Produktai skirti duja (126)

ipPORE™ polikarbonato (PC) takelio išgraviruota membraninė filtravimo sistema | 0,80 µm pora | PVP apdorota (hidrofilinė)

ipPORE™ polikarbonato (PC) takelio išgraviruota membraninė filtravimo sistema | 0,80 µm pora | PVP apdorota (hidrofilinė)

1000M50/741N801/00 - Polycarbonate (PC) track-etched membrane filter Pore size: 0.80 µm | Pore density: 4.00 E+07 /cm² | Porosity: 20.1 % | Thickness: 49 µm multiangle pores | translucent PVP treated (hydrophilic)
ATEX sprogstamųjų dujų mišinių tvarkymas - Statinis ATEX

ATEX sprogstamųjų dujų mišinių tvarkymas - Statinis ATEX

Handling of ATEX explosive gas mixtures Static ATEX zone 0 vapor extraction system upstream of an incinerator. Application: treatment of volatile organic components coming from loading operations of (petro) chemical products, tankstorage, tankcleaning, chemical processes … Zone 0 extraction : piping and valve train Zone 0 extraction up to inlet combustion chamber
Pusiau sausas dūmų dujų desulfurizavimas - Rūgščiųjų dujų šalinimas

Pusiau sausas dūmų dujų desulfurizavimas - Rūgščiųjų dujų šalinimas

Features: Desulphurisation efficiency above 99% can be achieved ,Complete SO3 separation, Separation of heavy metals, dioxins and furanes, Low water requirement, No preliminary dust removal required, Availability of over 98% can be achieved, Small space requirement, Low investment and operating costs, Unlimited part load operation, No need for special anti-corrosion measures
Suspaudimo oro ir dujų nuotėkio nustatymas

Suspaudimo oro ir dujų nuotėkio nustatymas

Rileva le perdite d’aria. Diminuisce il consumo d’energia. Massimizza la durata. - L’aria compressa costituisce la risorsa più versatile e di conseguenza più utilizzata nel settore. Si può sfruttare la pressione atmosferica per il trasferimento d’energia durante i processi industriali, l’aria compressa può azionare utensili ad aria quali trapani e martelli pneumatici, cilindri idraulici per l’automazione dei processi di fabbricazione e altro ancora. L’aria compressa è utilizzata anche per i freni pneumatici sulle flotte mobili e sui treni. Si trova così comunemente nell’industria che è spesso indicato come la quarta utility dopo elettricità, acqua e gas. Delle quattro, l’aria compressa consuma più energia. I sistemi ad aria compressa possono differire enormemente in dimensioni, produzione e costi. Ciò che rimane invariato è che l’investimento iniziale in un sistema ad aria compressa equivale al solo 25 % delle spesse associate ad esso durante tutta la durata di vita del sistema. L’altro 75 % dei costi va all’energia utilizzata per comprimere l’aria.
ipBLACK™ poliesterio (PET) takelio gręžimo membraniniai filtrai | 3,0 µm poros | PVP apdoroti (hidrofiliniai)

ipBLACK™ poliesterio (PET) takelio gręžimo membraniniai filtrai | 3,0 µm poros | PVP apdoroti (hidrofiliniai)

2000M23/630M302/00 - Polyester (PET) track-etched membrane filter Pore size: 3.0 µm | Pore density: 3.00 E+06 /cm² | Porosity: 21.2 % | Thickness: 20 µm 90° parallel pores | opaque PVP treated (hydrophilic)
ipPORE™ polikarbonato (PC) takelio išgraviruota membraninė filtrų sistema | 0,10 µm pora | PVP apdorota (hidrofilinė)

ipPORE™ polikarbonato (PC) takelio išgraviruota membraninė filtrų sistema | 0,10 µm pora | PVP apdorota (hidrofilinė)

1000M06/861N101/00 - Polycarbonate (PC) track-etched membrane filter Pore size: 0.10 µm | Pore density: 6.00 E+08 /cm² | Porosity: 4.7 % | Thickness: 6 µm multiangle pores | transparent PVP treated (hydrophilic)
ipPORE™ poliesterio (PET) track-etched membraniniai filtrai | 0,20 µm poros | PVP apdoroti (hidrofiliniai)

ipPORE™ poliesterio (PET) track-etched membraniniai filtrai | 0,20 µm poros | PVP apdoroti (hidrofiliniai)

