Naftos ir kuro vandens atskyrimo medžiaga - Pavarų sistema ir skystis
Greater efficiency high performance separation media
Our oil separation media feature a unique bonded fiber technology that can perform the function of multiple layers of traditional filter media, efficiently separating oil mist from the air stream. Our bonded fiber can also separate water from diesel and other fuels. With its gradient density structure, our reliable, efficient media can replace several layers of traditional media used in water separation.
Specifically designed to reduce vehicle emissions and to improve performance, our powertrain filters come in two different types of solutions that can be provided in both custom and standard options:
Our unique bonded fiber structure can efficiently separate over 95% of oil mist from oil reservoir fumes.
Efficiently removes water from fuel streams that can cause issues with injectors and engines
Increase efficiency, as POREX ® media can perform the function of multiple layers of traditional separation filter media