Produktai skirti kameras (417)

KAMERŲ NUOMA ALMERIA - Kamerų nuoma Almerijoje

KAMERŲ NUOMA ALMERIA - Kamerų nuoma Almerijoje

In Almería we make the best equipment on the market available to you. The minimum service offered for rent is complete equipment: film camera, optics and all peripheral accessories, this means that we do not rent accessory material or cameras independently. Film equipment rental is managed from our offices in Madrid or Seville. We offer the best camera material for productions in the world, for both national and international advertising shoots, television series, movies or large events. You can find everything we offer in Almería on the company's website. In Almería we also offer the rental of lighting equipment and grip equipment, film and TV studios, transport and of course we also manage the hiring of technical personnel from all departments, but not the hiring of personnel without equipment.
Tikslūs spalvoti stiklo filtrai tiesioginėms kameroms

Tikslūs spalvoti stiklo filtrai tiesioginėms kameroms

Stock & custom precision optical filter in materials such as Schott Kopp & CDGM - Knight Optical can offer you Stock and Custom Colour Glass Filters, for use within Inline Cameras in a range of materials of brands such as Schott, Kopp and CDGM. Depending on the achievable wavelength and desired affect you need for the Inline Camera we can find a suitable material for your application. Colour Glass Filters are good for selecting a particular wavelength to be absorbed so that the high out of band blocking in achieved. With regards to the use in Inline Cameras, Colour Glass Short pass Filters are more desirable as they cut out the IR wavelengths mean the imaging is not saturated with the IR giving the image better clarity. Colour Glass Filters are polished sheets of special glass that have been cast with a dye. Colour Glass Filters generally are relatively cheap and very stable. The disadvantage with them is that they are only available in a relatively small number of variants, and so can be restrictive in shortwave selection.  For More Info see PDF... Material::Color glass Diameter::+0.0 / -0.20 mm Length / width::± 0.20 mm Thickness::± 0.20 mm Surface quality::<60-40 scratch/dig Parallelism::<3 arcmin


Generalmente una de las cosas que más se miran para ver cual es la calidad de una producción audiovisual es la calidad de los travellings y movimientos de cámara en general que se usan para la misma. La mayoría de planos que han hecho eco en el cine se han realizado con el uso de carros y railes para responder a sus exigencias narrativas. Cualquier carro no vale para obtener los movimientos suaves y precisos que buscamos, y según la óptica que tengas montada en cámara, un carro o unas vías que no sean de buena calidad seguramente estropeen la toma deseada. En Camaleón ofrecemos y asesoramos sobre los carros y dollies de las mejores marcas del mercado para que tus movimientos salgan de la mejor forma posible y deseada.
VIDEO KAMERŲ NUOMA - Sony, Canon, Panasonic, Blackmagic, Gopro

VIDEO KAMERŲ NUOMA - Sony, Canon, Panasonic, Blackmagic, Gopro

Camaleón rental ofrece cámaras de vídeo que son aparatos que captan imágenes y las convierten en señales eléctricas o señales de vídeo, también conocidas como señal de televisión. Existen varios tipos: como por ejemplo las cámaras de video portátiles o conocidas como cámaras ENG, las cámaras de estudio o Cadenas de cámara y cámaras video de acción. Las denominadas cámaras de estudio están integradas en el sistema de producción de video. Las que son denominadas como cadenas de cámaras de video están situadas en unidades móviles o en instalaciones en plató y no graban en el camcorder, graban en unidad Móvil o control de cámaras. Tanto el color como el control de exposición son controlados de forma externa desde el control de cámaras. Las cámaras de vídeo que también son denominadas cámaras ENG son independientes de instalaciones y tienen incorporado el sistema de grabación. Toda el trabajo de grabación, exposición o sonido las realiza solo el operador de cámara y no necesita más.
UV lydytos silikono objektyvai spalvų matavimui - Panašiai kaip N-BK7, UVFS turi gana nuoseklų perdavimą UV/VIS/NIR diapazone

UV lydytos silikono objektyvai spalvų matavimui - Panašiai kaip N-BK7, UVFS turi gana nuoseklų perdavimą UV/VIS/NIR diapazone

