Produktai skirti degalų žiūrėjimo čiistuvė (31)

Bako / Dyzelinis bakas / Kuro bakas / Talpykla

Bako / Dyzelinis bakas / Kuro bakas / Talpykla

Für Nutzfahrzeuge und Spezialmaschinen Ob LKW, Luxus-Yacht, Kran oder Heizkraftwerk – NovaNox liefert den passenden Tank aus Stahl, Edelstahl oder Aluminium in beliebigen Größen. Anhand Ihrer Zeichnung, Handskizze oder Beschreibung fertigen wir exzellente Produkte nach individuellen Vorgaben, die mit allen Zubehörteilen ausgestattet werden – vom Tankdeckel und -stutzen über den Anbausatz bis hin zur Halterung. Standard-Tanks für den Aftermarket-Bereich ergänzen das Portfolio. Diesen Rundum-Service können wir Ihnen dank ausgefeilter Fertigungsprozesse zu einem attraktiven Preis anbieten. Qualitativ erfüllen die Tanks von NovaNox höchste Ansprüche. Um das Eigengewicht der Tanks zu minimieren, setzt NovaNox auf Anfrage eine anspruchsvolle Schweißtechnik ein, mit der sich bis zu 1 mm dünnes Aluminium sauber und ohne Nacharbeit verschweißen lässt. Die Schweißarbeiten werden ausschließlich von hoch qualifiziertem Personal durchgeführt. Qualitätsnachweise, z.B. bezüglich Dichtheit,...
Bako modulis mobiliai kuro tiekimui

Bako modulis mobiliai kuro tiekimui

Doppelwandige ISO Transporttanks; Centaur® Tankmodule mit ISO-Transportrahmen Mit den Centaur®-Modulen kann eine flexible, stationäre Kraftstoffversorgung installiert werden. Es können bis zu 5 Centaur® TC-QI-3000F auf einem 20 ft ISO-Standardtransportrahmen montiert werden. Durch die Verrohrung und die eigene Steuerung ist es möglich, sie zur Versorgung dezentraler Aggregate mit geringer Ausstattung einzusetzen. Vom Aggregat werden lediglich Signale zu den Füllständen des Tagestanks und die Stromversorgung für die Tankmodule benötigt. Die Centaur Tankmodule können gefüllt transportiert werden und sind somit flexibel einsetzbar.
Vožtuvo/Kuro Sistemos Valiklis - Aukštos koncentracijos valymo priedas

Vožtuvo/Kuro Sistemos Valiklis - Aukštos koncentracijos valymo priedas

THE EFFECT Deposits on the valves and on the surfaces of the injection jets reduce the fuel flow and lead to a drop-in injection performance. The result of these deposits are increased fuel consumption, a higher level of exhaust emissions, as well as uneven engine running. The fuel-air mixture cannot form properly. Engine performance suffers accordingly. The highly concentrated ERC Valve/Fuel System Cleaner removes deposits from valves, from the injection jets and other fuel system components. THE ADVANTAGES AT A GLANCE - Removes reliably deposits especially from inlet valves, injection jets as well as from other injection system components - Improves reliability and fuel consumption - Restores full engine performance and ensures environment-friendly combustion
Kuro Elementų ir Energijos Saugojimo Testavimo Sistemos

Kuro Elementų ir Energijos Saugojimo Testavimo Sistemos

Die Entwicklung von Energiespeichern erfordert sichere Prüfstände für die Entwicklung und Qualitätssicherung von Lithium-Ionen-Batterien. Die Batterie muss geprüft werden und zum ersten Mal ge- und entladen werden. m Anschluss werden die Zellen über mehrere Tage gereift, um die Zelleigenschaften zu verbessern. Für eine optimale Reifung bei konstanten Temperaturen kommen Formierschränke zum Einsatz. Ebenso kann die Brennstoffzelle z.B. unter folgenden Gesichtspunkten abgeprüft werden: - Direktverbindung der Luftversorgung mit der Brennstoffzelle - nicht vorkonditionierte Prozessluftzuführung in den Prüfraum - sufbereitete Prozessluftzuführung in den Prüfraum sowie temperierter Wasserstoff
Kuro elementų / Šilumokaičių gamyba

