Produktai skirti dendimas (120)

Laido klojimo mašina PST

Laido klojimo mašina PST

Drahtverlegemaschinen für die Produktion von Heizfeldern aus Wolframdraht auf PVB, das in beheiztem laminiertem Glas Anwendung findet (Zum Beispiel beheizte Windshutzscheiben). Bitte sprechen Sie uns an, damit wir Ihnen ein angepasstes, kostenfreies und unverbindliches Angebot erstellen können!
LAY serija - Pneumatiškai valdomi magnetai automatizavimui.

LAY serija - Pneumatiškai valdomi magnetai automatizavimui.

Diese Magnete können individuell an unterschiedlichste Arbeitsaufgaben angepasst werden. Sie werden nur mit einem kurzen Druckluftimpuls zwischen 5 und 8 bar geschaltet. Sie sind wartungsfrei und haben sehr schnelle Schaltzeiten. Individuelle Lösungen mit mehreren parallel angesteuerten Magneten vereinfachen Ihre Hebeaufgabe oder Arbeitsprozess. Zum Einsatz kommt er nicht nur in vollautomatischen Anlagen, sondern auch bei einfachsten manuellen Hebeprozessen. Alle technischen Daten finden Sie in der .pdf - Datei. LAY20x4:Art. - Nr. 66532 LAY50x2:Art. - Nr. 66907 LAY50x3:Art. - Nr. 66908 LAY50x4:Art. - Nr. 68293 LAY70x2:Art. - Nr. 67794 LAY70x3:auf Anfrage LAY70x4:Art. - Nr. 66898
Kiaušinių vištos - Sidabrinės italės

Kiaušinių vištos - Sidabrinės italės

Der Unterschied zum Rebhuhnfarbigen Italiener liegt einzig in der Farbgebung. Ansonsten zeichnen sich auch „Italiener“ durch eine gute Legeleistung, Lebhaftigkeit und sehr schöne Optik aus. Silberfarbige Italiener legen ebenfalls braune Eier und werden im Alter von 20 Wochen verkauft.
„Zeego“ bulvių traškučiai

„Zeego“ bulvių traškučiai

Wholesale Potato Chips Factory price.. 1 CARTON HAVE 12 BAGS .. EACH BAG 90g of High quality potatoes.. Great Value for new market


L'impegno di Calzificio Zeta... Il filo che unisce bellezza e benessere L'idea guida Questa linea di calze e collant è stata creata appositamente per massaggiare e togliere pesantezza alle gambe senza però mai rinunciare ai desideri di eleganza, coniugando quindi l'azione terapeutica a compressione graduata con le esigenze della moda. L'azione terapeutica Con la loro continua azione micromassaggiante, le calze e i collant Wellness intervengono positivamente su tutti i problemi legati alle patologie vascolari, favorendo la circolazione del sangue nei tessuti e prevenendo con la scelta della compressione specifica, la tendenza alla formazione delle varici e della cellulite. La compressione graduata e costante, che dalla caviglia decresce verso il ginocchio e progressivamente verso la coscia, conferisce alla calza proprietà defaticanti che ne fa la soluzione ottimale per alleviare la sensazione di stanchezza, gonfiore e appesantimento.


UTILISATION : Mesure des longueurs de voie par circulation sur rail. AVANTAGES : Appareil simple, robuste et précis (repliable pour le transport) - Appareil portable avec pied d'appui au sol - Réf. OD-10 - Roue caoutchoutée Ø 320 mm. - 2 galets de guidage latéral au rail - 1 Poignée escamotable long. dépliée : 1,10 m. - 1 Compteur de 0 à 9999 m avec remise à 0 - Encombrement poignée : 53 x 17 x 32 cm - Poids = 3 Kg OPTIONS : - Accouplement au PLATEAU-LORRY - Dispositif support Odomètre - Réf. SO-1 (fixé au plateau lorry léger (Voir Produits - Rubrique TRANSPORT)


Cubrecanto en madera de roble primera calidad


Combination of natural essential oils - mandarin, ylang-ylang, cedar, incense. Clarifies the mind, balances emotions, relaxes. Removes tension and fatigue, calms and relaxes. Restores harmony in body and mind.
Parketo priedai interjerui

Parketo priedai interjerui

Labor Legno has a wide range of products for your interiors. Explore the page to discover glues and fillers for slats, accessories for laying planks, floor and parquet cleaners, and lots more.
Kalcis su alaus mielėmis 5kg

Kalcis su alaus mielėmis 5kg

Calcium feed with brewer's yeast is a high-quality nutritional supplement designed to enhance the diet of livestock. This product combines the benefits of calcium with the nutritional properties of brewer's yeast, providing essential minerals and vitamins that support animal health and productivity. The unique formulation helps in improving the overall well-being of animals, ensuring they receive the necessary nutrients for optimal growth and development. With a protein content of 45% and low moisture levels, this feed is perfect for maintaining a balanced diet in various livestock species. Incorporating calcium feed with brewer's yeast into your animal's diet can lead to improved digestion and nutrient absorption. This product is particularly beneficial for dairy cows, as it can enhance milk production and quality. Additionally, it supports the immune system, helping to prevent common health issues in livestock. By choosing this calcium feed, farmers can ensure their animals thrive, leading to better productivity and profitability in their operations.


