neutralised natural peat, wetting agent and starter fertiliser with trace elements. After 3-4 weeks from the start of use additional fertilisation should begin.Completed with regular irrigation and enough sunlight your plants will thrive in the Potting Mix. Mikskaar Potting mix makes your plants grow better!
HERALIT Sausas Sandarinimo Mišinys

HERALIT Sausas Sandarinimo Mišinys

HERALIT-Produkte sind werkseitig hergestellte, mineralische Trocken-Dichtmischungen, qualitätsüberwacht komponiert aus natürlichen Kies-, Sand-, Schluff- und Tonfraktionen.
Žaliojo Augimo Šalinimo Koncentratas 1 L - 5 L

Žaliojo Augimo Šalinimo Koncentratas 1 L - 5 L

Removes algae and green growth on balconies, terraces, house facades, sidewalks, concrete, tombstones and the like. Concentrate. Green growth remover concentrate. The green film remover should be used with care, always read the label and product information before use. Harmful to aquatic organisms. Other sizes available on request Powerful Algae Solution | Concentrated Green Growth Remover:22 Say Goodbye to Algae | Effective Green Growth Remover :22
biopuro – mikrobiologinis šiukšlių konteinerių valiklis - balkonas ir sodas

biopuro – mikrobiologinis šiukšlių konteinerių valiklis - balkonas ir sodas

Beschreibung Mikrobiologischer Bio-und Mülltonnenreiniger Der Mülltonnenreiniger reinigt Biotonnen, Mülltonnen, Müllcontainer und Müllplätze mit der Kraft natürlicher Mikroorganismen. Die hochkonzentrierte Wirkstoffkombination aus Enzymen und natürlichen Organismen entfernt lästigen Müllgerüche vollständig und nachhaltig, die durch organische Verschmutzungen entstehen. Ein natürlicher Geruchsabsorber bindet kurzfristig vorhandenen Geruch, während Mikroorganismen sorgen für eine kraftvolle Reinigung. So werden stark riechenden Mülltonnen und Müllplätze sauber und geruchfrei. Bei regelmäßiger Anwendung beugt awiwa® biopuro neuem Geruch, Fruchtfliegen-und Madenbildung wirkungsvoll vor. Anwendungsgebiete awiwa® biopuro eignet sich perfekt für die gründliche Reinigung von Biotonnen und allen anderen Mülltonnen und Müllcontainern. Das Produkt kann im Haus und Wohnung, z.B. für den Mülleimer oder Windeleimer ebenso verwendet werden wie im Freien. Anwendungshinweise Bei Erstanwendung die...
Durpių mišiniai - Durpių tiekėjai

Durpių mišiniai - Durpių tiekėjai

The first issue, taken into account when producing the substrates for professional growers, are the peculiarities of the cultivation of plants and local natural conditions. Upon the customer’s request, block and milled raw produce peat and peat of varying fragmentation can be mixed according to the customer’s individual requirements, thus obtaining a unique structure of the substrate. Products intended for the professional market are packed in bags with a volume of 70, 250 and 300 litres or large bags with a volume ranging from 3 to 6 cubic metres.
Leonarditas - Leonardito pasiūlymas - organiniai trąšos

Leonarditas - Leonardito pasiūlymas - organiniai trąšos

Leonardite offer - organic fertilizers
Skystas Trąšas - Nitrofluid - Biostimuliatorius Pumpurų Lūžimui ir Žydėjimui

Skystas Trąšas - Nitrofluid - Biostimuliatorius Pumpurų Lūžimui ir Žydėjimui

NITROFLUIDE, uma solução de acção rápida e eficaz com elevado teor de azoto, complementada com ácidos poli-hidroxicarboxílicos (PHC), enxofre e aminoácidos, cujo efeito estimulante sobre as plantas é ajudá-las a superar situações adversas. Devido à sua formulação especial, NITROFLUIDE é considerado como um apoio directo e importante na nutrição foliar, melhorando as fases de desenvolvimento dos botões, germinação e floração, bem como o desenvolvimento vegetativo. Acelera as funções fisiológicas da planta com a formação de substâncias proteicas com uma poupança de energia para a planta, melhorando assim o seu desenvolvimento. VANTAGENS AGRONÓMICAS - Acelera as funções fisiológicas da planta com a formação de substâncias proteicas (aminoácidos, proteínas) com um efeito de poupança de energia sobre a planta, melhorando assim o seu desenvolvimento. - Efeito estimulante sobre as plantas que ajuda a superar situações adversas. Embalagens de: - 1000 L - 20 L - 10 L - 5 L Nitrógênio (N) total:18% p/p Nitrógênio (N) orgânico:0,8% p/p Nitrógênio (N) ureico:14,1% p/p Nitrógênio (N) amoniacal:3,1% p/p Trióxido de Enxofre (SO3) solúvel em água:4,3% p/p Carbono orgânico (Corg):4,2% p/p pH:4,8 p/p Densidade (gr/cc):1,23 p/p Aminoácidos livres:2,04% p/p Matéria orgânica calcinação:8,5% p/p Residuo seco:10% p/p
ESSERRA - Skystas Organinis Trąšas

ESSERRA - Skystas Organinis Trąšas

Her bitkiye yapraktan ve topraktan uygulanabilen ESSERRA Sıvı Organik Gübre, 10-15 gün arayla ortalama 3-5 defa uygulandığında meyvede, üründe veya mahsülde kalite ve lezzet artışı, erkencilik ve görsellik sağlar. Organik ve doğal olduğu için hiç bir yan etkisi ve zararı yoktur.
Natūralus Mulčias - Kamštinių Granulių - Natūralūs Mulčiai Vidaus ar Buto Augalams

Natūralus Mulčias - Kamštinių Granulių - Natūralūs Mulčiai Vidaus ar Buto Augalams

Utilisez ce produit naturel pour conserver l’humidité du terreau dans les environnements chauds et secs. Particulièrement utile pour vos plantes diva qui aiment l'humidité.