Produktai skirti manuka pyragu miltas (61)

1850 tipo Graham miltai - 1kg

1850 tipo Graham miltai - 1kg

Słopisz est une ancienne variété de blé, évaluée en raison des valeurs de santé. Il a été oublié depuis longtemps et est actuellement découvert. La croissance était déjà connue dans les temps anciens. Il était un repas de gladiateurs et de participants aux jeux. Il a donné de la force, de la forme physique et, selon certains, même de l'intelligence. L'écriture de l'épeautre est considérée comme très saine. Il renforce l'immunité, élimine les toxines et soutient la circulation sanguine. Il aide à l'inflammation et aux allergies. Il a un effet de réchauffement et améliore le travail du système nerveux. Actuellement, il est utilisé dans la cuisson du pain, des gâteaux, des biscuits, des pâtes maison, des boulettes ou des gâteaux de crêpes.
Universalus miltai

Universalus miltai

Meel voor alle doeleinden
Kanapių miltai

Kanapių miltai

Notre farine de chanvre contient en moyenne 50% de protéine. La protéine de chanvre est un superaliment riche en nutriments, souvent utilisé comme complément alimentaire pour augmenter l’apport en protéines. Elle est fabriquée à partir des graines de chanvre, une plante qui contient tous les acides aminés essentiels nécessaires à l’organisme. Conditionement :100g - 1kg
Kukurūzų miltai

Kukurūzų miltai

farine de mais


W: 450 - 500. Farina tipo '00' ottenuta da grani italiani, europei e nordamericani selezionati, per impasti a lavorazione indiretta o a lunga lievitazione. Ideale per aumentare il tenore proteico e migliorare la maglia glutinica dei lievitati. Consigliata per la preparazione di Panettoni, Pandori, Colombe Pasquali di alta qualità. 10KG
CHIA BREAD 50 - Koncentruota Mišinys Chia Duonai

CHIA BREAD 50 - Koncentruota Mišinys Chia Duonai

Semilavorato per pane con semi di chia, girasole e zucca. Per prodotti da forno energizzanti, ricchi di fibre, minerali e Omega-3. Formato:10 kg Dosaggio:50%
Ekologiški Kokosų Miltai

Ekologiški Kokosų Miltai

Kokosnussmehl ist ein Nebenprodukt von nativem Kokosnussöl extra. Die getrockneten Kokosnussfasern werden zunächst ausgetrieben und dann zu einem Pulver gemahlen. Es ist eine Kokosnussfaser und enthält etwa 15 % des Fettgehalts. Es ist natürlich und ungesüßt, schmeckt und riecht leicht nach Kokosnuss, was sich gut mit den anderen Zutaten mischt und nicht zu stark ist. Während es in getrocknetem Zustand ein leichtes, luftiges Aussehen und eine gute Textur hat, wird es beim Kochen oder Backen relativ dicht.
Ekologiškas Bananų Milteliai

Ekologiškas Bananų Milteliai

"Bananas Banana powder is made from vine-ripened Cavendish bananas, organically grown in Ecuador. There is usually an 18-month period between fertilisation and harvest, although the consistently warm climate, frequent rainfall and fertile soil allow bananas to grow all year round. The bananas are carefully picked by hand, after which they are dried without the use of heat. This ensures that the nutritional value is optimally retained. Banana powder is a superfood and the powder contains no added flavor, fragrance, colour or other additives. Banana powder vitamin bomb In bananas are naturally large amounts of vitamins C and B6, plus the mineral potassium and the substance carotene. Because of the large amount of nutrients, banana powder works well with vegans. In addition, the powder is rich in starch. Calcium, iodine, iron, copper, zinc and phosphorus are found in smaller amounts. Because of the large amounts of starch, banana is known to be high…"
Ekologiški kokosų miltai - Iš sunokusių kokosų, švelniai džiovintų ir iš dalies atskirtų nuo aliejaus

