Rotacinis koduoklis TBN42/C3 - Absoliutus rotacinis koduoklis, pagamintas iš aliuminio arba nerūdijančio plieno
A positive-locking mechanical connection between the cus-tomer’s shaft and the sensor shaft ensures that the magnet in the sensor shaft precisely reflects the rotation of the cus-tomer’s shaft. With the TBN model, one rotation (i.e. max. 16,384 steps) is recorded.With the subsequent absolute transmission, the TRN shaft encoder reaches a measuring range of up to 4096 rotations. The position and speed values (PDO - Process Data Object) are output via the CANopen protocol.
Inkremental or absolute:Absolute
Single- or Multiturn:Singleturn
Flange and shaft:Synchro flange, shaft 6mm
Housing material:Aluminium 3.2315, Stainless steel 1.4305, Stainless steel 1.4404
Resolution:4096 steps/revolution 12-bit, 8192 steps/revolution 13-bit, 16384 steps/revolution 14-bit
Code type:Binary
Profile:Standard CANopen C3, Profil No. 4.0.2
Electrical connection:Cable, 1m, axial (other lengths on request), Cable, 1m, radial (other lengths on request)