Knight Optical can offer UV Fused Silica Lenses for Colour Measurement Applications. Similarly to N-BK7, UV Fused Silica has a fairly consistent transmission across UV/VIS/NIR, meaning that that transmission in each region is almost equal. This in turn means that any image or measurement taken is not skewed towards one colour, and a more accurate measurement can be taken. This can be used in conjunction with an IR Cut Filter in cameras to remove a lot of the NIR noise giving a clearer image with better colour clarity/contrast. UV FS is comparable to N-BK7 or other similar optical glasses in its performance, having a very similar average transmission over the VIS range up to approximately 2000nm and a slightly lower refractive index. The Abbe constants of UV FS are also very similar to that of N-BK7, although slightly higher. Read PDF for full spec Material::UV Grade Fused Silica Operating Wavelength::587nm Diameter Tolerance::+0 / -0.10mm Centring Tolerance::<5 arc min Focal Length Tolerance::± 0.2mm (<10mm) ±2.0% (10mm – 1000mm) Centre Thickness Tolerance::±0.2mm Surface Figure::3/ 3 (1) Surface quality::<40-20 Scratch/Dig Coating::Optional
Rolatube Sistema 50 Statymai - Neteleskopiniai

Rolatube Sistema 50 Statymai - Neteleskopiniai

avec pieds enroulables composites de 1 m, 2 m ou 3 m, capables de supporter des - CE TRÉPIED N’EST PAS TÉLESCOPIQUE - IL EST FABRIQUÉ DANS UN COMPOSITE ENROULABLE UNIQUE. TESTÉ ET ÉPROUVÉ PAR L’ARMÉE DEPUIS PLUS DE 20 ANS, MAINTENANT DISPONIBLE POUR LES CLIENTS CIVILS. Grâce à leur composite unique, ces trépieds peuvent supporter des charges supérieures allant jusqu’à 115 kg. Léger, portable, solide : votre solution idéale de mobilité.
Apdirbti aliuminio dalys - pramoninių kamerų priedai, juodai anodizuoti,

Apdirbti aliuminio dalys - pramoninių kamerų priedai, juodai anodizuoti,

Ceci est des accessoires de caméra industrielle,oxydation noire après CNC.


It is a camera that works with a resolution of up to 12K that provides high image quality in 8K and 4K, it also has a Super 35mm sensor and 14 steps of integrated dynamic range, 12K 12,288 x 6480 pixels with which it has a resolution excellent for high-end productions. It accepts 80 Megapixels per frame at 60 f/s in RAW format and 14 stops of dynamic range. The URSA Mini Pro 12K camera has such a high resolution that it exceeds the traditional parameters of the film industry, as it has the advantages of filming on tape with incredible details and very vivid and intense colors. Also, we can film at 60 f/s in 12K, 120 f/s in 8K and up to 240 f/s in 4K (Super 16). It has a switchable PL mount, built-in ND filters, dual CFast and SD UHS-II card slots, and a SuperSpeed USB-C expansion port.


It features two 36x24mm full frame image sensors, built specifically for the demands and performance of the highest quality cinematography. Each sensor offers remarkable sensitivity, latitude, and color rendition, and in addition to being interchangeable, users can easily switch between sensors, without any additional firmware, and can even use the sensor from the Venice (ancestor camera). It has an 8K sensor that captures images up to 8640 x 5760 resolution, while the established 6K sensor gives a maximum of 6048 x 4032. Both give powerful upsampling for perfect 4K images. At full frame, you can use the full width of the sensors (8640 or 6048 pixels) for a 2.39:1 spherical widescreen or large format. We can use FullFrame creatively in different ways.
SV600 Akustinė Kamera - Vaizdų Sistema Dujų Nuotėkio ir Mechaninių Silpnybių Aptikimui

SV600 Akustinė Kamera - Vaizdų Sistema Dujų Nuotėkio ir Mechaninių Silpnybių Aptikimui

— Minimieren Sie Bedienereingriffe mit einer vollständig automatisierten und integrierten Lösung — Erfassen Sie Daten aus unzugänglichen oder gefährlichen Bereichen, ohne Ihre Mitarbeiter zu gefährden — Überwachen Sie die Änderung von Geräuschsignaturen in Echtzeit, um ungeplanten Wartungsarbeiten vorzubeugen Visualisieren Sie das Ungehörte und das Unsichtbare mit den Möglichkeiten der akustischen Bildgebung. Die Akustikkamera SV600 ermöglicht es den Anwendern, Luft- und Gaslecks oder Änderungen der Geräuschsignatur kontinuierlich zu erkennen, zu lokalisieren und zu visualisieren, bevor sie zu kostspieligen Problemen werden.
optris PI 450i G7/ 640 G7 - Infraraudonųjų spindulių kamera temperatūros matavimams stiklo pramonėje

optris PI 450i G7/ 640 G7 - Infraraudonųjų spindulių kamera temperatūros matavimams stiklo pramonėje