Kuro elementų / Šilumokaičių gamyba

Die Typenreihe Formbalancer FB - FC steht für die Großserienproduktion von Bipolar-Platten für Brennstoffzellen-Stacks sowie für die Wärmetauscherproduktion. Vorteile des Hydroforming-Verfahrens: - Materialstärken: 0,05 - 1,5 mm - Materialien: Edelstahl, Titanlegierungen - Filigrane Kanalstrukturen möglich - Hohe Ausformgrade - Gleichmäßige Wandstärkenverteilung - Höchste Maßhaltigkeit
grotamar® 82 Dyzelino priedas - grotamar® 82 yra novatoriškas biocidas

grotamar® 82 Dyzelino priedas - grotamar® 82 yra novatoriškas biocidas

grotamar® 82 ist ein innovatives Biozid, das speziell für moderne Dieselkraftstoffe und Heizöl entwickelt wurde. Durch die hohe Effizienz bei schon geringer Dosierung, fallen die Behandlungskosten sehr wirtsachaftlich aus. Beste Wirkung gegen Dieselpest Ob Yachtsport, Schifffahrt oder LKW-Güterverkehr: grotamar® 82 wirkt zuverlässig und schnell gegen dieselschädigende Bakterien, Hefen und Schimmelpilze. Dosierung und Sanierung Für hochbeanspruchte Baumaschinen: grotamar® 82 ist mit Abstand das wirksamste Biozid für vorbeugende Dosierung und die Sanierung von Diesel nach EN 590.
PKS - Palmės branduolių lukštai

PKS - Palmės branduolių lukštai

Die Heimat der Oelpalmen ist Westafrika. Durch die Kolonialmächte wurde sie nach Asien und Lateinamerika gebracht, wo sie im tropischen Regenwaldklima ausgezeichnet gedeiht.
Bako modulis stacionariam kuro tiekimui

Bako modulis stacionariam kuro tiekimui

Doppelwandiger ISO Transporttank und Lagertank; Centaur® Tankmodule mit ISO-Transportrahmen Mit den Centaur-Modulen kann eine flexible, stationäre Kraftstoffversorgung hergestellt werden. Es können bis zu 5 Centaur TC-QI-3000F auf einem 20 ft ISO-Standardtransportrahmen montiert werden. Durch die Verrohrung und die eigene Steuerung ist es möglich, sie zur Versorgung dezentraler Aggregate mit geringer Ausstattung einzusetzen. Vom Aggregat werden lediglich Signale zu den Füllständen des Tagestanks und die Stromversorgung für die Tankmodule benötigt. Die Centaur Tankmodule können gefüllt transportiert werden und sind somit flexibel einsetzbar.
NBR Vamzdis Kuro Vamzdis Dyzelino Vamzdis...

NBR Vamzdis Kuro Vamzdis Dyzelino Vamzdis...

Qualitätsprüfungen: Technische Beschreibung Material: Silikon und Polyester Länge: Ab 1 m Temperatur: -50°C bis +180°C Beständig : UV, Wasser, Ozon, Sauerstoff Bei Temperaturen von mehr als +180°C empfehlen wir Ihnen die Materialausführung in Nomex. Auf Anfrage optional lieferbar. technical description material: silicone with polyester length: from 1 m temperature: -50°c to +180°C resistant: UV, water, ozone, oxygen For temperatures higher than +180°C we recommend the material version in Nomex. On request optionally available. Blau (blue):251250-10 Druck (pressure):0,75 bar Lagen (layers):0 Schwarz (black):25909-10 Wandstärke (wall thickness):2,5 mm Ø ID (Ø ID):5 mm
MPULSER - Benzino ir Kuro Sistemos Apsaugos Priemonė

MPULSER - Benzino ir Kuro Sistemos Apsaugos Priemonė

3-zones corrosion protection for safe wintering and seasonal shutdown of all vehicles, machinery and equipment powered by gasoline. - Extreme protection against corrosion - Cleaning of the fuel system - Stabilization of the fuel THE EFFECT: A selection of highly active substances with an excellent corrosion and aging protection, and detergent of a new generation for a clean fuel- and injection system. MPULSER 3-zones corrosion protection was tested in a corrosion test of practical relevance in terms of its stabilizing, anti-corrosive properties by the independent institute Tec4Fuels GmbH. The results were faced with 4 comparable market products. THE ADVANTAGES AT A GLANCE: - Extreme protection against corrosion in the whole fuel system (in watergasoline- and gas- /air zone). Even with an existing water phase. - Cleaning of the fuel- and injector system – in consequence power recovery by the dissolution of formed deposits / combustion residues
Dyzelinis Antifrizas - Srauto gerintojas dyzeliniam kurui

