Centrifuginiai sankabos su diržo įtempėju
For centrifugal clutches with belt outputs, the belts must be pre-tensioned in order to maintain the pressing force required to transfer force. Usually, tensioning rollers are used in the belt drive for this purpose. However, tensioning rollers are hard to use with short axle distances.
The tried-and-tested centrifugal clutch with integrated, automatically acting belt tensioner compensates the length changes of the V-belts by adjusting the diameter of the pulley. Typically, these centrifugal clutches are used in high-quality reversible shaker plates.
Size / nominal diameter:60 - 250
Standard borehole d (mm):10 - 75
d max. (mm):20 - 80
Outer diameter D (mm):60 - 250
Width B (mm):20 - 30
Md1 [Nm] at nE 750 and nB 1500 [1 / min]:1,7 - 720,5
Recommended power P1 [kW]:0,1 - 56,6
Md1 [Nm] at nE 750 and nB 2500 [1 / min]:4,8 - 2001,3
Recommended power P2 [kW]:0,6 - 262,0
Md1 [Nm] at nE 750 and nB 3500 [1 / min]:6,9 - 2881,9
Recommended power P3 [kW]:1,1 - 452,7