Die Infrarotkamera optris PI 450i G7/640 G7 ist die erste branchenspezifische Wärmebildkamera in der PI-Serie. Speziell für die Glasindustrie wurde eine Kamera entwickelt, die nur in einem Spektralbereich misst. Die für Optris-Kameras typischen Parameter - hohe Messgeschwindigkeit (80 Hz), hohe optische Auflösung (bis zu 640 x 480 Pixel) und kompakte Bauweise - wurden beibehalten, um Echtzeit-Wärmebilder von Glasperlen bis hin zu Großscheiben erhalten zu können. Die IR-Kamera wird im Bereich der Flachglasherstellung als Zeilenkamera genutzt und bietet vielseitige Möglichkeiten zur Dokumentation und Steuerung der Prozesse. Die kompakte und leistungsstarke Infrarotkamera für die Glasindustrie ist mit austauschbaren Objektiven und industriellem Zubehör lieferbar. Das umfangreiche Softwarepaket ohne Lizenzbeschränkung optris PIX Connect ist im Preis inbegriffen . Temperaturbereich:150 °C ... 1500 °C Spektralbereich:7,9 µm Optische Auflösung:382 x 288 px (PI 450i G7) / 640 x 480 px (PI 640 G7) Bildfrequenz:80 HZ/ umschaltbar bis 27 Hz (PI 450i G7) / 32 Hz / 125 Hz @ 640 x 120 px (PI 640 G7) Gewicht:237 - 251 g (PI 450i G7) / 269 - 340 g (PI 640 G7) abhängig von Objektiv Spannungsversorgung:via USB
ThermoView TV30 - Termovizorinė Kamera

ThermoView TV30 - Termovizorinė Kamera

Die TV30 kann direkt mit Fabrikautomationsgeräten, Software von Drittanbietern wie Labview oder der ThermoView-Software von Fluke Process Instruments verbunden werden. Die Integration eines E/A-Moduls für Automatisierungsanwendungen auf kleinstem Raum bietet Ihnen ein erweitertes Sichtfeld durch die direkte Bereitstellung von kontinuierlichen Wärmebildern, Aufzeichnungen und aussagekräftigen Analysen. Um den heutigen Anforderungen der Fabrikautomation gerecht zu werden, nutzen die TV30-Kameras Edge-Technologie für Analyseberechnungen und On-Board-E/A, mehrere Feldbusprotokolle für die Verbindung mit verschiedenen Fabrikautomationsgeräten sowie GigE-Hochgeschwindigkeits-Vision-Funktionen für die anspruchsvollsten Anwendungen.
Rolatube System 50 Trikojai: neteleskopiniai

Rolatube System 50 Trikojai: neteleskopiniai

con patas enrollables de material compuesto de 1 m, 2 m o 3 m y capaces de sopor - ESTE TRÍPODE NO ES TELESCÓPICO, SINO QUE UTILIZA UN COMPUESTO ENROLLABLE ÚNICO. PROBADO Y COMPROBADO POR MILITARES DURANTE MÁS DE 20 AÑOS Y AHORA DISPONIBLE PARA CLIENTES NO MILITARES. El compuesto único hace que estos trípodes puedan soportar cargas máximas de hasta 115 kg. Ligeros, portátiles y resistentes, su solución portátil ideal.
TELESCOPINIŲ KRANŲ NUOMA - Teleskopinių kranų nuoma kinui ir televizijai

TELESCOPINIŲ KRANŲ NUOMA - Teleskopinių kranų nuoma kinui ir televizijai

En un rodaje bien planeado y con la ayuda de un operador cualificado, una grúa telescópica es perfecta para minimizar los tiempos de emplazamiento de cámara, puede hacer movimientos de travelling sin necesitar vías, es decir, hace que todo sea más rápido lo que conlleva a que sea más económico. Camaleón Rental pone a tu disposición varias opciones para hacer posibles los movimientos de cámara que siempre has imaginado asesorado por profesionales con años de experiencia en el uso de este tipo de herramientas cinematográficas en cualquier tipo de situación. Es decir, te asesoramos en todo, empezando por la elección del modelo que se adapta a tu producción, en la elección del personal necesario para su set-up, su uso e incluso la forma de transportarla.
Spalvoti stiklo filtrai CMOS jutikliams - CMOS jutikliai naudojami komercinės klasės skaitmeninėse veidrodinėse kamerose

