Produktai skirti 100 (97)



Deux savons biodégradables pour la randonnée et la camping Je sais qu'il est difficile de choisir un savon quand on veut minimiser son impact sur l'environnement lorsqu'on randonne ou qu'on campe. C'est pourquoi je vous ai choisi deux savons dont les huiles végétales saponifiées sont entièrement biodégradables : après un lapse de temps (en général 5 mois), ces savons seront entièrement compostés. Ce coffret comprend deux savons biodégradables pour la randonnée et le camping. Un savon d'Alep de Sana, adapté pour le corps et le visage. De plus, l'huile de baie de laurier qu'il contient est légèrement antiseptique. Comme il n'est pas trop gras, il pourra servir de shampoing. Un savon ménager 100% beurre de coco : ce savon pourra vous servir pour la vaisselle et le linge. Comme il est légèrement glycériné, il pourra servir pour le corps, si vous n'êtes pas trop sensible.
Bambukiniai Ausų Lazdelės - Baltos - 100 Vnt Dėžutėje

Bambukiniai Ausų Lazdelės - Baltos - 100 Vnt Dėžutėje

Lot de 100 cotons-tiges en bambou et coton naturels biodégradables. 91% du plastique dans le monde n'est pas recyclé et finit dans nos décharges et nos océans. Nos cotons-tiges en bambou & coton naturels et biodégradables apportent la solution parfaite pour protéger notre belle planète. Écologiques et économiques, ils remplaceront avantageusement les cotons-tiges en plastique. L'emballage est fabriqué à partir de matériaux recyclés et peut être jeté avec les déchets organiques. ✔️ Éthique & durable ✔️ Biodégradable ✔️ Végan & sans cruauté ✔️ Emballage éco-responsable Alors ? Qu'attendez-vous pour passer en mode zéro déchet ? Reference:CTB001


This version of Amnesia is part of our Derived Mix line. Made with a unique steam distillation process to capture and preserve the essential scents and aromas of cannabis flowers, this blend made with terpenes derived from cannabis gives a powerful and unforgettable scent. 100% organic, natural, without GMO nor residues. 0 % THC, 0 % CBD, 100 % legal. Amnesia is a classic variety, created by crossing a Cinderella 99 with a Jack Herer. The terpenes of Amnesia give off earthy and citrus scents, with an earthy aromatic aspect. Lilium Xtract Terpenes Uses and Applications: You can use this product to add cannabis flavors and/or aromas to: E-liquids CBD flowers and pollen CBD extractions and concentrates (distillate, crystal, crumble, BHO, rosin, wax) Food Beverages Cosmetics (perfume, cream) Aromatherapy (essential oils, diffusers, candles) Line:Derived Mix
Sacs Sous Vide Gaufrés 250x350 Par 100 - Emballeuse Sous-Vide

Sacs Sous Vide Gaufrés 250x350 Par 100 - Emballeuse Sous-Vide

100 sacs sous vide gaufrés 250 x 350 par Casselin Température d'utilisation : -40°C à +80°C Epaisseur : 95 microns Les sacs existent en format 170 x 230 (voir ci-dessous nos produits apparentés). Ref:CSVG250X350
Sacs Sous Vide Gaufrés 170x230 Par 100 - Emballeuse Sous-Vide

Sacs Sous Vide Gaufrés 170x230 Par 100 - Emballeuse Sous-Vide

100 sacs sous vide gaufrés 170 x 230 par Casselin Température d'utilisation : -40°C à +80°C Epaisseur : 95 microns Les sacs existent en format 250 x 350 (voir ci-dessous nos produits apparentés). Ref:CSVG170X230
Vidaus Savivaldybės Vėliava Tinkle Prancūzija - 100 X 150 Cm - Vėliavos