infissi, serramenti, porte & portoncini, avvolgibili, persiane, zanzariere . Installazione, logistica, assistenza.
Dirbtinio vejos pardavimas ir įrengimas

Dirbtinio vejos pardavimas ir įrengimas

Kunstrasen König liefert hochwertige Kunstrasen und passendes Zubehör für die professionelle Verlegung von Kunstrasen...
FOECK klojimo kanalas - Kanalas, sukurtas individualiems poreikiams

FOECK klojimo kanalas - Kanalas, sukurtas individualiems poreikiams

Chuts for the plowing process you will receive from us for a variety of pipe and cable diameter. Here, the required minimum bending radius is always maintained. For special laying tasks, we manufacture an individual tool for you, which brings several cables / pipes into the earth at a specified distance and with the highest quality.
Diatomito žemė ūkio gyvūnams - Unikalus priedas jūsų ūkio gyvūnams.

Diatomito žemė ūkio gyvūnams - Unikalus priedas jūsų ūkio gyvūnams.

La tierra de diatomeas es uno de esos productos naturales que posee grandes aplicaciones y beneficios para nuestros animales. Cada vez más profesionales confían en este producto gracias a sus resultados, su versatilidad y buen precio. ► Acción insecticida y desparasitadora. ► Mejora la nutrición animal. ► Ayuda a la eliminación de toxinas y metales pesados. ► Desecante natural y acción desodorante para las camas de animal. ► Mejora el bienestar y salud del animal. si deseas más información...
nerūdijančio plieno plytelių klojimo profilis - plytelių krašto profilis

nerūdijančio plieno plytelių klojimo profilis - plytelių krašto profilis

Paslanmaz çelik fayans bordür profili, farklı ölçü ve renklerde, 304 kalite. minimum sipariş adedi 10 pakettir.
Koronos antigeno greitasis testas - namų testas

Koronos antigeno greitasis testas - namų testas

With the self/rapid test you get a high-quality corona antigen self-test, which is used for the qualitative detection of SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid antigens in the front nasal cavity in a short time. It is based on the lateral flow immunoassay method, which uses antibodies to detect specific antigens in the sample swab.
Savepads pilnas - Priedai Lay vartotojams

Savepads pilnas - Priedai Lay vartotojams

Accessories Lay users
Gulintis branduolio slopintuvas su jungtimis viename plokštumoje

Gulintis branduolio slopintuvas su jungtimis viename plokštumoje

Stabkerndrossel in liegender Ausführung und Anschlüssen in einer Ebene
Atvira Ląstelė T4 (be bėgių, Uždėta, Įmontuota, Uždaryta Įmontuota) - Atvira Ląstelė

Atvira Ląstelė T4 (be bėgių, Uždėta, Įmontuota, Uždaryta Įmontuota) - Atvira Ląstelė

SEPA T4 open cell ceiling systems; is an open ceiling system that consists of triangular «Δ» (delta) type panels which has 4mm base and 20/30mm height. The cells can be different models of square and rectangular type in order to give the architects and customer limitless space for design. Panels can be used with T15/ T24 or special carrier systems which also offers a trackless system with 2mm gap between the panels. There are 4 different carrier models. First one is lay in type with t15, the second one is closed lay in type with T15. The third one is lay on and the final one is swing down system all with 600×600 or 600x1200mm modules. Sepa Open cell systems can be produced perforated with acoustic flee to fulfill various acoustic needs. Sepa T4 open cell ceiling systems can be manufactured as single panels demounted which would be economical for transport or 600*600mm mounted panels in order to minimize the labor and installation time at the site Material:Aluminium Cell:50×50, 60×60, 75×75, 85×85, 100×100, 120×120, 150×150, 200×200 Height/Base:30 mm / 4 mm Carrier System:T15 and Swing Down Color:Standart Ral 9016 White, Ral 9006 Grey, Ral 9005 Black or Ral Choices
Klojimo Žnyplės

Klojimo Žnyplės

Hydraulische Pflasterverlegezange P02-2 für die maschinelle Pflasterverlegung zum Anbau an ein Trägergerät. Kraftvolle und funktionelle Pflasterverlegezange für Minibagger ab ca. 3,5 - 4 t
Natūrali Mišinio Vištoms - Ducato Linijos Paukščių Lesalai

Natūrali Mišinio Vištoms - Ducato Linijos Paukščių Lesalai

Natural Mix Galline è un mangime complementare composto da: - spezzato di granturco ventilato - grano tenero in granella - sorgo in granella - orzo in granella - conchiglie frantumate - olio di germe di granturco I valori analitici sono i seguenti: - Umidità 12,76 - Proteina grezza 10,05 - Ceneri grezze 4,12 - Oli e grassi grezzi 3,42 - Cellulosa grezza 2,67
Mašina, skirta blokelių gamybai