Spalvoti stiklo filtrai CMOS jutikliams - CMOS jutikliai naudojami komercinės klasės skaitmeninėse veidrodinėse kamerose

CMOS sensors are used within commercial grade Digital SLR cameras as a replacement for the more expensive CCD. These CMOS sensors are extremely sensitive to IR light, which can lead to discolouration. IR cut filters are used to block the IR light, meaning that photographs are taken with life-like colours. Colour Glass Filters can be used in variations of Bandpass, Long pass and Short pass, depending on which wavelengths of light need to be blocked resulting in different key areas being more easily distinguished. Knight Optical offers Colour Glass and IR cut filters for such an application, with a wide range of band widths and cut on/off wavelengths. As above these are available as Bandpass, Long pass or Short pass filters and we can also offer customised filters with coatings specific to the wavelength of your choice. We hold a massive inventory of IR cut, Bandpass, Long Pass and Short Pass filters: Read PDF for more info…. Material::Colour Glass and Borosilicate/D263T or equivalent Diameter::+0.0 / -0.20 mm Length/width::± 0.20 mm Thickness: :± 0.20 mm Surface quality::<60-40 scratch/dig or <20:10 for HD cameras Parallelism::<3 arcmin
KAMERŲ NUOMA BASKŲ ŠALYJE - Kamerų nuoma Bilbaoje

KAMERŲ NUOMA BASKŲ ŠALYJE - Kamerų nuoma Bilbaoje

In Bilbao we offer you the rental of complete camera equipment throughout the Basque Country. The minimum service that we offer must include a camera, optics and all camera accessories: focus controls, monitors, video radio links, tripods, batteries... In Bilbao we have a large catalog of film and television camera rentals to offer. , video and broadcast. We have to rent all the material from Arri, Red, Sony film cameras, Sony, Canon, Panasonic, or Blackmagic video cameras, the best high-speed cameras, both Freefly System and Vision Research, all of this is located at our headquarters in Madrid. You can find the cameras that we offer in Bilbao on the Camaleón website. In Bilbao we also have to offer the rental of lighting equipment and grip equipment, film and TV studios, transport and of course we also manage the hiring of technical personnel from all departments, but not the hiring of personnel without equipment.
optris PI 08M - Infraraudonųjų spindulių kamera visiems lazerinio apdorojimo procesams iki 1900 °C

optris PI 08M - Infraraudonųjų spindulių kamera visiems lazerinio apdorojimo procesams iki 1900 °C

Die neue IR-Kamera optris PI 08M minimiert durch den Wellenlängenbereich von 800 nm Messfehler bei unbekannten oder sich verändernden Emissionsgraden. Aufgrund des Spektralbereichs sowie des durchgängigen Messbereichs von 575 °C bis 1900 °C ist die kompakte Wärmebildkamera speziell für die Temperaturmessung für alle Laserbearbeitungsprozesse durch hervorragende Blockung von Strahlung geeignet. Die Bildfrequenz von 1 kHz und die hohe optische Auflösung ermöglichen eine optimale Anpassung an die jeweilige Anwendung. Temperaturbereich:575 °C ... 1900 °C Spektralbereich:780 - 820 nm Bildfrequenz:32 Hz/ 80 Hz (umschaltbar auf 27 Hz)/ 1 kHz (schneller Linescan-Modus) Optische Auflösung:764 x 480 Pixel/ 382 x 288 Pixel/ 72 x 56 Pixel/ 764 x 8 Pixel Gewicht:245 - 311 g (abhängig von Objektiv) Spannungsversorgung:via USB
KAMERŲ NUOMA - Arri, Red, Sony, Canon, Panasonic, Phantom

