Hidroponinė Braškių Šiltnamis - Augalai auginami hidroponiniuose šiltnamiuose
Strawberry is a high-value fruit known all over the world for its flavor, color and nutritional content. Strawberry cultivation can be grown in a wide temperature range. This situation allows strawberry cultivation to be carried out in many different regions. In the production of strawberries made with traditional methods, there is a loss of yield and plant loss due to soil-borne diseases. Soilless greenhouse production has started to be preferred in strawberry production due to the chemicals used to solve soil-borne diseases in the cultivation area, deteriorating the structure of the soil and the production volume lost in this process. With the soilless greenhouse method, significant increases were seen in the production yield and fruit quality. Factors such as climate, growing environment, seedling type, planting frequency, growing system, disease and pest control are the factors that should be known and followed well in order to grow strawberries without soil.