2000M23/851N201/00 - Polyester (PET) track-etched membrane filter Pore size: 0.20 µm | Pore density: 5.00 E+08 /cm² | Porosity: 15.7 % | Thickness: 23 µm multiangle pores | translucent PVP treated (hydrophilic)
ipPORE™ polikarbonato (PC) takelio išgręžta membraninė filtrai | 0,40 µm pora | PVP apdorota (hidrofilinė)

ipPORE™ polikarbonato (PC) takelio išgręžta membraninė filtrai | 0,40 µm pora | PVP apdorota (hidrofilinė)

1000M25/811N401/00 - Polycarbonate (PC) track-etched membrane filter Pore size: 0.40 µm | Pore density: 1.50 E+08 /cm² | Porosity: 18.8 % | Thickness: 25 µm multiangle pores | translucent PVP treated (hydrophilic)
ipBLACK™ polikarbonato (PC) takelio išgręžtas membraninis filtras | 0,40 µm pora | PVP nemokamas (hidrofobinis)

ipBLACK™ polikarbonato (PC) takelio išgręžtas membraninis filtras | 0,40 µm pora | PVP nemokamas (hidrofobinis)

1000M25/811N402/00 - Polycarbonate (PC) track-etched membrane filter Pore size: 0.40 µm | Pore density: 1.50 E+08 /cm² | Porosity: 18.8 % | Thickness: 25 µm Multiangles pores | opaque PVP free (hydrophobic)
ipPORE™ polikarbonato (PC) takelio išgręžta membraninė filtravimo sistema | 0,20 µm pora | PVP apdorota (hidrofilinė)

ipPORE™ polikarbonato (PC) takelio išgręžta membraninė filtravimo sistema | 0,20 µm pora | PVP apdorota (hidrofilinė)

1000M25/851N201/00 - Polycarbonate (PC) track-etched membrane filter Pore size: 0.20 µm | Pore density: 5.00 E+08 /cm² | Porosity: 15.7 % | Thickness: 25 µm multiangle pores | translucent PVP treated (hydrophilic)
ipBLACK™ poliesterio (PET) takelio gręžimo membraniniai filtrai | 0,80 µm poros | PVP nemokami (hidrofobiniai)

ipBLACK™ poliesterio (PET) takelio gręžimo membraniniai filtrai | 0,80 µm poros | PVP nemokami (hidrofobiniai)

2000M23/741N802/00 - Polyester (PET) track-etched membrane filter Pore size: 0.80 µm | Pore density: 4.00 E+07 /cm² | Porosity: 20.1 % | Thickness: 22 µm Multiangles pores | opaque PVP free (hydrophobic)
ipPORE™ polikarbonato (PC) takelio išgraviruota membraninė filtrų sistema | 0,10 µm pora | PVP apdorota (hidrofilinė)

ipPORE™ polikarbonato (PC) takelio išgraviruota membraninė filtrų sistema | 0,10 µm pora | PVP apdorota (hidrofilinė)

1000M10/861N101/00 - Polycarbonate (PC) track-etched membrane filter Pore size: 0.10 µm | Pore density: 6.00 E+08 /cm² | Porosity: 4.7 % | Thickness: 10 µm multiangle pores | transparent PVP treated (hydrophilic)
ipBLACK™ polikarbonato (PC) takelio išgręžta membraninė filtrai | 0,20 µm pora | PVP nemokama (hidrofobinė)

ipBLACK™ polikarbonato (PC) takelio išgręžta membraninė filtrai | 0,20 µm pora | PVP nemokama (hidrofobinė)

1000M25/851N202/00 - Polycarbonate (PC) track-etched membrane filter Pore size: 0.20 µm | Pore density: 5.00 E+08 /cm² | Porosity: 15.7 % | Thickness: 25 µm Multiangles pores | opaque PVP free (hydrophobic)
ipPORE™ Polycarbonate (PC) track-etched membrane filter | 0.20 µm pore | PVP treated (hydrophilic)

ipPORE™ Polycarbonate (PC) track-etched membrane filter | 0.20 µm pore | PVP treated (hydrophilic)

1000M10/831N201/00 - Polycarbonate (PC) track-etched membrane filter Pore size: 0.20 µm | Pore density: 3.00 E+08 /cm² | Porosity: 9.4 % | Thickness: 10 µm multiangle pores | translucent PVP treated (hydrophilic)
ipCELLCULTURE™ Polycarbonate (PC) track-etched membrane filter | 0.40 µm pore | CELL CULTURE treated

ipCELLCULTURE™ Polycarbonate (PC) track-etched membrane filter | 0.40 µm pore | CELL CULTURE treated

