Produktai skirti catacally dyzelinas (30)

CASTROL RADICOOL SF 1 Ltr. - Žiemos produktai

CASTROL RADICOOL SF 1 Ltr. - Žiemos produktai

Description Castrol Radicool SF is a silicate-free long-life coolant concentrate (OAT technology). Castrol Radicool SF offers excellent corrosion protection. It can be used in gasoline and diesel engines (also aluminum and gray cast iron) . Castrol Radicool SF has the optimal effect in a mixing ratio of 1:1 with water. This results in frost protection down to -37°C and the best corrosion protection. Do not use Castrol Radicool SF undiluted Application Frost protection/ Proportion of Castrol Radicool SF dissolved in water: -20°C/ 35% -25°C/ 40% -30°C/ 45% -37°C/ 50% Advantages The special OAT Technology ensures long coolant change intervals. Castrol Radicool SF protects against corrosion, deposits in the cooling system and overheating. Castrol Radicool SF offers: -Protection against hard water -Effective cooling effect -Excellent corrosion protection -Very good elastomer compatibility -Protection against cavitation -Contains Bitrex - to protect against ingestion Product number:1652610 Container size:1 Product group:Radiator antifreeze
BRENTOL 10W-40 CI-4/SL - Sunkiųjų variklių alyvos

BRENTOL 10W-40 CI-4/SL - Sunkiųjų variklių alyvos

It is semi-synthetic diesel engine oil that is manufactured as a result of combination of high quality synthetic and mineral base oils with additives. It provides perfect protection against corrosion under cold and hot operation conditions. It provides effective lubrication through its high viscosity index and low viscosity feature. No base reduction occurs. It makes acids forming as a result of diesel fuel inflammation ineffective. It prevents formation of harmful residuals. It provides lower maintenance costs and longer service life ranges. Effective cleaning and dispersing additives keep engine clean and cause less harmful exhaust gas release for a cleaner environment. It is compatible with turbo charge vehicles, and with those with catalytic converters.


Wir beliefern unsere Dieselkunden täglich preiswert und zuverlässig, egal ob Spedition, Steinbruch oder Bauernhof, mit schwefelarmen Dieselkraftstoff und das ausschließlich in additiver Markenqualität
Aktyvuota Anglis - CARBOPAL®

Aktyvuota Anglis - CARBOPAL®

CARBOPAL, Pulverkohle zur Behandlung von Flüssigkeiten, ist in den folgenden Qualitäten erhältlich: • Carbopal MB 4 • Carbopal MB 4N • Carbopal MB 4S • Carbopal AP • Carbopal Gn-A II • Carbopal Gn-P
Amicot Trąšos - Mineralai

Amicot Trąšos - Mineralai

La gamme d’engrais AMICOT, presentée sous plusieurs formulations, ont des métabolites de microorganismes bénéficiaux, qui sont biomolécules et compost provenant de l’activité métabolique des microorganismes du sol, bénéficiaux pour les plantes. Ils sont compost d’haute valeur biologique dont les plus importantes sont les acides organiques, enzymes, acides aminés, protéines, phytohormones, micronutriments complexes et polysaccarides activeurs de l’action microbienne. Parmi les principales avantages pour les plantes, on trouve un plus haut dévéloppement radiculaire et végétatif de la culture, le profitement massif des nutriments du sol et des engrais et una plus haute résistance face au stress hydrique.
Dyzelinas EN590 10 PPM

Dyzelinas EN590 10 PPM

OFFER EN590 ( Gasoil , 10ppm ) Commodity: EN590 MQO: 50.000 MT - DLC or SBLC - Payment at destination port after final inspection/Dip Test.
Salchichonal 125

Salchichonal 125

Mezcla de aditivos, condimentos y especias, para la elaboración del producto cárnico no tratado por el calor denominado “Salchichón” o “Chorizo blanco” de calidad “Extra”, elaborado con técnicas de curación lenta (temperatura de 6 a 12ºC y HR inicial del 78 al 86%). Formato: bolsa 4kg
DÉCAP’CIMENT - Statybų aikštelė