Ekologiški kokosų miltai - Iš sunokusių kokosų, švelniai džiovintų ir iš dalies atskirtų nuo aliejaus

Organic coconut flour is made from gently dried and de-oiled organic coconuts from controlled organic cultivation. It is produced exclusively on the basis of 100% natural coconut meat. The flour is an fine, white to cream-colored powder with an aromatic coconut flavor and a pleasant scent of coconut. Coconut flour is excellent for baking. Up to 20% of the amount of flour specified in the recipe can be replaced by coconut flour. To meet the daily need for fiber, the fine coconut flour is also suitable as an addition. This product is a controlled organic food according to DE-ÖKO-006.
KEPIMO MILTELIAI - Kepimo miltai, Kepimo milteliai, TORTO MILTAI

KEPIMO MILTELIAI - Kepimo miltai, Kepimo milteliai, TORTO MILTAI

Baking Powder Unit Net Weight (Gr.): 2000 Master Carton Volume (m3): 0,041 Content in Master Carton: 8 Master Carton Gross Weight (Kg.): 17,2 Quantity in Master Carton: 8 20 FT Container Capacity: 809 40 FT Container Capacity: 1453 Packaging Style: Bucket Preparation; Entirety of the bag (10g) is for 400gr flour.
Ekologiška Speltos Miltai - Visagrūdžiai

Ekologiška Speltos Miltai - Visagrūdžiai

Отличава се със своите хранителни качества, сред който протеини и фибри, които са в пъти по-високи от тези на пшеницата. Предимства: -действа благоприятно на храносмилането Подходящо за: - приготвяне на различни печива Лесно за обработка, има добри вкусови качества. За разлика от пшеницата, спелтата съдържа 2 пъти повече белтъчини и цинк, както и множество витамини, има по-ниски нива на глутен и е приятно на вкус. Ползи на спелтата - улеснява храносмилането, контролира нивата на холестерола, подобрява кръвообращението, подобрява здравето на костите, повишава имунитета, контролира диабета
Grikių miltai - Grikių miltai skirtingo malimo, garinti arba negarinti

Grikių miltai - Grikių miltai skirtingo malimo, garinti arba negarinti

The composition of buckwheat flour is rich in useful macroelements and microelements. Buckwheat flour also contains a lot of vitamins such as E, C, PP and B vitamins. Color: Brown:Package: Paper bags
Kvietiniai Miltai - Universalūs Kvietiniai Miltai Maisto Gamybai Pirmo Klasės Aukštos Mitybos

Kvietiniai Miltai - Universalūs Kvietiniai Miltai Maisto Gamybai Pirmo Klasės Aukštos Mitybos

Grown and farmed with great care via the use of techniques developed by generations of locals combined with the use of modern technology and methods, Panthere can provide agricultural products of the highest quality. Hello, I wanted to introduce you to our product. Our products have quality differences from other manufacturers. I can help you with anything related to the product. e mail: phone number: +90 (507) 739 8482
Nefasuotas kanapių sėklų miltai

Nefasuotas kanapių sėklų miltai

Hemp seed flour is hemp seed cake (the by-product of cold pressing after obtaining hemp seed oil) milled and sieved through various screens, resulting in a final product with high protein concentration.
Be glitimo Mišinys 'Kokosų Pyragas'

Be glitimo Mišinys 'Kokosų Pyragas'

The mixture for quick baking of coconut cake. Delight your loved ones and guests with a homemade cake! This product does not contain gluten. The product is tested for gluten at each production phase. Garnec was the first in Russia to receive the right to label its products with the “Crossed Grain” trademark. This trademark is a safety mark for glutenfree products of the Association of European Coeliac Societies, recognized in most developed countries. Weight:500 g
Lino sėklų miltai - Be glitimo lino sėklų miltai