Dyzelinis Antifrizas - Srauto gerintojas dyzeliniam kurui

THE EFFECT Diesel fuel contains paraffin which promotes clean combustion and lubricates the fuel system components. At low temperatures, however, paraffin forms crystals. As the temperature falls, more and more crystals form and coalesce into lumps which then block the fuel lines and fuel filter. The active components in ERC Diesel Anti-Freeze „enclose“ the crystals, thus them from growing and coalescing with other crystals. In addition, ERC Diesel Anti-Freeze forms crystallization nuclei which encourage the formation of large numbers of small crystals that can then easily pass through the fuel filter. THE RESULT - Prevents the formation of large paraffin crystals - Enhances the reliability of diesel-engined vehicles in winter - Lowers the CFPP* as far -33°C (depending on the quality of the diesel fuel used) THE ADVANTAGES AT A GLANCE - Keeps paraffin crystals small enough to pass through the fuel filter - Improves the low-temperature characteristics of all diesel fuels
Sistemos Valiklis Dyzeliniams Varikliams - Valo ir saugo purkštukus bei kuro sistemą

Sistemos Valiklis Dyzeliniams Varikliams - Valo ir saugo purkštukus bei kuro sistemą

THE EFFECT Coke deposits on the injection jets lead to an increase fuel consumption. Corrosion particles (either in the diesel fuel or formed within the fuel system itself) can put the entire fuel system out of action. ERC System Cleaner for diesel engines cleans contaminated injection jets and helps to prevent residues and corrosion within the fuel system. THE ADVANTAGES AT A GLANCE - Cleans the injection pump and injection jets - Protects against deposits and corrosion - Ensures reduced fuel consumption as well as Environmental-friendly combustion - Restores full engine performance
ERC Biker kuro sistemos valiklis - Aukštos koncentracijos valymo priedas

ERC Biker kuro sistemos valiklis - Aukštos koncentracijos valymo priedas

The ERC bike fuel system cleaner reduces the susceptibility of modern engines to design-related and operational-related build-up on parts of the valves coming into contact with fuel, on the fuel system, and on the injection system. The Effect Deposits on valves and the surface of the nozzle needle tip reduce the flow of fuel and diminish peak performance. These mixture deposits lead to higher emissions of harmful substances, increased wear, and irregular engine running. The mixture formation is disturbed and the operating behaviour of the engine is worsened. The high-concentration ERC bike fuel system cleaner breaks down build-up on the valves, in the fuel system, and on the injection nozzles. The Result The longer the engine is operated with fuel without additives, the greater the accumulation of deposits and the greater the resulting flow reduction. The use of bike fuel system cleaner removes the build-up on valves and the fuel system and restores the optimal fuel flow.
MINOTAUR® Kuro stoties konteineris kaip laivų kuro stotis

MINOTAUR® Kuro stoties konteineris kaip laivų kuro stotis

Marina Tank Station (Wassertankstelle für Motorboote) mit ISO-gerechten Containermaßen
MINOTAUR® Kuro stoties konteineris kaip sraigtasparnio degalų papildymo stotis

MINOTAUR® Kuro stoties konteineris kaip sraigtasparnio degalų papildymo stotis

Mobile Tankcontainer im Einsatz als Helicopter Tank Station (Helikoptertankstelle)
MINOTAUR® dvigubo sluoksnio degalų stoties konteineris ISO matmenimis

MINOTAUR® dvigubo sluoksnio degalų stoties konteineris ISO matmenimis

Minotaur Tankstellencontainer zeichnen sich durch ihre Robustheit, eine hohe Sicherheit und die schnelle, unkomplizierte Montierbarkeit aus
Dyzelinio kuro priedas - Aukštos kokybės dyzelinis priedas su plačiu poveikiu mažesniam trinties.

Dyzelinio kuro priedas - Aukštos kokybės dyzelinis priedas su plačiu poveikiu mažesniam trinties.