KAMERŲ NUOMA - Arri, Red, Sony, Canon, Panasonic, Phantom

Camaleon Rental offers rental of Digital Cinema Cameras. Film camera rental of the leading brands: Arri, Red, Sony, Phantom, Panasonic, Canon, or Blackmagic. Among our Rental catalog we offer film camera equipment with spherical or anamorphic optics and accessories to configure your recording equipment for your project. Check our rental offers for film cameras. Choose the Cine Lenses that best suit your project. Camaleón Cinema offers filming services with film cameras throughout Spain and Portugal. With offices in Madrid, Malaga, Almeria, Seville, Valencia, Lisbon. As a novelty we offer for rent the new Arri Alexa 35 and Sony Venice 2 Digital Cinema Cameras. Check our rental offers for your advertising or fiction filming.
Apvalus lapo poliarizatorius fotografijos taikymams - Tiekiamas įvairių dydžių ir formų su individualiais padengimais

Apvalus lapo poliarizatorius fotografijos taikymams - Tiekiamas įvairių dydžių ir formų su individualiais padengimais

Knight Optical can offer Circular Sheet Polariser for use within Photographic Applications. We supply a range of Circular Sheet Polariser for a range of applications. All individually QA checked and metrology tested for quality to ensure parts meet customer specification. Supplied in a range of sizes and shapes with custom coatings tailored to meet your individual applications. Knight Optical supply precision optical components to customers within Photographic Applications. Our Circular Polarisers consist of a quarter wave plate cemented to a linear polariser. While a linear polariser may be used to reduce glare during photography (such as reflection from the surface of a body of water), autofocus systems struggle to correctly focus on linearly polarised light. With the addition of the quarter wave plate, this has little impact on the intensity of incident light to the sensor, but it makes autofocussing much easier. For more information read PDF… Shapes: :Circular Polarisers, Square Polarisers Dimensional Tolerances::+/- 0.5mm


Esta cámara tiene un gran flujo de trabajo en todos los formastos que es capaz de grabar: 4K, UHD, 2K y HD. Su diseño permite que se pueda usar para el cine de máxima calidad, como publicidad o TV. El diseño de ésta cámara consta de una división de módulos, uno de la cámara y otro de grabación externa, y permiten la opción de desacoplarse así pueden funcionar solos o unidos, a través de conexión de cable o inalámbrica, lo que nos permite que el trabajo sea más fácil a la hora de usar grúas o estabilizadores. La marca Codex ha diseñado un módulo para la grabación en 4K RAW especialmente para ésta cámara. Este modelo de cámara también nos permite la desanamorfización en la reproducción de imagen, realizar memorias y pre ajustes de WB, IE y Obturación. Tiene un sensor MOS Super 35 de 8.9 megapíxeles con unas dimensiones de 26.7mm de alto y 14.1mm de ancho. Tiene un total de 4448 x 2308 píxeles efectivos y llega a superar los 14 stops de rango dinámico.


Es una cámara que trabaja con una resolución de hasta 12K que proporciona una alta calidad de imagen en 8K y 4K, también dispone de un sensor Super 35mm y 14 pasos de rango dinámico integrados, de 12K 12.288 x 6480 pixeles con lo que tiene una resolución excelente para producciones de alta gama. Acepta 80 Megapíxeles por cuadro a 60 f/s en formato RAW y 14 pasos de rango dinámico. La cámara URSA Mini Pro 12K tiene una resolución tan alta que increíblemente supera los parámetros tradicionales de la industria del cine, ya que tiene las ventajas de los rodajes en cinta con detalles increíbles y colores muy vivos e intensos. También, podemos filmar a 60 f/s en 12K, 120 f/s en 8K y hasta 240 f/s en 4K (Super 16). Tiene una montura PL intercambiable, filtros de densidad neutra integrados, dos ranuras para tarjetas CFast y SD UHS-II, y un puerto de expansión USB-C SuperSpeed.
DIT STOTIES NUOMA - NUOMOS - Dit station - Darbo vietos nuoma - Nuoma

DIT STOTIES NUOMA - NUOMOS - Dit station - Darbo vietos nuoma - Nuoma

We put at your disposal the rental of a DIT station to fully conclude your feature film, advertising or television production. It is a system that can work with any camera, and gives the best workflows for Alexa SXT, Alexa XT Plus, Amira Premium, Red One, Red Epic, Sony, Phantom, Blackmagic, etc) and performs backups on RAID disks through of USB-3 and Thunderbolt connections and offer maximum speed to generate several high-speed copies at the same time. You can create any type of proxies or dailies by transcoding the material shot in various formats, both for editing and post-production, as well as for viewing by the filmmaker, cinematographer, production manager... Generate LUTs so that the DoP can see the signal with the look you have in mind. It works in real time in HD, 2K and 4K formats, and we can also assemble sequences on the set itself. The included software allows you to generate checksums of the dumps...
Individualūs Kupolai Apsauginiams Korpusams Dronų Kameroms