Lino sėklų miltai - Be glitimo lino sėklų miltai

Gluten-free flaxseed flour
Ruginių miltų, kvietinių miltų - Pasiūlymas

Ruginių miltų, kvietinių miltų - Pasiūlymas

Dla wypieków domowych, do tworzenia finezyjnych ciast w cukierniach oraz pysznych deserów w restauracjach potrzebna jest dobra mąka. Żytnia, pszenna, jęczmienna, z prosa sprawdzą się zarówno w produkcji dań słodkich, jak i wytrawnych. Dlatego w asortymencie naszej hurtowni spożywczej znajdziesz wiele typów wyrobu stanowiącego jeden z najważniejszych kuchennych składników.
Žirnių miltai (ekologiški ir įprasti)

Žirnių miltai (ekologiški ir įprasti)

sehr feines Mehl, geschmacksentbittert, glutenfrei, vegan, produziert in Deutschland Erbsenmehl, geschmacksentbittert Erbsenmehl wird aus der gelben, geschälten Erbse hergestellt. Der entbitterte, leicht süßliche Geschmack, hellgelbe natürliche Farbe sowie ernährungsphysiologische Vorteile geben Applikationen einen Mehrwert. Ursprungsländer: Italien, Litauen, Baltikum, Tschechien Anwendungen für alle Proteinmehle: -Backwaren -Milchalternativen -Fleischalternativen -Fischalternativen -astaprodukte -Bratlinge -Convenienceprodukte -Snack- und Cerealienprodukte -Pflanzlicher Aufschnitt und Aufstrich -Extrusion -Riegel -Sports-Nutrition -Clean Label Emulgator
Aukščiausios kokybės kvietiniai miltai, maišuose

Aukščiausios kokybės kvietiniai miltai, maišuose

We offer wheat flour from the best Ukrainian farmers. The products are ready for export and meet all technical conditions, which is confirmed by certificates of quality and conformity. Packaging: 50 kg bag Country of manufacture: Ukraine Composition (per 100 g) Calories, kcal: 342 Proteins, g: 9.2 Fats, g: 1.2 Carbohydrates, g: 74.9 Wheat flour of the highest grade is characterized by the smallest particle size – no more than 40 microns – and the almost complete absence of fiber and particles of the shell of each grain. This makes the flour very soft and airy, but from a dietary point of view, this variety is the least useful. It contains a lot of calories, which are in no way compensated by fiber, but are neighbors with gluten. For all their culinary appeal, products made from high-grade wheat flour are delicacies with very little benefit. If you want more information, contact our manager.
Ekologiška Kanapių Miltai

Ekologiška Kanapių Miltai

Issue d’une culture écologique régionale, notre farine de chanvre est déshuilée à crue par nos soins puis travaillée au moulin par notre meunier. Notre farine aux saveurs de fruits à coque enrichira et embellira toutes vos préparations sucrées comme salées ! Riche en protéines complètes (plus que la viande !) et fibres solubles et insolubles, c’est également une source d’Oméga 3-6-9 ! Conseils d’utilisation : Crue ou mélangée 5 à 30% à d’autres farines, dans vos pates à pains/gâteaux, dans vos plats sucrées comme salés, pour épaissir vos sauces, dans une smoothie ou un shaker protéiné. Conservation : dans un contenant fermé, au sec, à l’abri de la lumière et de la chaleur. Pour préserver le goût, consommer dans les trois mois après ouverture ou conserver au frais. *Allergènes : peut contenir des traces de gluten. Note Yuka : 100/100 Contenance 250g à 25kg Colisage par 10 Énergie:308 kcal Lipides:10,1 g Dont acide gras saturés:1,2 g Dont acide gras mono-insaturés:1,6 g Dont acide gras polyinsaturés:6,9 g dont oméga 3/6:1,4 g :5,5 g Dont sucres:2,5 g Fibres alimentaires:41,9 g Protéines:30,9 g Sel:0,01 g
Didmeninė prekyba - Kvietiniai miltai

Didmeninė prekyba - Kvietiniai miltai

Whole sale All Purpose White Wheat Flour
Žalias Bananų Miltai - Smulkūs miltai iš žalių, nesubrendusių bananų