DÉCAP’CIMENT - Statybų aikštelė

Désagrège tous résidus de ciment, de laitance, et de tartre Suractivé – Action rapide – Pouvoir dérouillant – Anticorrosion Pour matériel de maçonnerie, carrelages, pierres… 3% pour la laitance de ciment, 10% pour le ciment sec et épais. Réf:BA430 Conditionnement:Bidon de 1 L – Carton de 12
GLYCANION - Unikali, patraukli ir efektyvi skysta anijoninė tirpalo veršingumui

GLYCANION - Unikali, patraukli ir efektyvi skysta anijoninė tirpalo veršingumui

Sécuriser le vêlage pour favoriser un pic de lactaction performant Glycanion® est un complément alimentaire de ration tarie, une solution liquide, fiable et appétente de sels anioniques et de précurseurs de glucose pour une préparation au vêlage optimale. Incorporer Glycanion® à la ration alimentaire sécurise la santé des vaches laitières et des génisses en prévenant les risques métaboliques et nutritionnelles du vêlage et favorise les performances au début de la lactation.
Calgonit Des-HE

Calgonit Des-HE

Gebrauchsfertiges Händedesinfektionsmittel auf Ethanolbasis In hygienisch besonders sensiblen Bereichen der Lebensmittel- und sonstigen Industrien ist die Händedesinfektion ein ebenso wichtiger wie unerlässlicher Bestandteil der PERSONAL-HYGIENE. Im Produktions- und Verpackungsbereich wird die erforderliche Keimreduzierung durch die Verwendung eines Händedesinfektionsmittels erreicht. An diese Produkte wird eine hohe Anforderung an gute Hautverträglichkeit, kurze Einwirkzeit und ein breites Wirkungsspektrum gestellt. calgonit Des-HE erfüllt diese Anforderungen. Es tötet Bakterien, Hefen und behüllte Viren wie das Coronavirus zuverlässig ab. Das Produkt basiert auf einer von der WHO empfohlenden Rezeptur. calgonit Des-HE enthält Ethanol biologischen Ursprungs und hat je nach Herstellungsprozess einen charakteristischen Geruch. GHS: GHS02 / GHS07 Signalwort: Gefahr Gewicht: 9 kg
WPC 80 Išrūgų Baltymai

WPC 80 Išrūgų Baltymai

WPC 80 Molken Protein
Kalcio karbonatas

Kalcio karbonatas

We offer calcium carbonat In guaranteed quality, at stable prices and packed appropriately for transportation. Do you need advice on choosing your product or are you looking for a suitable substitution? Our application and product experts are happy to help! Our experience and deep knowledge in the area of specialty chemicals and ingredients ensures that we are well positioned to effectively support both our customers and our suppliers with product and application expertise. Please contact us for more information!


XcelOil è una linea avanzata di lubrificanti progettata specificamente per veicoli industriali e commerciali, che garantisce prestazioni eccezionali e una protezione affidabile in condizioni di utilizzo intensivo. Formulata con tecnologie all'avanguardia, XcelOil riduce al minimo l'usura dei componenti del motore, migliorando l'efficienza e la longevità del veicolo. Grazie alle sue proprietà di elevata resistenza termica e chimica, questa gamma di oli è ideale per mezzi pesanti, autobus, tir e macchine da lavoro, operando in ambienti difficili e carichi estremi. XcelOil contribuisce a ottimizzare il consumo di carburante, riducendo così le emissioni e i costi operativi. Compatibile con motori diesel e a benzina, soddisfa o supera gli standard internazionali di settore, assicurando un funzionamento fluido anche in condizioni climatiche estreme. Le flotte commerciali possono contare su una manutenzione ridotta e su intervalli di cambio olio estesi, garantendo prestazioni TOP!