Individualūs Kupolai Apsauginiams Korpusams Dronų Kameroms

Optically clear & manufactured for Drone & Vision system cameras & CCTV - Knight Optical has successfully launched a range of Stock Optical Domes for protective housing for Drone and Vision system cameras, where protection of electronic sensor systems and expensive fish-eye lenses from harsh liquid and gas environments is essential. A dome is essentially a window that has two parallel curves faces. Our domes are high quality with good form error polished faces to ensure high clarity and transmission in the Visible and NIR spectrums allowing for accurate measurement. Capabilities: Domes are readily mountable, optically clear and manufactured to a high standard. Available from 5mm to 200mm in diameter and 0.25 to 10mm in thickness offering high transmission and extreme toughness for harsh environments. For more details read the PDF ... BK7:PMMA Acrylic Quartz:Sspphire Germanium:Silicon
Aliuminio blokas. - CNC frezavimas, aliuminio apdorojimas, 3 ašių apdirbimas.

Aliuminio blokas. - CNC frezavimas, aliuminio apdorojimas, 3 ašių apdirbimas.

These parts are used for industrial camera accessories。


In a well-planned shoot and with the help of a qualified operator, a telescopic crane is perfect for minimizing camera placement times, it can make tracking movements without the need for tracks, that is, it makes everything faster, which leads to make it cheaper. Camaleón Rental puts at your disposal several options to make possible the camera movements that you have always imagined, advised by professionals with years of experience in the use of this type of cinematographic tools in any type of situation. In other words, we advise you on everything, starting with the choice of the model that suits your production, the choice of the necessary personnel for its set-up, its use and even the way of transporting it.
Deimantu apdirbtos asferinės objektyvai šiluminei vaizdavimui

Deimantu apdirbtos asferinės objektyvai šiluminei vaizdavimui

Aspherics with a range of infrared materials incld Ge, CaF₂, ZnS, ZnSe, & Al - We can supply you with a custom made Diamond turned aspheric lenses for use within Thermal Imaging Cameras. Thermal Imaging Cameras work similarly to traditional visible camera systems; while traditional cameras form images using visible light; thermal cameras form images using infrared radiation; operating in wavelengths as long as 14µm. Spherical aberration occurs in common singlet lenses, which results in an image that appears distorted, aspheric lenses correct spherical aberration. An aspheric lens surface is designed non-spherical, which allows a single component lens to collimate or focus highly divergent rays, potentially replacing a multi-lens system. This in turn provides the camera system with a better image quality. Knight Optical offers diamond turned aspherics from a range of infrared materials including Germanium (Ge), Calcium Fluoride (CaF₂), Zinc Sulphide (ZnS), Zinc Selenide (ZnSe), Aluminium (Al) and chalcogenide glasses like AMTIR (Ge33As12Se55 ) PDF FOR INFO Material::Germanium, ZnSe, Caf2, Silicon, Zinc Selenide (For LWIR) Diameter::Up to 200mm dia +0, -0.02mm Thickness::+/- 0.2mm Flatness::< 1/2 wave over 90% aperture Surface quality::< 40-20 scratch/dig Parallelism::5 arcmin Coating::AR/DLC (3-5 micron, 7-14 micron, 10-12 micron)
Deimantinėmis apdirbtos asferinės objektyvai gynybai ir kosmoso pramonei

