Produktai skirti ir sunkus (2)

Filtravimo įrenginys - Filtravimo nustatymas, skirtas valyti orą nuo kietųjų dulkių dalelių ir dūmų.

Filtravimo įrenginys - Filtravimo nustatymas, skirtas valyti orą nuo kietųjų dulkių dalelių ir dūmų.

The productivity is a 10000 m³/h Setting can alGathers with the use of module panels, that provides the modular construction of setting. Setting is executed from steel in thick a from 2 to 3 mm with the further powder-like painting. Muddy air, that contains the particles of the wastes got during a production, is transported in a chamber where more heavy parts settle, whereupon muddy air gets to the filter block where the final cleaning is. The cleared air returns back in a working zone. The filtered particles going to the container or big-beg depending on acquisition The filter setting can purge air from particles a size from 0,3 мкм. In a standard is completed the Anti-static cartridge filter of C2.1000.10.ANT This filter is able to catch more shallow factions of dust, than baghoses, and intended for cleaning of air from finely dispersed of dry particles that does not stick togso be used hours in different industries subject to condition plenty of particulate matters in muddy air.
popieriaus užpildas

popieriaus užpildas

Properties: -The filler of tissue paper is quietly corrugated. -Thin paper with a beautiful corrugated surface. -Produced in a wide range of colors. -Used as a decorative filler for a gift box with different goals.