THE EFFECT Fluctuating quality of fuel can impair performance and consumption. Coking on injection nozzles raises fuel consumption. The high pressures of modern injection pumps require outstanding fuel lubricating properties. ERC Diesel Power Additive improves ignition behavior (rise in cetane count), cleans and keeps injection nozzles clean, and the lubricity improver improves the lubricating properties of diesel, thus providing optimal protection from wear. ERC Diesel Power Additive contains a Performance Packet for stabilizing ageing or oxidation and cold-protection (in winter operation). THE ADVANTAGES AT A GLANCE: - eases cold start, boosts engine output - improves lubricating properties of diesel fuel and works against wear - cleans and keeps the fuel system and injection nozzles clean - protects against corrosion in fuel tanks, fuel supply lines and engine interior - results in lowers fuel consumption clean burning and reduction in emissions such as rust, CO etc.
ERC Biker Apsauginis priedas - apsaugai nuo rūdžių, nuosėdų ir nusidėvėjimo degalų sistemoje

ERC Biker Apsauginis priedas - apsaugai nuo rūdžių, nuosėdų ir nusidėvėjimo degalų sistemoje

The Effect: Biker usually suffered from the air and water precipitated out of the fuel then actively promote corrosion in the fuel tank, fuel lines and the interior of the engine. Old fuels or bad fuel quality can cause deposits, impairing fuel flow and injection Protection. Fouled nozzles, inlet ports and valves thus impair engine Protection, raise pollutant emissions and increase consumption. The introduction of low-Sulphur fuels also lessens the lubricant action on the injection and fuel system. The consequence: Increased wear. The advantages at a glance: - Protects against corrosion in the fuel tank, fuel lines and the interior of the engine - Prevents harmful deposits on the carburettor, valves, injection nozzles, spark plugs and interior combustion chamber - Increases the fuel´s lubricant action, thus preventing wear and ensuring optimum reliability, particularly in injection systems - Increase the fuel quality - Restores optimum fuel flow and full engine output
Diesel plus 1:1000 - Aukštos kokybės dyzelinis priedas su plačia juosta, mažinantis trintį

Diesel plus 1:1000 - Aukštos kokybės dyzelinis priedas su plačia juosta, mažinantis trintį

THE EFFECT Fluctuating quality of fuel can impair performance and consumption. Coking on injection nozzles raises fuel consumption. The high pressures of modern injection pumps require outstanding fuel lubricating properties. ERC Diesel Power Additive improves ignition behavior (rise in cetane count), cleans and keeps injection nozzles clean, and the lubricity improver improves the lubricating properties of diesel, thus providing optimal protection from wear. ERC Diesel Power Additive contains a Performance Packet for stabilizing ageing or oxidation and cold-protection (in winter operation). THE ADVANTAGES AT A GLANCE - eases cold start, boosts engine output - improves lubricating properties of diesel fuel and works against wear - cleans and keeps the fuel system and injection nozzles clean
Apsaugokite su BL-U100 - Pridėtinis - Padidinkite dyzelino saugojimo laiką

Apsaugokite su BL-U100 - Pridėtinis - Padidinkite dyzelino saugojimo laiką

ERC Protect with BL-U 100 triples the storage life of diesel fuel and fights against bacteria, fungi, and yeast for the reliable and quick start-up of emergency generators. THE EFFECT Emergency generators and other auxiliary engines are only used very infrequently. However, they must start and run reliably under all conditions. It is all the more important that the diesel fuel which is used retains its original quality and that the injection nozzles or injectors, the fuel system, and the pump are in the best condition. ERC Protect with BL-U 100 ensures this. THE RESULT ERC Protect with BL-U 100 contains stabilisers which stop the ageing process of diesel. Storage life and thermal stability are increased as a result. A biocide prevents the besetting of the fuel with micro-organisms such as bacteria, fungi, and yeast. As a result, fuel and engine are ready for use. The combustion is optimised, which means consumption and harmful emissions are lowered. Dosage:2000 Ageing protection*:Improved storage life** Improved storage life**:Anti-corrosion protection Anti-corrosion protection:Pump protection Pump protection:Nozzle cleaning Nozzle cleaning:ombustion optimisation ombustion optimisation:Ignition acceleration Ignition acceleration:Biocide/bacterial protection
Oldtimer našumo priedas - Prieš rūdis, nuosėdas ir nusidėvėjimą degalų sistemoje

Oldtimer našumo priedas - Prieš rūdis, nuosėdas ir nusidėvėjimą degalų sistemoje

- for older generations of gasoline engines - protects against corrosion and deposits - enhances lubrication THE EFFECT Older-generation vehicles are often laid up for long periods after the summer season has finished. Moisture from the air and water precipitated out of the fuel then actively promote corrosion in the fuel tank, fuel lines and the interior of the engine. Old fuels can cause deposits, impairing fuel flow and injection performance. Fouled nozzles, inlet ports and valves thus impair engine performance, raise pollutant emissions and increase consumption. The introduction of low-Sulphur fuels also lessens the lubricant action on the injection and fuel system. The consequence: Increased wear. ERC Oldtimer Performance Additive protects against corrosion, increases the fuels lubricant action and prevents the formation of new deposits. It thus ensures engine reliability, combined with optimized consumption, particularly in older vehicles.
Diesel plus 1:500 - Aukštos koncentracijos dyzelinis priedas su multifunkcinėmis aktyviosiomis medžiagomis.