Vidaus Savivaldybės Vėliava Tinkle Prancūzija - 100 X 150 Cm - Vėliavos

France Collectivités vous propose le drapeau de la France, drapeau tricolore bleu, blanc, rouge, également appelé « drapeau ou pavillon tricolore », l’emblème national de la République française. Il est le drapeau de la France sans interruption depuis 1830. Il est mentionné dans l’article 2 de la Constitution française de 1958. Ce drapeau aux proportions « 2 :3 » (deux tiers, deux pour la hauteur, trois pour la longueur) est composé de trois bandes verticales bleue, blanche et rouge de largeurs et de longueurs égales. Emblème national, le drapeau tricolore pour intérieur de mairie est proposé en 100 x 150 cm sans frange ou avec franges filées or sur 3 côtés et galon doré côté hampe. Caractéristique du Drapeau intérieur de mairie en maille France - 100 x 150 cm : Drapeau de réception et d'accueil pour mairie : de la France sur hampe en bois ébène terminé par une lance aspect bronze, avec franges en option Ref:DRAPINTMF
Šaligatvio Rampas Aukštis 100 Mm Arba 150 Mm - Automobilių Sustojimai

Šaligatvio Rampas Aukštis 100 Mm Arba 150 Mm - Automobilių Sustojimai

Cette rampe de trottoir est conçue en caoutchouc. Le caoutchouc permet de réduire l'impact d'un sentiment de bonne absorption des chocs et de réduction du bruit. Le caoutchouc est résistant jusqu'à 40 tonnes. Bonne visibilité grâce à sa couleur noire avec film jaune réflechissant. Ref:4250912309272
Lygūs Sous Vide Maišeliai 170x230 100 Vnt. - Vakuminis Sandariklis

Lygūs Sous Vide Maišeliai 170x230 100 Vnt. - Vakuminis Sandariklis

Sacs sous vide lisses 170 x 230 par 100 Casselin Température d'utilisation : -40°C à +80°C Epaisseur : 95 microns Existe aussi sous d'autres formats (voir ci-dessous nos produits apparentés). Ref:CSVL170X230
Lygūs Sous Vide Maišeliai 250x350 100 Vnt. Pakuotėje - Vakuminis Sandariklis

Lygūs Sous Vide Maišeliai 250x350 100 Vnt. Pakuotėje - Vakuminis Sandariklis

Sacs sous vide lisses 250 x 350 par 100 Casselin Température d'utilisation : -40°C à +80°C Epaisseur : 95 microns Existe aussi sous d'autres formats (voir ci-dessous nos produits apparentés). Ref:CSVL250X350
GVIRDA P6 (100 VNT PAKUOTĖ) - Ref: 70600

GVIRDA P6 (100 VNT PAKUOTĖ) - Ref: 70600

100 Vidaus Stalo Teniso Stalas - Stalo Teniso Stalai

100 Vidaus Stalo Teniso Stalas - Stalo Teniso Stalai

Table de ping pong 100 Indoor Panneau aggloméré 19 mm Hauteur encadrement : 30 mm / Aluzinc Verrouillage : DSI (8 points) Système COMPACT TECHNOLOGY® Pied : Droit avec cache 3/4 / 115mm x 28mm Type de filet : Rabattable Réglage du filet : tension 4 roues jumelée monobloc crantée Classe (norme européenne) : EN14468 - classe C Agrément FFTT pratique de loisir Poids : 68 kg Garantie 3 ans Dimension table ouverte (L x l x h) : 274 x 152 x 76 cm (hors filet) Dimension table repliée : 75 x 152 x 155cm Raquettes et balles non incluses Table livrée démontée Prix : à partir de 359€ HT Pour être assuré du remplacement des éventuelles pièces cassées lors de la livraison, et ce, 15 jours après la livraison, optez pour la garantie casse transport à 6€ HT. Ref:131600 Poids:68 kg
Banana Kush

Banana Kush

Banana Kush is a well-known hybrid strain in the cannabis industry. Our Banana Kush terpenes taste and smell like fresh bananas, with earthy fragrance notes and fruity, earthy, tropical aromatic aspects. This version of Banana Kush is part of our Profile line, made with botanical terpenes and is 100% organic. Uses and applications of Lilium Xtract terpenes: You can use this product to add cannabis flavors and/or aromas to : E-liquids CBD flowers and pollen CBD extractions and concentrates (distillate, crystal, crumble, BHO, rosin, wax) Food Beverages Cosmetics (perfume, cream) Aromatherapy (essential oils, diffuser, candles) Recommendation on dosages: This product is pure, it contains only 100% terpenes. Line:Profile Line
Girl scout cookie

