Lietuva, Alytus
UAB „ Maristika“ įsteigta 1995 metais. UAB „Maristika“ gali pasiūlyti platų žaliavinio ir apdirbto stiklo asortimentą. Taip pat prekiauja medžiagomis, skirtomis stiklo paketų gamybai.
Lietuva, Alytus
The company offers its customers the following products: Tempered glass (product) that is cut and processed in accordance with the specifications provided by the supplier, tempered and made from the company's raw materials. Tempering service – the glass is processed and tempered or only tempered when producing it of raw materials of the customer. The rugged and processed glass, glass blanks. Accor...
Lietuva, Kaunas
The company can meet the needs of different customers We can supply glass as the raw material and in the form of final products of flat glass. We are independent and it is that makes us special, because we cooperate with different companies in Europe that allows us to provide our customers with the highest quality glass products at competitive prices. UAB “Aperte” cooperates with various enterpri...
Lietuva, Vilnius
...Siekdama maksimalaus pelno bendrovė kelią sau griežtus reikalavimus, tausojant supančią aplinką ir mažinant jai daromą poveikį.UAB „Medalpas“ kokybės ir aplinkosaugos politikos principai:prižiūrėti ir nuolat tobulinti kokybės ir aplinkos apsaugos vadybos sistemą;analizuoti, vertinti ir įgyvendinti klientų poreikius ir lūkesčius;tobulinti gamybos technologijas, diegti technines naujoves, siekti...
Lietuva, Kaunas
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