Diesel plus 1:500 - Aukštos koncentracijos dyzelinis priedas su multifunkcinėmis aktyviosiomis medžiagomis.

THE EFFECT Fluctuating fuel grades can impair performance and fuel consumption. Coking at the injection nozzle increases fuel consumption. Diesel fuel contains paraffin which causes crystallization on cooling. If cold protection is inadequate this can lead to blockage of tubing and filters. Diesel plus-Winter improves the ignition behavior /cetane booster, cleans the injection nozzles and keeps them clean. Furthermore, it prevents the formation of large paraffin crystals and thus improves the operational reliability of diesel vehicles in winter. It contains a high-performance package for stabilization of ageing and oxidation. THE ADVANTAGES AT A GLANCE: - Cetane booster: facilitates cold starting, improves power - Improves reliability of the diesel fuel under cold conditions – therefore indispensable in winter operation. - Cleans the fuel system and injection nozzles and keeps them clean – reduces fuel consumption
Dyzelinis priedas - Priedas su plačiu naudos spektru

Dyzelinis priedas - Priedas su plačiu naudos spektru

The Effect Fluctuations in the quality of diesel fuel can have a detrimental effect on performance and fuel efficiency. Carbon deposits on the injection jets lead to increased fuel consumption. And if the fuel contains insufficient anti-freeze, this can cause blockages in the fuel lines and fuel filters at low operating temperatures. ERC Diesel Additive provides an effective solution to these problems by virtue of its broad spectrum of benefits. The Result ERC Diesel Additive used in combination with DIN-standard diesel fuel increases the cetane rating by up to 12 %. A high cetane rating makes the fuel easier to ignite, enhances fuel efficiency, dampens engine noise and reduces exhaust emissions. THE ADVANTAGES AT A GLANCE: - Enhances engine performance - Reduces fuel consumption - Cleans the injection jets and fuel system - Reduces engine noise by up to 60 %
Suodžių apsauga

Suodžių apsauga

ERC Soot Guard assures a permanently stable flame and soot-free, economical and environmentally-friendly combustion of heating oil in oil heating systems. THE EFFECT Soot is normally not a problem for modern oil heaters, except for oil heaters, where it may bring about high consequential costs. As a rule of thumb, a 1-mm-thick layer of soot on the boiler wall inhibits the heat transfer to the hot water to the extent that the heating oil consumption increases by approx. 4% with a consistent heat requirement. The main cause of soot is a poor and incomplete combustion of heating oil due to low oxygen levels. ERC soot guard relieves this and is simply added to the heating oil. THE RESULT ERC soot guard's catalytic effect is released in the flame and re-establishes optimal soot-free conditions. Consumption and costs are reduced and the impact on the environment as well as on the wallet is reduced, too. ERC soot guard works in more than just the flame. Dosage:2000
Guard Kinetic - Optimizuoja šildymo alyvą, skirtą naudoti kombinuotose šilumos ir energijos gamybos įrenginiuose (CHP)

Guard Kinetic - Optimizuoja šildymo alyvą, skirtą naudoti kombinuotose šilumos ir energijos gamybos įrenginiuose (CHP)

ERC Guard Kinetic supplements light heating oil with additional characteristics which optimise it for stationary engines and enables the operation of diesel CHPs with more affordable heating oil. THE EFFECT ERC Guard Kinetic was specially developed for combined heat and power plants and other stationary engines which can be operated with any type of less expensive heating oil instead of diesel. The exclusively formulated combination of active ingredients lends the heating oil the characteristics which it lacks for effective and gentle operation in diesel engines. ERC Guard Kinetic is suitable for all heating oil types with a bio share of up to 20% and improves the characteristics of standard diesel. The heating oil with additive is primarily used for combined heat and power plants, from the macro to the mini, to the future micro CHPs designed for individual homes. Dosage:1000
CatClean - Dyzelinis priedas - Koncentratas dyzelinių dalelių filtrų regeneracijai