Girl scout cookie

Girl Scout Cookie is an American hybrid variety primed, a best-seller in America and in all Europe, obtained by crossing OG Kush and Durban Poison. Its terpenes, combining fruity and mentholated perfumes, with notes of sweet cherry, lemon and some aromatic pungent and fruity aspects, will not leave you indifferent. Uses and applications of Lilium Xtract terpenes: You can use this product to add cannabis flavors and/or aromas to : E-liquids CBD flowers and pollen Line:Profile Line


This version of Melon is part of our Derived Mix line. Made with a unique steam distillation process to capture and preserve the essential scents and aromas of cannabis flowers, this blend made with terpenes derived from cannabis gives a powerful and unforgettable scent. 100% organic, natural, without GMO nor residues. 0 % THC, 0 % CBD, 100 % legal. Melon is a recent variety, created by crossing an OG Kush, a Lemon Haze and a Mango Kush. The flavor of Melon is very particular, mixing scents of pine with the acidity of a lemon haze, with some tones of melon on it. This one has a particular aromatic profile, combining a subtle taste of pine and citrus. Uses and applications of Lilium Xtract terpenes: You can use this product to add flavors and/or aromas of cannabis to : E-liquids CBD flowers and pollen CBD extracts and concentrates


Chocolope is an American sativa variety (Chocolate Thai x Canalope Haze) created at the end of the Nineties. The terpenes of Chocolope present flavours of chocolate and haze with some fruity and floral aromatic aspects. An incredible and unique blend of terpenes. This version of Chocolope is part of our Profile line, made with botanical terpenes and is 100% organic. Uses and applications of Lilium Xtract terpenes You can use this product to add cannabis flavors and/or aromas to : E-liquids CBD flowers and pollen CBD extractions and concentrates (distillate, crystal, crumble, BHO, rosin, wax) Food Beverages Cosmetics (perfume, cream) Aromatherapy (essential oils, diffuser, candles) Recommendation on dosages: This product is pure, it contains only 100% terpenes. Do not ingest as is. The recommendations of dosages and proportions must be respected before consumption Line:Profile Line


Watermelon is classified as a fruity variety. The terpenes in watermelon are very reminiscent of the watermelon scent, very fruity with carbonated and earthy undertones. The aromatic aspects of watermelon reveal fruity and earthy notes. This version of Watermelon is part of our Profile line, made with botanical terpenes and is 100% organic. Lilium Xtract Terpenes Uses and Applications: You can use this product to add cannabis flavors and/or aromas to: E-liquids CBD flowers and pollen CBD extractions and concentrates (distillate, crystal, crumble, BHO, rosin, wax) Food Beverages Cosmetics (perfume, cream) Aromatherapy (essential oils, diffusers, candles) Line:Profile Line
Violetinis Punch

Violetinis Punch

Purple Punch (Grandaddy Purple x Larry OG) is a hybrid strain whose terpenes pack a grape candy and blueberry muffin scent, with fruity and floral aromatic aspects. This version of Purple Punch is part of our Profile line, made with botanical terpenes and is 100% organic. Uses and applications of Lilium Xtract terpenes You can use this product to add cannabis flavors and/or aromas to : E-liquids CBD flowers and pollen CBD extractions and concentrates (distillate, crystal, crumble, BHO, rosin, wax) Food Beverages Cosmetics (perfume, cream) Aromatherapy (essential oils, diffuser, candles) Recommendation on dosages: This product is pure, it contains only 100% terpenes. Line:Profile Line
Mėlynių sausainis

Mėlynių sausainis

This version of Blueberry Cookie is part of our Derived Mix line. Made with a unique steam distillation process to capture and preserve the essential flavors and aromas of cannabis flowers, this blend made with terpenes derived from cannabis gives a powerful and unforgettable flavor. 100% organic, natural, without GMO nor residues. 0 % THC, 0 % CBD, 100 % legal. Blueberry Cookie is a primed American hybrid variety (Blueberry x Girl Scout Cookie). Blueberry Cookie's flavor is a blend of fresh blueberries, roasted nuts and mint, with woody and fruity aromatic aspects. These terpenes provide an incredible aroma. Lilium Xtract Terpenes Uses and Applications: You can use this product to add cannabis flavors and/or aromas to: E-liquids CBD flowers and pollen CBD extractions and concentrates (distillate, crystal, crumble, BHO, rosin, wax) Food Beverages Cosmetics (perfume, cream) Line:Derived Mix
Strawberry OG