Deimantinėmis apdirbtos asferinės objektyvai gynybai ir kosmoso pramonei

IR materials Germanium Calcium Fluoride Zinc Sulphide Zinc Selenide Aluminium - Diamond turning is an Aspherics best friend! Knight Optical can supply you with a custom made Diamond turned aspheric lenses. Diamond turned aspheric optical lenses are typically used in missile guidance systems, night vision/thermal Imaging cameras and other military based optics and commercial infrared systems (IR). The benefit of Diamond Turned Aspheric optics, are that lens shapes can be manufactured very accurately without an expensive tooling cost except for the diamond bit; and is cost efficient for small quantities. Which are ideal for use within the Defence and Aerospace Industry. Knight Optical offers diamond turned aspherics from a range of infrared materials including Germanium (Ge), Calcium Fluoride (CaF₂), Zinc Sulphide (ZnS), Zinc Selenide (ZnSe), Aluminium (Al) and chalcogenide glasses like AMTIR (Ge33As12Se55 ). For more details read the PDF... Material::Germanium, ZnSe, Caf2, Silicon, Zinc Selenide (For LWIR) Diameter::Up to 200mm dia +0, -0.02mm Thickness::+/- 0.2mm Flatness::< 1/2 wave over 90% aperture Surface quality::< 40-20 scratch/dig Parallelism::5 arcmin Coating::AR/DLC (3-5 micron, 7-14 micron, 10-12 micron)
Metalinių Neutralių Tankio Filtrai - KO gali pasiūlyti metalinius ND filtrus fotografijos taikymams

Metalinių Neutralių Tankio Filtrai - KO gali pasiūlyti metalinius ND filtrus fotografijos taikymams

KO can offer Metallic Neutral Density Filters for use in Photographic Applications. We supply a range of Metallic Neutral Density (ND) Filters for a variety of applications – all individually QA checked and metrology tested for quality to ensure parts meet customers’ specifications. What’s more, our Metallic ND Filters are supplied in a range of sizes and shapes with custom coatings tailored to meet your individual applications. Our Metallic ND Filters reflect (with a metallic coating) light neutrally over a wavelength range (typically visual). They can be used to lower the intensity of light prior to the image plane. These are often used in photography, allowing photographers more flexibility with their setups to achieve desired effects. Often, an ND filter will be used in conjunction with a long exposure to prevent washed-out and overexposed images. They can also be used to add motion blur, reduce depth of field and to use a wider aperture. For more information read PDF… Shapes: :Circular Filters, Square Filters Dimensional Tolerances::+/- 0.1mm Flatness::< 5(1) @ 632.8nm Surface quality::< 40-20 Scratch/Dig
Tikslūs spalvoti stiklo filtrai tiesioginėms kameroms

Tikslūs spalvoti stiklo filtrai tiesioginėms kameroms

Stock & custom precision optical filter in materials such as Schott Kopp & CDGM - Knight Optical can offer you Stock and Custom Colour Glass Filters, for use within Inline Cameras in a range of materials of brands such as Schott, Kopp and CDGM. Depending on the achievable wavelength and desired affect you need for the Inline Camera we can find a suitable material for your application. Colour Glass Filters are good for selecting a particular wavelength to be absorbed so that the high out of band blocking in achieved. With regards to the use in Inline Cameras, Colour Glass Short pass Filters are more desirable as they cut out the IR wavelengths mean the imaging is not saturated with the IR giving the image better clarity. Colour Glass Filters are polished sheets of special glass that have been cast with a dye. Colour Glass Filters generally are relatively cheap and very stable. The disadvantage with them is that they are only available in a relatively small number of variants, and so can be restrictive in shortwave selection.  For More Info see PDF... Material::Color glass Diameter::+0.0 / -0.20 mm Length / width::± 0.20 mm Thickness::± 0.20 mm Surface quality::<60-40 scratch/dig Parallelism::<3 arcmin
Knight Optical akromatiniai dvigubai šviesos varikliams - Šviesos varikliai naudojami tokioms programoms kaip pluoštinė optinė apšvietimas.

Knight Optical akromatiniai dvigubai šviesos varikliams - Šviesos varikliai naudojami tokioms programoms kaip pluoštinė optinė apšvietimas.

Knight Optical offer a range of Stock Achromatic Doublet Lenses for use within Light Engines. Light engines are used for applications such as fibre optic lighting displays & in diagnostic tools like western blots & polymerase chain reaction systems. These Light Engines are typically able to produce changing colour displays. Within the light engine are a range of lenses & filters. The lenses help to homogenise and collimate the light, ensuring for a crisp high-quality beam output. Achromatic Doublets are typically used in light engine systems & correct for chromatic aberrations which exist in singlet lenses. This is when different wavelengths of light refract at different rates. The doublet lens helps to correct this by facilitating the focusing of the light to the same point. This is especially important in light engines which typically generate white light. Read PDF for more information Material::BK7, SF11 Overall Diameter Tolerance::+0/-0.10mm Focal Length Tolerance::± 1.0%