1000M25/620N403/00 - Polycarbonate (PC) track-etched membrane filter Pore size: 0.40 µm | Pore density: 2.00 E+06 /cm² | Porosity: < 0.3 % | Thickness: 25 µm 90° parallel pores | transparent CELL CULTURE treated
ipCELLCULTURE™ polikarbonato (PC) track-etched membraninė filtrai | 0,40 µm pora | CELL CULTURE apdorota

ipCELLCULTURE™ polikarbonato (PC) track-etched membraninė filtrai | 0,40 µm pora | CELL CULTURE apdorota

1000M25/720N403/00 - Polycarbonate (PC) track-etched membrane filter Pore size: 0.40 µm | Pore density: 2.00 E+07 /cm² | Porosity: 2.5 % | Thickness: 25 µm 90° parallel pores | transparent CELL CULTURE treated
ipCELLCULTURE™ polikarbonato (PC) track-etched membraninė filtrai | 0,40 µm pora | CELL CULTURE apdorota

ipCELLCULTURE™ polikarbonato (PC) track-etched membraninė filtrai | 0,40 µm pora | CELL CULTURE apdorota

1000M25/811N403/00 - Polycarbonate (PC) track-etched membrane filter Pore size: 0.40 µm | Pore density: 1.50 E+08 /cm² | Porosity: 18.8 % | Thickness: 25 µm multiangle pores | translucent CELL CULTURE treated
ipPORE™ poliesterio (PET) takelio gręžimo membraniniai filtrai | 0,40 µm pora | PVP apdoroti (hidrofiliniai)

ipPORE™ poliesterio (PET) takelio gręžimo membraniniai filtrai | 0,40 µm pora | PVP apdoroti (hidrofiliniai)

2000M23/810N401/00 - Polyester (PET) track-etched membrane filter Pore size: 0.40 µm | Pore density: 1.50 E+08 /cm² | Porosity: 18.8 % | Thickness: 23 µm 90° parallel pores | translucent PVP treated (hydrophilic)
ipCELLCULTURE™ poliesterio (PET) track-etched membraniniai filtrai | 0,40 µm poros | CELL CULTURE apdoroti

ipCELLCULTURE™ poliesterio (PET) track-etched membraniniai filtrai | 0,40 µm poros | CELL CULTURE apdoroti

2000M23/811N403/00 - Polyester (PET) track-etched membrane filter Pore size: 0.40 µm | Pore density: 1.50 E+08 /cm² | Porosity: 18.8 % | Thickness: 23 µm multiangle pores | translucent CELL CULTURE treated
ipCELLCULTURE™ poliesterio (PET) track-etched membraninio filtro | 0,45 µm poros | CELL CULTURE apdorotas

ipCELLCULTURE™ poliesterio (PET) track-etched membraninio filtro | 0,45 µm poros | CELL CULTURE apdorotas

2000M23/620N453/00 - Polyester (PET) track-etched membrane filter Pore size: 0.45 µm | Pore density: 2.00 E+06 /cm² | Porosity: < 0.4 % | Thickness: 23 µm 90° parallel pores | transparent CELL CULTURE treated
ipPORE™ polikarbonato (PC) takelio išgraviruota membraninė filtrų sistema | 0,60 µm pora | PVP apdorota (hidrofilinė)

ipPORE™ polikarbonato (PC) takelio išgraviruota membraninė filtrų sistema | 0,60 µm pora | PVP apdorota (hidrofilinė)

1000M25/741N601/00 - Polycarbonate (PC) track-etched membrane filter Pore size: 0.60 µm | Pore density: 4.00 E+07 /cm² | Porosity: 11.3 % | Thickness: 24 µm multiangle pores | translucent PVP treated (hydrophilic)
ipCELLCULTURE™ polikarbonato (PC) track-etched membraninė filtrai | 1.00 µm pora | CELL CULTURE apdorota

ipCELLCULTURE™ polikarbonato (PC) track-etched membraninė filtrai | 1.00 µm pora | CELL CULTURE apdorota

1000M25/610M103/00 - Polycarbonate (PC) track-etched membrane filter Pore size: 1.00 µm | Pore density: 1.60 E+06 /cm² | Porosity: 1.3 % | Thickness: 24 µm 90° parallel pores | transparent CELL CULTURE treated
ipPORE™ polikarbonato (PC) takelio išgręžta membraninė filtrai | 1.00 µm pora | PVP apdorota (hidrofilinė)

ipPORE™ polikarbonato (PC) takelio išgręžta membraninė filtrai | 1.00 µm pora | PVP apdorota (hidrofilinė)

