Konferencijų ataskaita - Žurnalistika konferencijose, kongresuose ir kituose renginiuose
We have covered more than a dozen science, technology and innovation conferences, adding value to the pool of communication resources that our clients are able to draw on in order to inform their communities or to publicise their initiatives and attract new customers and stakeholders. This also helps to keep us at the forefront of developments in all sorts of innovative fields, so we'll never be thrown off guard by the contents of your briefing. In addition to writing on the basis of presentations, workshops and panel discussions, we often conduct interviews to gain extra insights that can take your article to the next level. These interviews also help us to build up long-lasting relationships with our clients, a number of whom we've worked with for ten years or more. As a guideline, our rate varies from 750 to 900 euros for a full day, plus travel and accommodation expenses. The copywriting that follows is based on our hourly rate of 90 to 120 euros, depending on the complexity.