Fragranced micellar emollient: while it degreases from road dirt and insects, its provides the car with water-repellent protection. Its “micellar” technology enriched with polymers: Delicately removes traffic film dirt and grease without damaging aluminium and rubber. The product creates a thick and full-bodied lather suited to foam systems. Repair and self-drying effect. Has an amazing water-repellent effect when rinsing, thus reducing drying time of the car and facilitating the following phases. Makes the car much shinier and smoothens out the micro scratches on the surface. Minimises residues on the bodywork caused by hard water, thus reducing the onset on droplets. Has balanced foam properties so that it does not block the purification systems. No added NTA/EDTA/PHOSPHORUS/SODIUM HYDROXIDE*. It contains surfactants of plant origin. pump:10-30 pump flow pulses 12 l/h consumption for a 10-30 ml cycle Dosatron injector:0.8-2.5%. Pre-wash sprayer:1:40 Sprayer rims:1:5. Sprayer insects:1:10. Foam nozzle:from pure to 1:6 (166 ml – pure)


ACEA C5 API SN / SN Plus RC Porsche C20 VW 508.00/509.00 VW TL 52 577 en 1000L en 208L en 60L en 20L en 4x5L en 12x1L Secteur:Auto Code EAN/CTIN:3701344701895 Référence:21428
Click Catalyst - Skaitmeninės Rinkodaros Agentūra Jungtinėje Karalystėje

Click Catalyst - Skaitmeninės Rinkodaros Agentūra Jungtinėje Karalystėje

Looking for top-notch SEO services to boost your online visibility and drive organic traffic? Our team at Click Catalyst, the UK's leading digital marketing agency, have got you covered. We specialize in comprehensive SEO solutions tailored to your specific needs, whether you are a small or large company. Our services include keyword research, on-page optimization, content creation, link building
Duracell - Duracell Pilnas Asortimentas

Duracell - Duracell Pilnas Asortimentas

wir bieten von den großen Herstellern Varta, Duracell und Energizer das gesamte Sortiment zu sehr guten Preisen an
Kilimų Valymas

Kilimų Valymas

Ihr Teppichboden wird im Laufe der Zeit einigen Strapazen ausgesetzt. Trotz größter Sorgfalt und gründlichem saugen setzt sich der Schmutz wie z.B. Staub tief im Teppichboden ab, dies hat unter Umständen zur Folge, dass er sich mit der Zeit verfärbt und die Hygiene nachlässt. Andere Verschmutzungen wie Kaffeeflecken werden dagegen sofort sichtbar und stören das ästhetische Gesamtbild des Teppichbodens. Wir empfehlen Ihnen daher in größeren Zeitabständen eine Teppichbodenreinigung basierend auf diversen Reinigungsverfahren wie z. B. der Sprühextraktionsreinigung durchzuführen. Alternativ kann der Teppichboden im Zuge einer Grundreinigung gereinigt werden.
Hell - energetinis gėrimas

Hell - energetinis gėrimas

high quality fresh date
Anglies rūgštis

Anglies rūgštis

CO2 entweicht häufig aus Quellen, in besonderem Maß in der Umgebung von Vulkanen. Kohlensäure ist sehr instabil und zerfällt nach einer unvorstellbar kurzen Zeit in elektrisch geladene Bikarbonat-Ionen (HCO3 – ) und Protonen (H + ). Anwendung: Kohlensäure wird häufig in der Getränkezubereitung verwendet. Ihre saure Eigenschaft als Säure ist dabei geschmacklich kaum wahrnehmbar. Das Sprudeln im Mineralwasser wird von austretendem Kohlenstoffdioxid verursacht. UN-Nummer: UN 1013 Ventil: W 21,8 x 1/14“ 25E, GK DIN 477 Nr. 6 Farbe: RAL 7037 staubgrau
Glicerolis - Aliejus

Glicerolis - Aliejus

Glycerol has emollient, lubricating, moisturizing and hygroscopic properties that contribute to the absorption of water in the skin and hair, promoting hydration and softness. It creates a protective film and protects the capillary mass, preventing water from being lost easily when the hair is exposed to very dry environments as well as other adverse factors for hair health.
Curacid® WL