Žalias Bananų Miltai - Smulkūs miltai iš žalių, nesubrendusių bananų

Our Green Banana Flour is made from peeling, drying and milling green unripe bananas. it has a neutral taste and has no order and is of a white/creamy colour. It is perfect to use as a binder or starch or simply add it to any food manufacturing ingredients. Our banana flour is unique because it has a very high levels or resistant starch which is beneficial for the good bacteria in the gut with many health benefits. We can ship to any destination in the world and have the capacity to supply up to 10 metric tonnes every month. Please contact us for more information or for a quote on
Gather By Pure Australian Manuka Honey MGO Platinum - 125g

Gather By Pure Australian Manuka Honey MGO Platinum - 125g

Gather By's newest and highest grade of honey with an MGO Rating of between* 1,000 and 1,200, this is some of the highest classification of Manuka Honey in the world. Super medicinal and highly therapeutic, this Manuka honey is super high strength and is more potent for longer periods and can be used for sore throats/strep, cuts/wounds, MRSA infections like staph as well as acne/skin care. This Australian Manuka Honey is rich and runny, healthy and tasty. Gather By course filter it but they don't heat their honey. *Please note that the MGO rating of your jar of Platinum Australian Manuka Honey could be rated between 1,000 and 1,200 depending on seasonal variations - the rating will be written on the front of your jar - this does not affect taste, texture or therapeutic benefits. Size:125g Carton Quantity:20 Units Pallet Quantity :160 Cartons Australian Made:Yes
Ekologiškas Ashwagandha Milteliai

Ekologiškas Ashwagandha Milteliai

Der Name klingt nach einer komplizierten Yoga-Haltung, steht aber für eine schicke Pflanze. Ashwagandha wird seit der indischen Hochkultur verwendet und ist zu einer der beliebtesten Pflanzen in der ayurvedischen Kunst geworden. Die Ashwagandha-Pflanze ist bei Heilpraktiker*innen auch als Schlafbeere bekannt. Die knallroten Beeren erinnern an die bei uns weiter verbreitete Physalis und werden in Indien zu Seife verarbeitet. Das Bio-Ashwagandhapulver, das Du bei uns kaufen kannst, wird jedoch aus der Wurzel der Ashwagandha hergestellt.
Miltų pakuotė

Miltų pakuotė

There are numerous types and kinds of flour on the market. Depending on your needs, we will manufacture such packaging that will meet your needs. We recommend semi-transparent packaging which enables to display a product, or fully printed one with a layer protecting against sunlight.
Minkštas Kvietinė Miltai - Kiti Vietiniai Produktai

Minkštas Kvietinė Miltai - Kiti Vietiniai Produktai

Farine de Blé tendre T110 semi complète Parfaite pour toutes vos utilisation de gateaux, patisseries, pains à la maison
sojų miltai

sojų miltai

La harina de soja es el subproducto de la extracción del aceite de soja. Existen varios procesos, que dan como resultado diferentes productos. La harina de soya generalmente se clasifica para su comercialización por su contenido de proteína cruda. Los tipos ricos en proteína se obtienen de semillas descascaradas y contienen 47-49 % de proteína y 3 % de fibra cruda (en base al alimento).
Sudem Cake Mix Marbllle Cacao

Sudem Cake Mix Marbllle Cacao

10 KG Kraft Bag. Intended Use 1 kg Sudem Cake mix, add with 250 ml water, 300 ml oil and 250 gr (5 eggs) are whipped in mixer for 5 minutes.Obtained product is baked at 180 °C for 4045 minutes.1 year Storage in a cool and dry place
Aromatiniai Miežių Maltiesi

Aromatiniai Miežių Maltiesi

Aromatic Malt Flour Barley is made from barley. The product is not intended for raw consumption. Color - ca. 425-575 EBC
Universalus kvietiniai miltai

Universalus kvietiniai miltai

All Purpose Wheat Flour