Mašina, skirta blokelių gamybai

La machine bicouche est controlée par un opérateur par des poignés a systeme hydraulique. Pour une utilisation de 24H– obtenir des pavés a une surface plus lisse ou a 2 couleurs, Sa vibration spécial offre plus de resistance au blocs. Les blocs, qui sont imprimées sur la palette, sont transportées dans la zone de séchage par une brouette manuelle à 2 roues. La machine a parpaing peut produire des blocs béton entre 6 cm et 38 cm de hauteur et de chaque forme géométrique, bordure, brique, parpaing, paves avec la même machine par le changement du moule.
Adicret Superfine

Adicret Superfine

Single-component powder mortar based on cement, marble and silica aggregates, synthetic resins and special additives that reduce water absorption and permeability and give it optimum workability and docility for its application, as well as being characterized by very high abrasion, high compressive strength, as well as an ideal fineness for a smooth finish. Capillary water absorption:>2 N/mm2 Flexural strength (28 days):>30 N/mm2 Compressive strength (28 days):>10 N/mm2 Consumption: 1,1kg/m2 y 1mm
HOREKS - Aukštos atsparumo trijų sluoksnių plokščias vidinis - išorinis padengtas gaisrų gesinimo žarna

HOREKS - Aukštos atsparumo trijų sluoksnių plokščias vidinis - išorinis padengtas gaisrų gesinimo žarna

The inner and outer coating of the hoses shall be produced in an integrated manner by means of 'Extrusion Through the View' method using a mixture of thermoplastic polyurethane. The wall thickness shall be homogeneous and 1-1.5 mm Inner and outer coating shall be resistant to the aging effects of weather and seasonal changes.
NERŪDIJANČIO PLIENO PLYTELIŲ PROFILIS - Nerūdijančio plieno kampinis profilis

NERŪDIJANČIO PLIENO PLYTELIŲ PROFILIS - Nerūdijančio plieno kampinis profilis

The ceramic Profile of the stainless steel right Corner tile is attached to the ceramic wall Corner; It covers the imperfections on the edge of the cut tile, preventing future breaks and cracks in the ceramic Corner. Vertical stainless steel-ceramic Corner Profile in various anodized colors is chemically laid on the edge of the wall. The right Corner ceramic Profile made of stainless steel creates a clean and decorative wall Corner. The ceramic finishing Profile, which is an integral part of modern bathroom decoration, can also be used as a floor finishing Profile, threshold Profile or stair nosing Profile when laying ceramic tiles on the floor. In addition, the anodized end Corner Profile made of polished leather blends seamlessly with chrome-plated bathroom fittings and other bathroom accessories.
Medinė terasa 25/40 mm

Medinė terasa 25/40 mm

Le plot terrasse bois est un support réglable en hauteur de 25 à 40 mm permettant la pose de terrasse en bois ou en composite. La tête du plot terrasse bois en forme de L permet de recevoir la lambourde. Une languette située sur le côté de la tête permet de fixer la lambourde sur le plot à l’aide de vis. Le réglage s’effectue grâce à la bague située sous la tête du plot et permet un ajustement de la hauteur au millimètre près. Robuste, le plot terrasse lambourde supporte jusqu’à 1 tonne de charge. Il résiste également aux variations de température de 40° à +60° C, au gel, aux UV ainsi qu’aux agents acides et chimiques. Le plot terrasse bois YEED est fabriqué en France à base de polypropylène, un matériau recyclé et recyclable respectueux de l’environnement. Les plots terrasse YEED sont conformes aux DTU 43.1 et 51.4. EAN:635131418105
Keraminių plytelių klojimo virvė / Lygiagretės virvė / Mūrininko virvė P 23 Polietilenas

Keraminių plytelių klojimo virvė / Lygiagretės virvė / Mūrininko virvė P 23 Polietilenas

Geflochtene Schnüre und Seile aus Polyethylen werden aus Monofäden hergestellt. Polyäthylen Schnüre und Seile nehmen keine Feuchtigkeit und keinen Schmutz auf und sie haben eine sehr hohe Bruchdehnung.
Geležinkelio tepalų sistemos - Patikima automatinė tepalų sistema geležinkelio pramonei

Geležinkelio tepalų sistemos - Patikima automatinė tepalų sistema geležinkelio pramonei

ATS Electro-Lube's rail lubrication extend equipment life, slash maintenance hours & costs, and improve service reliability. Firstly, ATS lubrication products are proven to be the most reliable on the market. In the rail industry this is of paramount importance to keep equipment functioning correctly, and therefore improve service reliability and uptime. Our cost-effective multi-point lubrication systems can be used in many rail & rolling stock applications. For example, our 4 point switch machine system is refillable and last hundreds of uses, offering not only excellent reliability but also huge maintenance savings. With up to 24 months of maintenance free lubrication ATS products drive down maintenance hours & costs. Our single point rail lubricators are ATEX certified for underground rail and metro lubrication, and waterproof to 10m. With the best temperature range of any automatic lubricators our products can be used in any climate.