Curacid® WL

Waschlotion mit an die Haut angepassten pH-Wert, für häufiges Händewaschen konzipiert. Curacid WL ist dem pH-Wert der Haut angepasst und erhält dadurch den natürlichen Säureschutzmantel. Konzipiert für häufiges Waschen auch bei beanspruchter Haut und Seifenunverträglichkeit. Curacid WL lässt sich gut abspülen, was eine wichtige Voraussetzung zur Vermeidung von Hautaustrocknungen und Wechselwirkungen mit Desinfektionsmitteln ist. pH-neutral, daher bleibt der natürliche Säureschutzmantel der Haut erhalten, auch für beanspruchte Haut und bei Seifenunverträglichkeit geeignet, sparsam im Gebrauch, sehr gute Hautverträglichkeit durch Kombination hochwertiger Rohstoffe und Verzicht von Farbstoffen.
Acetil-CoA trisodinis - Smulkiosios Chemikalai

Acetil-CoA trisodinis - Smulkiosios Chemikalai

Acetyl-CoA is an essential cofactor and carrier of acyl groups in enzymatic reactions. It is formed either through the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate, through ß-oxidation of fatty acids or through the oxidative degradation of certain amino acids. It is an intermediate in fatty acid and amino acid metabolism. It is the starter for the citric acid cycle. It is a precursor to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. CAS Nr:[102029-73-2] Code:1670
CASTROL ANVOL PE 46 B 200 litrų - Hidrauliniai aliejai

CASTROL ANVOL PE 46 B 200 litrų - Hidrauliniai aliejai

Castrol Anvol PE 46 B (07.09.2020) Flame-retardant hydraulic fluid Description The flame-retardant hydraulic fluid Castrol Anvol PE 46 B is based on defined, hydrolytically stable phosphoric acid esters. Castrol Anvol PE 46 B is a hydraulic fluid to be labeled as HFD 46 in accordance with DIN 51 502 or as HFDR 46 in accordance with ISO 6743-4 . Castrol Anvol PE 46 B complies with VDMA standard sheet 24 317 "Guidelines for flame-retardant hydraulic fluids" (type HFDR). The liquid is PCB-free. Application Castrol Anvol PE 46 B is preferably used as a hydraulic fluid in electro-hydraulic control systems of steam turbines. It was developed specifically for this purpose. Used as a circulation lubricant, Castrol Anvol PE 46 B is suitable for bearing lubrication of steam and gas turbines, provided they are designed for this group of materials, and it is used as a hydraulic fluid in industrial hydraulics that work in fire-hazardous environments. Product number:1409 Container size:200 Product group:Hydraulic oils
CASTROL ALUSOL RAL BF 208 litrai - metalų apdirbimo aliejai

CASTROL ALUSOL RAL BF 208 litrai - metalų apdirbimo aliejai

Semi-synthetic water-miscible premium cooling lubricant Description Castrol Alusol RAL BF is a boron-free, semi-synthetic high-performance cooling lubricant. It contains a unique additive package that improves machine performance and surface quality, ensures excellent stability and reduces machining costs. Castrol Alusol RAL BF is suitable for both central systems and individual systems. Application Castrol Alusol RAL BF was specially developed for processing aluminum alloys. The product can also be used for machining low to medium alloy steels . Product number:1997589 Container size:208 Product group:Water-miscible cooling lubricants
Askorbo rūgštis

Askorbo rūgštis

We offer ascorbic acid In guaranteed quality, at stable prices and packed appropriately for transportation. Do you need advice on choosing your product or are you looking for a suitable substitution? Our application and product experts are happy to help! Our experience and deep knowledge in the area of specialty chemicals and ingredients ensures that we are well positioned to effectively support both our customers and our suppliers with product and application expertise. Please contact us for more information!
Dielektrinė Alyva - Sunkvežimių Alyva

Dielektrinė Alyva - Sunkvežimių Alyva

DIELETRIC OIL is a dielectric fluid for transformers, switches and rheostats. It has a high resistance to chemical-thermal degradation and reduces the formation of sludge and oxidation products. The low pour point ensures prompt circulation even at low temperatures, while the low viscosity allows rapid heat transfer for convective motions.
Erukamido vaškas

Erukamido vaškas

We offer erucamide wax In guaranteed quality, at stable prices and packed appropriately for transportation. Do you need advice on choosing your product or are you looking for a suitable substitution? Our application and product experts are happy to help! Our experience and deep knowledge in the area of specialty chemicals and ingredients ensures that we are well positioned to effectively support both our customers and our suppliers with product and application expertise. Please contact us for more information!