Strawberry OG

Strawberry OG is a hybrid variety, which was obtained by crossing three notorious varieties (SFV OG x Bruce Banner x Strawberry Diesel). These terpenes offer a unique mix between strawberry and gasoline flavors, with fruity and pungent aromatic aspects. This version of Strawberry OG is part of our Profile line, made with botanical terpenes and is 100% organic. Lilium Xtract Terpenes Uses and Applications: You can use this product to add cannabis flavors and/or aromas to: E-liquids CBD flowers and pollen CBD extractions and concentrates (distillate, crystal, crumble, BHO, rosin, wax) Food Beverages Cosmetics (perfume, cream) Aromatherapy (essential oils, diffusers, candles) Line:Profile Line


This version of Limoncello is part of our Derived Mix line. Made with a unique steam distillation process to capture and preserve the essential scents and aromas of cannabis flowers, this blend made with terpenes derived from cannabis gives a powerful and unforgettable scent. 100% organic, natural, without GMO nor residues. 0 % THC, 0 % CBD, 100 % legal. The Limoncello is a hybrid variety (Lemmonade x Cherry Pie). The tones of flavor of Limoncello are a mixture between smells of lemon and cherry combined with a nuance of citrus and fruity and acidic aromatic aspects. An explosion of smell and taste! Uses and applications of Lilium Xtract terpenes: You can use this product to add cannabis flavors and/or aromas to : E-liquids CBD flowers and pollen CBD extractions and concentrates (distillate, crystal, crumble, BHO, rosin, wax) Food Beverages Cosmetics (perfume, cream) Line:Derived Mix


Zkittlez is an American variety awarded by many Cannabis Cups, whose crossing of varieties is kept secret. The terpenes of zkittlez give off a unique sweet fruit scent, with some tropical and fruity aromatic aspects. This version of Zkittlez is part of our Profile line, made with botanical terpenes and is 100% organic. Lilium Xtract Terpenes Uses and Applications: You can use this product to add cannabis flavors and/or aromas to: E-liquids CBD flowers and pollen CBD extractions and concentrates (distillate, crystal, crumble, BHO, rosin, wax) Food Beverages Cosmetics (perfume, cream) Aromatherapy (essential oils, diffusers, candles) Line:Profile Line
Sour Diesel

Sour Diesel

This version of Sour Diesel is part of our Derived Mix range. These terpenes come directly from the cannabis plant. Made with a unique steam distillation process to capture and preserve the essential scents and aromas of cannabis flowers, it contains over 90% terpenes derived from cannabis, resulting in a powerful and unforgettable fragrance. 100% organic, natural, without GMO nor residues. 0 % THC, 0 % CBD, 100 % legal. Sour Diesel is a very known variety, classified at Lilium Xtract as a Classic variety. Its terpenes give a strong smell of diesel and some nuances of earthy perfumes, with an earthy aromatic aspect. Lilium Xtract Terpenes Uses and Applications: You can use this product to add cannabis flavors and/or aromas to: E-liquids CBD flowers and pollen CBD extractions and concentrates (distillate, crystal, crumble, BHO, rosin, wax) Food Beverages Cosmetics (perfume, cream) Line:Derived Mix
Obama Kush

Obama Kush

Obama Kush is a variety born in America, crossing an Afghan with an OG kush. The terpenes of Obama Kush give off a powerful earthy and diesel scent, with an earthy aromatic aspect. This version of Obama Kush is part of our Profile line, made with botanical terpenes and is 100% organic. Lilium Xtract Terpenes Uses and Applications: You can use this product to add cannabis flavors and/or aromas to : E-liquids CBD flowers and pollen CBD extractions and concentrates (distillate, crystal, crumble, BHO, rosin, wax) Food Line:Profile Line
Žalia Plyša

Žalia Plyša

This version of Green Crack is part of our Derived Mix line. Made with a unique steam distillation process to capture and preserve the essential scents and aromas of cannabis flowers, this blend made with terpenes derived from cannabis gives a powerful and unforgettable scent. 100% organic, natural, without GMO nor residues. 0 % THC, 0 % CBD, 100 % legal. Green Crack is a classic variety whose terpenes present a complex perfume, which balances between the fruity odors of mango and acidulous, with some fruity and earthy aromatic aspects. Uses and applications of Lilium Xtract terpenes: You can use this product to add cannabis flavors and/or aromas to: E-liquids CBD flowers and pollen CBD extractions and concentrates (distillate, crystal, crumble, BHO, rosin, wax) Food Beverages Cosmetics (perfume, cream) Aromatherapy (essential oils, diffusers, candles) Line:Derived Mix