1000M25/721M101/00 - Polycarbonate (PC) track-etched membrane filter Pore size: 1.00 µm | Pore density: 2.20 E+07 /cm² | Porosity: 17.3 % | Thickness: 24 µm multiangle pores | translucent PVP treated (hydrophilic)
ipCELLCULTURE™ polikarbonato (PC) track-etched membraniniai filtrai | 3.0 µm poros | CELL CULTURE apdoroti

ipCELLCULTURE™ polikarbonato (PC) track-etched membraniniai filtrai | 3.0 µm poros | CELL CULTURE apdoroti

1000M25/610M303/00 - Polycarbonate (PC) track-etched membrane filter Pore size: 3.0 µm | Pore density: 1.60 E+06 /cm² | Porosity: 11.3 % | Thickness: 22 µm 90° parallel pores | translucent CELL CULTURE treated
ipCELLCULTURE™ polikarbonato (PC) track-etched membraninė filtrų | 3.0 µm pora | CELL CULTURE apdorota

ipCELLCULTURE™ polikarbonato (PC) track-etched membraninė filtrų | 3.0 µm pora | CELL CULTURE apdorota

1000M25/620M303/00 - Polycarbonate (PC) track-etched membrane filter Pore size: 3.0 µm | Pore density: 2.00 E+06 /cm² | Porosity: 14.1 % | Thickness: 22 µm 90° parallel pores | translucent CELL CULTURE treated
ipPORE™ poliesterio (PET) takelio gręžimo membraniniai filtrai | 3.0 µm pora | PVP apdoroti (hidrofiliniai)

ipPORE™ poliesterio (PET) takelio gręžimo membraniniai filtrai | 3.0 µm pora | PVP apdoroti (hidrofiliniai)

2000M12/621M301/00 - Polyester (PET) track-etched membrane filter Pore size: 3.0 µm | Pore density: 2.00 E+06 /cm² | Porosity: 14.1 % | Thickness: 9 µm multiangle pores | translucent PVP treated (hydrophilic)
ipPORE™ poliesterio (PET) takelio gręžimo membraniniai filtrai | 3.0 µm pora | PVP apdoroti (hidrofiliniai)

ipPORE™ poliesterio (PET) takelio gręžimo membraniniai filtrai | 3.0 µm pora | PVP apdoroti (hidrofiliniai)

2000M23/510M301/00 - Polyester (PET) track-etched membrane filter Pore size: 3.0 µm | Pore density: 1.00 E+05 /cm² | Porosity: < 0.8 % | Thickness: 20 µm 90° parallel pores | transparent PVP treated (hydrophilic)
ipCELLCULTURE™ poliesterio (PET) track-etched membraninio filtro | 5.0 µm poros | CELL CULTURE apdorotas

ipCELLCULTURE™ poliesterio (PET) track-etched membraninio filtro | 5.0 µm poros | CELL CULTURE apdorotas

2000M12/510M503/00 - Polyester (PET) track-etched membrane filter Pore size: 5.0 µm | Pore density: 1.00 E+05 /cm² | Porosity: 2 % | Thickness: 8 µm 90° parallel pores | transparent CELL CULTURE treated
ipCELLCULTURE™ Polyester (PET)  track-etched membrane filter | 5.0 µm pore | CELL CULTURE treated

ipCELLCULTURE™ Polyester (PET) track-etched membrane filter | 5.0 µm pore | CELL CULTURE treated

2000M23/460M503/00 - Polyester (PET) track-etched membrane filter Pore size: 5.0 µm | Pore density: 6.00 E+04 /cm² | Porosity: 1.2 % | Thickness: 19 µm 90° parallel pores | transparent CELL CULTURE treated
ipPORE™ poliesterio (PET) takelio gręžimo membraniniai filtrai | 5,0 µm poros | PVP nemokami (hidrofobiniai)

ipPORE™ poliesterio (PET) takelio gręžimo membraniniai filtrai | 5,0 µm poros | PVP nemokami (hidrofobiniai)

2000M23/541M500/00 - Polyester (PET) track-etched membrane filter Pore size: 5.0 µm | Pore density: 4.00 E+05 /cm² | Porosity: 7.9 % | Thickness: 19 µm multiangle pores | translucent PVP free (hydrophobic)