CatClean - Dyzelinis priedas - Koncentratas dyzelinių dalelių filtrų regeneracijai

The Effect Soot build-up in diesel particulate filters only burn without the use of an additive at a temperature of 500 to 600 °C. These values are not reached in normal operation. ERC CatClean works catalytically and reduces the ignition temperature of the soot to approx. 350 °C, and so continuous burn-off of soot is guaranteed even at low-load and correspondingly low temperatures. The Result ERC CatClean ensures a permanent, additive-supported regeneration of the diesel particulate filter during operation. Soot particles are continuously cleaned from the filter by direct burn-off without maintenance, downtimes, or problems. ERC CatClean is suitable for every filter material and does not change the diesel quality. The benefits at a glance: - Special additive for application in diesel fuel to burn off soot deposits in diesel particle filters - CatClean works catalytically and reduces the ignition temperature
Guard Thermic

Guard Thermic

ERC Guard Thermic for low-sulphur heating oil with a bio share and all other DIN heating oils slows the natural ageing of heating oil and contains an organic combustion enhancer. The Effect ERC Guard Thermic slows the natural ageing of heating oil. Stabilisers prevent components of the heating system from releasing into the heating oil and forming sediments, and/or accelerating the ageing of the heating oil. In the process, select active ingredients neutralise the ions already in the heating oil and apply a protective coating to the metal surfaces, which suppresses the release of new ions and protects against corrosion. In addition, the additive prevents the formation of resin-like, adhesive ageing products which arise due to the high thermal load of the heating oil within the pump and can block it. At the same time, lubrication of the pump is improved. Dosage:2000
Flow Guard HEL - Užtikrina šildymo sistemų tinkamą veikimą net ir esant stipriam šaltui

Flow Guard HEL - Užtikrina šildymo sistemų tinkamą veikimą net ir esant stipriam šaltui

ERC Flow Guard is a flow improver that burns ash-free for heating oil during winter use, and is also effective in heating oil with a bio share of up to 20 %. The Effect Heating oil is already relatively winter-proof, but when it is very cold, the contained paraffins can separate and agglomerate. Consequently, they clog fuel lines and filters, in which case the heating system no longer runs properly or can even shut down. Flow Guard, flow enhancer which burns ash-free, counteracts this. The additive keeps paraffin crystals small and the heating oil retains is filtration and flow capacity. Dosage:1000
Dyzelinių dalelių filtro valymo rinkinys - Valykite dyzelinių dalelių filtrus, o ne keiskite juos

Dyzelinių dalelių filtro valymo rinkinys - Valykite dyzelinių dalelių filtrus, o ne keiskite juos

The ERC diesel particulate filter cleaning set is an affordable solution for clogged diesel particulate filters. The Effect It is well known that diesel particulate filter are not getting hot enough to burn ash particles deposits in the short-distance use ( ERC CatClean lowers the soot burn temperatur). But not only soot is influencing DPF function also other deposits , so called oilashes, disturb it and have to be removed from the DPF. Oilashes are even not burned at high temperatures of 500 - 600°C. Nonetheless it is not necessary to change the DPF. With ERC Diesel particulate filter cleaning set it is easy, effectiv and much cheaper to clean the DPF. The Result The ERC diesel particulate filter cleaning set is comprised of the diesel particulate filter cleaning concentrate and the diesel particulate filter flush. Used in succession, they actively break down the accumulated oil ash.
Guard Thermic 3000 HP - Žymiai sulėtina šildymo alyvos senėjimo procesą ir užkerta kelią nuosėdų susidarymui

Guard Thermic 3000 HP - Žymiai sulėtina šildymo alyvos senėjimo procesą ir užkerta kelią nuosėdų susidarymui

Guard Thermic 3000 HP slows the natural ageing of heating oil and keeps energy stores, pumps, burners, and lines clean for high efficiency and operational reliability. THE EFFECT The newly developed heating oil additive ERC Guard Thermic 3000 HP significantly slows the ageing process of heating oil and prevents sediments. Energy stores, pumps, burners and lines remain clean and the heating system operates with the highest efficiency and operational reliability. Consumption and harmful emissions are reduced with clean combustion. In addition, ERC Guard Thermic 3000 HP increases the thermal stability and the storage life of heating oil. Deposits which are already present are also dissolved. ERC Guard Thermic 3000 HP is formulated such that sediments are slowly dissolved in small quantities and burned with the heating oil without leading to faults in the heater. Dosage:4000 Nozzle cleaning:++