Gelato is one of our classic varieties. Gelato terpenes have creamy, sweet and fruity flavors with a touch of pine, with floral and fruity aromatic aspects. This Gelato version is part of our Profile line, made with botanical terpenes and is 100% organic. Uses and applications of Lilium Xtract terpenes: You can use this product to add cannabis flavors and/or aromas to : E-liquids CBD flowers and pollen CBD extractions and concentrates (distillate, crystal, crumble, BHO, rosin, wax) Food Beverages Cosmetics (perfume, cream) Aromatherapy (essential oils, diffusers, candles)
Skywalker OG

Skywalker OG

La Skywalker OG est considérée par beaucoup comme une version améliorée de la OG Kush. Classée comme variété classique en raison de son fort parfum de cannabis, les terpènes de Skywalker OG vous choqueront avec leur forte odeur d'agrumes et de pin, ainsi que leurs aspects aromatiques de pin et de bois. Cette version de Skywalker OG fait partie de notre ligne Profile, fabriquée avec des terpènes botaniques et est 100 % biologique. Usages et applications des terpènes Lilium Xtract : Vous pouvez utiliser ce produit pour ajouter des parfums et/ou des arômes de cannabis à : E-liquides Fleurs et pollen de CBD Extractions et concentrés de CBD (distillat, cristal, crumble, BHO, colophane, cire) Aliments Breuvages Cosmétiques (parfum, crème) Aromathérapie (huiles essentielles, diffuseur, bougies) Line:Profile Line
OG Kush

OG Kush

OG Kush is a classic strain popular with cannabis connoisseurs and smells like a mix between fuel, skunk and spice, with an earthy aromatic aspect. This version of OG Kush is part of our Profile line, made with botanical terpenes and is 100% organic. Lilium Xtract Terpenes Uses and Applications: You can use this product to add cannabis flavors and/or aromas to : E-liquids CBD flowers and pollen CBD extractions and concentrates (distillate, crystal, crumble, BHO, rosin, wax) Food Beverages Cosmetics (perfume, cream) Aromatherapy (essential oils, diffuser, candles) Recommendation on dosages: This product is pure, it contains only 100% terpenes. Line:Profile Line
Jazminai - (Jasminum grandiflorum L.) Konkretus / Absoliutus

Jazminai - (Jasminum grandiflorum L.) Konkretus / Absoliutus

Extraction par de l'hexane (concrète) et en suite à l'éthanol (absolue) Partie de la plante : Fleurs 100 % pure, naturelle et de qualité


This version of Zkittlez is part of our Derived Mix line. Made with a unique steam distillation process to capture and preserve the essential scents and aromas of cannabis flowers, this blend made with terpenes derived from cannabis gives a powerful and unforgettable scent. 100% organic, natural, without GMO nor residues. 0 % THC, 0 % CBD, 100 % legal. Zkittlez is an American variety awarded by many Cannabis Cups, whose crossing of the varieties is kept secret. The terpenes of Zkittlez give off a unique sweet fruity scent, with some tropical and fruity aromatic aspects. Uses and applications of Lilium Xtract terpenes: You can use this product to add cannabis flavors and/or aromas to: E-liquids CBD flowers and pollen CBD extractions and concentrates (distillate, crystal, crumble, BHO, rosin, wax) Food Beverages Cosmetics (perfume, cream) Line:Derived Mix
Baltoji našlė

Baltoji našlė

White Widow is a classic variety, created at the end of the 1990s by crossing a Brazilian landrace with an indica of the south of India. White Widow's terpenes give off pine and spice flavours, with a pungent aromatic aspect. This version of White Widow is part of our Profile line, made with botanical terpenes and is 100% organic. Lilium Xtract Terpenes Uses and Applications: You can use this product to add cannabis flavors and/or aromas to: E-liquids CBD flowers and pollen CBD extractions and concentrates (distillate, crystal, crumble, BHO, rosin, wax) Food Beverages Cosmetics (perfume, cream) Aromatherapy (essential oils, diffusers, candles) Line:Profile Line